How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones.

It would be one helluva lot easier to just write a couple of laws which would prevent military style weapons from getting into the hands of every Tom, Dick and Harry!

Doesn't matter a bit if they have military weapons or just handguns. In a gun-free zone, one killer with a couple of handguns and lots of clips, could kill dozens of people in less than a minute.
What I find most hilarious about the RWnut view of this is that they obviously don't realize that 'gun free zones' do not preclude the presence of armed guards, security personnel, etc.

That's because you're stupid people.
Problem is, "smart person", that MANY gun-free zones buildings DON'T HAVE any functional security armed guards. (ex. VA hospital that I go to) Another example is is all the gun-free zone places where people have been getting slaughtered recently.
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.
That's true.
Australia, UK, Japan, Canada don't have "Gun Free Zones" mass shootings there.
You might just be onto something.
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.
That's true.
Australia, UK, Japan, Canada don't have "Gun Free Zones" mass shootings there.
You might just be onto something.
Australia - surrounded by water, doesn't have a southern border porous to illegal aliens entering at will.
UK - surrounded by water, doesn't have a southern border porous to illegal aliens entering at will.
Japan - surrounded by water, doesn't have a southern border porous to illegal aliens entering at will.
Canada - protected by a country to the south that has a porous border allowing illegal aliens to enter at will, and providing FREE stuff so they will stay.

Do you see anything in common with what idb posted?

Holder Fled DOJ Over Fast & Furious Gun Smuggling Plot - Bearing Arms - ATF, Crime, Eric Holder, Fast & Furious, Justice Department
Government Watchdog Judicial Watch is claiming that Attorney General Eric Holder has announced his resignation due to his inability to further stonewall the American people over his role in one of ten alleged plots to smuggle American guns to Mexican narco-terrorist organizations and domestic gangs in an attempt to build support for more draconian gun control laws in the United States
There have been so many scandals from this president that many have been forgotten. But hey "At this point what difference does it make?" Know what I mean.
Terrorist Watchlist No Bar to Buying Guns
Say you’re on the government’s terrorist watchlist and want to buy a gun. No problem, according to FBI data released last year: From 2004 to 2014, more than 2,000 people listed as known or suspected terrorists bought a handgun, sports rifle or assault weapon.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office also reported in 2010. The GAO said it did not have data on how many firearms purchases were completed because dealers are not required to submit that information to the FBI.
Bet you libtards didn't know this did you. Your wonderful guvment allowing known terrorists(like what happened in San Bernardino) to purchase weapons but then say We the People need to have stricter gun laws. Guess it starts in your own backyard, and like the IRS, VA and other federal agencies, nothing but failures at doing their jobs. It is the liberal way.
Ah yes, I guess you never made a mistake in typing, so are a liberal spelling police. Thank you for your comment. I remember Ms. Gifford and how she was shot, not by a gun toting conservative, that the liberal media was hoping for, but a liberal who thought that she didn't go far enough for the liberal cause. Why is it that liberals hate other people so much? Because they hate themselves, their parents who brought their sorry asses in the world, and since they can never be happy, them must make sure everyone else isn't happy. It is just the way of liberals.

As for me being a loose cannon? I have never shot anyone in my life, either in anger or in self defense, but as I am a trained ex military veteran(who protected your sorry ass from losing your country), I know how to defend others. Now I have to deal with a sorry ass government who wants to take away my right to defend my family, my friends and myself, so they(the government) can steal everything I own, and you are just a lickspittle lapdog, who sits around smoking dope all day, hating your life. If I would of been there in California when the shooting took place, the FANATICAL MUSLIM and his squeeze would of been put down before the 2nd shot got off. You on the other hand would of been one of those 14 victims who will never see another day. But then you would be happy, as you wouldn't have to see your sorry face in the mirror again.

Yawn....yeah....only if you would have been there.
Yawn yeah, that is why I carry concealed, but please, do me a favor, when you are in a mall, and there is a shooting, you go ahead and tell the purp that the mall is a gun free zone, and see if he gives up his weapon. You are such a libtard.

Not sure what a "purp" is but I'll take that under advisement. Thanks.

But while I have you here, why do you carry concealed? Wouldn't it be better if the gunslinger saw you had a weapon and chose not to open fire in the first place? Wouldn't no violence be the goal or is it just a schoolboy fantasy you have about it ala A Chistmas Story?

"Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says
DETROIT (CBS Detroit)More guns, fewer problems. That, at least, is Detroit Police Chief’s James Craig’s view of Detroit and fears about a possible terrorist attack.

While cities around the world are on heightened alert following a devastating ISIS attack in Paris, Detroit’s police chief says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in the rust belt city."
Armed Citizens Deter Terrorist Attacks In Detroit, Police Chief Says

Ive seen it all. A right winger celebrating Detroit.

Whats next, accolades for Chicago? Terrorists definitely will run into someone with a gun there. Murder capital and gun control failure that you all say it is.

But you all used to trash Detroit also.

"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.

So then they will just switch to bombs.
Gun free signs are an open invitation to any who want to murder.
You can have them for legal purposes, just don't advertise it.
We also said that Political Correctness was going to get us killed and it did.
The neighbors were afraid to be labeled as anti Muslim if they reported them.

The answer is not more gun laws that don't work anyway.
The answer is take down the gun free signs, have stricter immigration laws.
Ban fiancé visas from the countries that are recruiting Jihad.
Stop promoting PC.
Gun free signs are an open invitation to any who want to murder.
You can have them for legal purposes, just don't advertise it.
We also said that Political Correctness was going to get us killed and it did.
The neighbors were afraid to be labeled as anti Muslim if they reported them.

The answer is not more gun laws that don't work anyway.
The answer is take down the gun free signs, have stricter immigration laws.
Ban fiancé visas from the countries that are recruiting Jihad.
Stop promoting PC.
Promote "open carry" laws
Encourage citizens with gun permits to carry at all times
Deport "ALL" illegals
Secure our borders with sound and motion detectors, air patrols, and canine units
Open and inspect every single cargo container that enters our ports
Stop issuing visas without doing a complete and thorough background check
Make "ALL" visas limited to 14 days max, unless authorized under special conditions and situations
Allow armed guards at "ALL" public buildings housing state and local government offices
Gun free signs are an open invitation to any who want to murder.
You can have them for legal purposes, just don't advertise it.
We also said that Political Correctness was going to get us killed and it did.
The neighbors were afraid to be labeled as anti Muslim if they reported them.

The answer is not more gun laws that don't work anyway.
The answer is take down the gun free signs, have stricter immigration laws.
Ban fiancé visas from the countries that are recruiting Jihad.
Stop promoting PC.
Promote "open carry" laws
Encourage citizens with gun permits to carry at all times
Deport "ALL" illegals
Secure our borders with sound and motion detectors, air patrols, and canine units
Open and inspect every single cargo container that enters our ports
Stop issuing visas without doing a complete and thorough background check
Make "ALL" visas limited to 14 days max, unless authorized under special conditions and situations
Allow armed guards at "ALL" public buildings housing state and local government offices
Ulster Co. Sheriff Calls for Licensed Citizens to Take Up Arms | Patch
In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to PLEASE DO SO.

I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.
You wont see Jihadi's in this area, but maybe down in NYC, where only the police can shoot to kill. But it always takes from 5 to 10 minutes for the men in blue to show up, and by then most of the killings are done, as we saw in San Bernardino. More people are waking up and realizing that the REAL enemy of America sits in a Rainbow House praying to the east in the hope he can rule US for the rest of his life.
White House Seeks Path to Executive Action on Gun Sales
WASHINGTON — In the hours after the San Bernardino rampage, President Obama reiterated the plea for “common sense gun safety laws” that he has made after virtually every mass shooting during his presidency.

But top White House advisers say they are still struggling to find a way for Mr. Obama to use his executive powers and tighten restrictions on gun sales, sidestepping a gridlocked Congress. While he has ordered officials to find ways for him to act unilaterally, aides said they have run into legal and political hurdles that make that difficult.
Merry Christmas to all the gun and ammo dealers, as once again, the moron in chief is going to have people go out and buy more. At times I think that liberal politicians and gun and ammo makers, actually are in cohorts, because when gun and ammo sales start to decline then the liberals start talking about some action to make it harder to buy these items in the near future, then the American Citizens go out and buy more before the time comes. So then the manufacturers make obscene profits, and with these profits, give a lot of money to the Democrat Party for campaign funds, and then it starts all over again. Wow, what a conspiracy theory that would be if it really was.. And how stupid liberals really are, thinking that the liberals in power want to get guns off the streets. Calif. Lawmaker Is Caught Selling Guns
More proof that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Although in this case it’s a gun "outlawer" with the illegal weapons. Specifically, Democrat California State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco who was also a candidate for California secretary of state until his unfortunate encounter with the FBI.
Yee is charged with “conspiracy to traffic in firearms without a license and to illegally importing firearms” in addition to another six counts of defrauding citizens of “honest services” — a term open to considerable interpretation when dealing with politicians.
Third thread on this idiotic idea and that's just this morning.

First - there's no such thing as a "gun free zone" But I'll ask you what I asked in one of the other nutter threads -

So, uh, are you saying a woman survivor said she had time to leave where she was visiting with friends at the xmas party, unlock her locker, get her purse out of her locker, get her gun out of her purse, put her purse back, lock the locker, return to the party and take down the shooters?


How about we stop NRA's helping terrorists buy guns?

Yes and if we made people walk there would be zero automobile accidents. I say lets do it!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.
That's true.
Australia, UK, Japan, Canada don't have "Gun Free Zones" mass shootings there.
You might just be onto something.
When you go outside the US, you're talking apples and oranges. Now back to the US > Chicago is gun-free zone (murder capital of America)
That's true.
Australia, UK, Japan, Canada don't have "Gun Free Zones" mass shootings there.
You might just be onto something.
When you go outside the US, you're talking apples and oranges. Now back to the US > Chicago is gun-free zone (murder capital of America)
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

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