How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones.

Obama's new gun proposals are already in effect in CA.

California has the strictest gun control in the nation, so Obama's politicization of San Bernardino rings sickeningly hollow.

California has one of the lowest overall gun death rates:

This Chart Shows That States With Tighter Gun Control Laws Have Fewer Deaths
Look at the chart.

You would get more correct unbiased statics from the FBI rather than lefty Slate.
They manipulate their data and statistics in order to fit the Dem's political agenda.

Well then post them or shut up.

We all have many, many times, it's you who ignores them when we do.

No you haven't and who cares. You made an accusation in THIS thread. Stop being a retard for 2 minutes and prove your charge.

So it only applies to this thread?
How about you look it up for yourself?

"On December 3, The Washington Postreported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones;WaPo claims those shootings are on the increase.
According toWaPo, “In 1993, there were seven homicides by firearm for every 100,000 Americans. … By 2013, that figure had fallen by nearly half, to 3.6 [per 100,000].”

Please show me in that link where the Post says gunfree zone shootings are on the increase.

If I missed it I apologize.

Two queries...just to give everyone a chuckle at your expense:

Were you lying when you posted "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic." that why you are know to be a congenital liar, NYLiar?

Don't change the subject.

Where in the linked WAPO article does it say anything about gunfree zones.

Let's wrote "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic."

I wrote "I don't recall ever posting same.
Provide it." attempted to retreat this way:
"You don't recall ever going to a gun range?


So.....I caught you lying again?

Don't change the subject.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Does that help your memory? Eh?


Let's wrote "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic."

I wrote "I don't recall ever posting same.
Provide it." attempted to retreat this way:
"You don't recall ever going to a gun range?


The link you provided has no such picture provided by me.

So.....I caught you lying again....what is it...second....third time?
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.

We didn't start having these mass shootings until the last 30 or so years.

in the 60s and 70s we didn't have gun free zones and we didn't have mass shootings like we have today.

What's the difference between then and now? Not gun free zones. It's the availability of guns to anyone who wants them. It's the availability to buy semi automatic guns that kill many in a matter of seconds.

Ending gun free zones isn't going to stop the carnage.

Seems to me we got it right in the 60s and 70s. We should go back to what we had then. Not add more guns everywhere in America.

From post #118:
According toWaPo, “In 1993, there were seven homicides by firearm for every 100,000 Americans. … By 2013, that figure had fallen by nearly half, to 3.6 [per 100,000].”
For example,Congressional Research Serviceshowed that the number of privately owned firearms increased from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million in 2009. And record background checks under Obama make it easy to see how tens of millions more privately owned guns have found their way into Americans’ hands since 2009.

So gun ownership increased for 20 years, but “gun homicides” decreased–except in gun free zones." WaPo: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones

Seems you're dead wrong.

Quote the WAPO article regarding gun free zones.

"On December 3, The Washington Postreported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones;WaPo claims those shootings are on the increase.
According toWaPo, “In 1993, there were seven homicides by firearm for every 100,000 Americans. … By 2013, that figure had fallen by nearly half, to 3.6 [per 100,000].”

Please show me in that link where the Post says gunfree zone shootings are on the increase.

If I missed it I apologize.

Two queries...just to give everyone a chuckle at your expense:

Were you lying when you posted "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic." that why you are know to be a congenital liar, NYLiar?

Don't change the subject.

Where in the linked WAPO article does it say anything about gunfree zones.

Let's wrote "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic."

I wrote "I don't recall ever posting same.
Provide it." attempted to retreat this way:
"You don't recall ever going to a gun range?


So.....I caught you lying again?

Don't change the subject.

No you didn't catch me lying. You don't remember (or claim you don't remember) ever posting such pictures.

Now back to the WAPO. Where is that quote?

Yet you can't find any, eh, NYLiar?
California has one of the lowest overall gun death rates:

This Chart Shows That States With Tighter Gun Control Laws Have Fewer Deaths
Look at the chart.
Chicago's gun control laws are among the tightest in the nation. They are also # 1 in murders by guns. So much for your chart.
Telling that to a liberal is a total waste of time.

They really want to get rid of guns entirely.....except for the guns that are going to be used against us after we're disarmed.
California has one of the lowest overall gun death rates:

This Chart Shows That States With Tighter Gun Control Laws Have Fewer Deaths
Look at the chart.
Chicago's gun control laws are among the tightest in the nation. They are also # 1 in murders by guns. So much for your chart.
Telling that to a liberal is a total waste of time.

They really want to get rid of guns entirely.....except for the guns that are going to be used against us after we're disarmed.

Exactly, they want us like the poor Parisians.
Telling that to a liberal is a total waste of time.

They really want to get rid of guns entirely.....except for the guns that are going to be used against us after we're disarmed.
The ones who want to get rid of CCW licensed guns are helping ISIS. They might as well be on the ISIS payroll.
One carries concealed because he doesn't want anyone to know he has a gun, allowing him to get away from an incident to safety and contact authorities.

One carries concealed solely for self-defense, not to act in the capacity of "law enforcement."
So you are someone who does not hold a CCW license, and who has not received the training for the license, and you are telling trained CCW license holders all about the subject of CCW. Well, aren't we lucky to have you here to instruct us, and tell us all about it ?
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4 Suspects in Brooklyn Rape Are in Custody
“It forces you to think differently about your own neighborhood,” said Alethea Pierce, who has lived in the area for 43 years.

The police said five young men, one of them armed, walked up to the father and daughter at Osborn Playground just after 9 p.m. on Thursday. The father and daughter told the police they had been at the playground drinking beer, a Police Department official said on Sunday, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a continuing investigation.

Many questions about the assault and its aftermath remained difficult to account for. The father ran to get help, but the police official said it took him roughly 20 minutes to come upon two officers in a patrol car. By the time the father returned to the playground with the officers, the young men had each raped the woman and fled, the official said.
NYC, Gun Free Zone. Underage Yuts drinking beer and raping an 18 year old girl. That Hope and Change hard at work. Liberal compassion where if it feels good just do it. If these black liberal thugs tried this shit in Virginia, all of them would of been executed without a trial, as I for one would respond with force. When you disarm the citizens and tell police not to do their jobs, then soon, crime is just the norm for that city. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat

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