How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones.

Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.

Or, could just ignore gun-free zones and you know, be discreet shall we say. ;)
Do you suppose that if the so called government did their job, that those with the intent to kill others would be not able to get guns? Why would a fanatical muslim be able to purchase a gun legally , FBI background check given the seller the okay to do it? It isn't the sellers problem but the GOV
You are such an idiot. How do I know you are one? Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw. But since you liberal watch Liberalwood(Hollywood) and believe everything that comes out of that degenerate city, you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

View attachment 56137

You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?
One carries concealed because he doesn't want anyone to know he has a gun, allowing him to get away from an incident to safety and contact authorities.

One carries concealed solely for self-defense, not to act in the capacity of "law enforcement."
"How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones."

This is ignorant idiocy.

Government can't force business and private property owners to allow customers to carry firearms on their property.

And those licensed to carry concealed firearms do so anyway even when property owners prohibit them from doing so; hence the myth of "gun free zones."

The notion that mythical "gun free zones" are "responsible" for mass shootings is devoid of fact or evidence in support, nothing but a ridiculous fallacy.

Another drive by posting from C-Clayton pseudo-intellectual.

Law abiding gun owners are just that, law abiding. They will usually follow instructions when told the owner of the property, or the operator of the business asks them to leave their weapons at home or in the car.

Gun free zones are the preferred targets of madmen because they know they have a better chance of more time to do what they want to do before people with guns show up.

What should happen is if you declare a gun free zone, and you don't provide protection and/or control, you can be held civilly liable for any injuries that happen when some nut job decides to shoot the place up.
You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?
One carries concealed because he doesn't want anyone to know he has a gun, allowing him to get away from an incident to safety and contact authorities.

One carries concealed solely for self-defense, not to act in the capacity of "law enforcement."

A Police officer has no duty to stop someone from harming you, they are only there to arrest a person after a crime has been committed. Anything they do extra is of their own volition.

Citizens do not give up the right to defend themselves or others when they create police forces, what they do is give the police the right to arrest and detain another person without the threat of liability being attached directly to them (as long as they follow proper procedures).

A citizen can make an arrest just like an officer, the differences is the citizen is liable for damages if they make a mistake.
One carries concealed because he doesn't want anyone to know he has a gun, allowing him to get away from an incident to safety and contact authorities.

One carries concealed solely for self-defense, not to act in the capacity of "law enforcement."
Do you know the law ? Legally, "self-defense" means the defense of one' own self, PLUS the defense of others.
"How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones."

This is ignorant idiocy.

Government can't force business and private property owners to allow customers to carry firearms on their property.

And those licensed to carry concealed firearms do so anyway even when property owners prohibit them from doing so; hence the myth of "gun free zones."

The notion that mythical "gun free zones" are "responsible" for mass shootings is devoid of fact or evidence in support, nothing but a ridiculous fallacy.

All 3 of these idiotic statements are FALSE (Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3)

1. Of course govt can force business and private property owners to allow customers to carry firearms on their property. Simply by banning gun-free zones.

2. I go to a VA Hospital which is a gun-free zone. I went there yesterday without carrying my gun, and I'm going there again today (without carrying my gun) Thousands of other CCW carriers are the same.

3. OBVIOUSLY, if the numerous gun-free zones that had mass shootings in them, were not gun-free zones, the mass shootings were never have occurred, or (like the July 4, 2002 LAX shooting) would have been very limited in damage, with the mass shooter being killed before he could do extensive damage.

If you don't want the debate (obviously you do not), why did you bother starting a thread?
To have a debate about gun-free zone vs NON gun-free zone. Not concealed vs open carry.

Some people have to be told twice.
Do you suppose that if the so called government did their job, that those with the intent to kill others would be not able to get guns? Why would a fanatical muslim be able to purchase a gun legally , FBI background check given the seller the okay to do it? It isn't the sellers problem but the GOV
You are such an idiot. How do I know you are one? Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw. But since you liberal watch Liberalwood(Hollywood) and believe everything that comes out of that degenerate city, you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

View attachment 56137

You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?
Why should I broadcast to a liberal that I am carrying a weapon in Obamas's America? This is the liberal UTOPIA that you liberals wanted right? You voted for Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, the lowering of the oceans and the planet healing, right? Why is it with the most liberal president ever, that cities like Chicago, Baltimore, NYC and other liberal bastions of refuse, that people go out of their way and execute others? The liberals in the inner cities should be elated that they have a 1/2 black president and are taken care of? Let me repeat what I tried to enlighten you with. I carry concealed so I can walk around places, not FEEL threatened by others. It is legal that I carry, and I am not afraid to use it.

Why should I broadcast to a liberal that I am carrying a weapon in Obamas's America? This is the liberal UTOPIA that you liberals wanted right? You voted for Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, the lowering of the oceans and the planet healing, right? Why is it with the most liberal president ever, that cities like Chicago, Baltimore, NYC and other liberal bastions of refuse, that people go out of their way and execute others? The liberals in the inner cities should be elated that they have a 1/2 black president and are taken care of? Let me repeat what I tried to enlighten you with. I carry concealed so I can walk around places, not FEEL threatened by others. It is legal that I carry, and I am not afraid to use it.[/QUOTE]

You are scared enough for 3 people. Rest easy
Do you suppose that if the so called government did their job, that those with the intent to kill others would be not able to get guns? Why would a fanatical muslim be able to purchase a gun legally , FBI background check given the seller the okay to do it? It isn't the sellers problem but the GOV
You are such an idiot. How do I know you are one? Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw. But since you liberal watch Liberalwood(Hollywood) and believe everything that comes out of that degenerate city, you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

View attachment 56137

You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?

"Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says
DETROIT (CBS Detroit)More guns, fewer problems. That, at least, is Detroit Police Chief’s James Craig’s view of Detroit and fears about a possible terrorist attack.

While cities around the world are on heightened alert following a devastating ISIS attack in Paris, Detroit’s police chief says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in the rust belt city."
Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.

It would be one helluva lot easier to just write a couple of laws which would prevent military style weapons from getting into the hands of every Tom, Dick and Harry!
Abolishing gun free zones means that no one is entitled to take action against someone walking into your establishment carrying an arsenal of weapons,
at least until he starts shooting people.

FALSE! The mere act of abolishing a gun-free zone, does not carry with it an automatic privilege to carry an unrestricted quantity of guns. Of course there could be restrictions on long guns, and anyone carrying an arsenal of weapons in would soon be stopped.

lol, WTF do you think gun free or not gun free mean?
You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?

"Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says
DETROIT (CBS Detroit)More guns, fewer problems. That, at least, is Detroit Police Chief’s James Craig’s view of Detroit and fears about a possible terrorist attack.

While cities around the world are on heightened alert following a devastating ISIS attack in Paris, Detroit’s police chief says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in the rust belt city."
Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says

Ive seen it all. A right winger celebrating Detroit.

Whats next, accolades for Chicago? Terrorists definitely will run into someone with a gun there. Murder capital and gun control failure that you all say it is.

But you all used to trash Detroit also.
What I find most hilarious about the RWnut view of this is that they obviously don't realize that 'gun free zones' do not preclude the presence of armed guards, security personnel, etc.

That's because you're stupid people.

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