How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones.

You wont see Jihadi's in this area, but maybe down in NYC, where only the police can shoot to kill. But it always takes from 5 to 10 minutes for the men in blue to show up, and by then most of the killings are done, as we saw in San Bernardino. More people are waking up and realizing that the REAL enemy of America sits in a Rainbow House praying to the east in the hope he can rule US for the rest of his life.
Correct. Police are responders. They respond to radio calls pertainingto crimes that have ALREADY occured. What is needed in this new age of ISIS warfare is DEFENDERS. That would be security (armed) personnel already in place, or dozens of CCW permit holders in place, to stop terrorists as they begin to act.
That's true.
Australia, UK, Japan, Canada don't have "Gun Free Zones" mass shootings there.
You might just be onto something.
When you go outside the US, you're talking apples and oranges. Now back to the US > Chicago is gun-free zone (murder capital of America)
Canada has had mass shootings recently. And Canada has the 13th-largest civilian firearms arsenal in the world.

The Tragedies That Have Shaped Canada's Gun Politics

Canada Edmonton: Eight killed in 'senseless mass murder' - BBC News

Police: Gunman who killed 3 officers still on the loose -

Canada Halifax: Police say they foiled shooting plot - BBC News

Grief and few solutions in wake of mass Toronto shooting

As for UK, who can forget THIS guy ? >>>

Or this >>

And note THIS >>>

As for Australia and Japan, jihadists haven't gotten there yet. But they will. They seek world conquest.
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.

You appear not to have a facility with the English language.

Weren't much of a student, huh?

You'd best look up the word "again."

And, before any of the nit-wits attempt to use the myth that the bad ol' Americans were out to get him....

"Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service"
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

And the revelation:
"5803574The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents.

....Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said.
Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.

You appear not to have a facility with the English language.

Weren't much of a student, huh?

You'd best look up the word "again."

Go ahead. Deny that you ever posted the picture I described.
"Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – All licensed handgun owners in Ulster County should carry their pistols.

That’s the message Thursday from the Ulster County Sheriff.

Ulster County is located about two hours north of New York City.

“In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to please do so,” wrote Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum in a Facebook post.

“I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.”

Van Blarcum’s post comes a day after authorities said a married couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif."
Ulster County Sheriff: All Licensed Handgun Owners Should Carry Them

And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.

You appear not to have a facility with the English language.

Weren't much of a student, huh?

You'd best look up the word "again."

Go ahead. Deny that you ever posted the picture I described.

I don't recall ever posting same.

Provide it.
And this good Sheriff's advice is coming from a Democrat. Goes to show, just because you're a Democrat doesn't mean you have to be an unarmed, defenseless fool.

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.

You appear not to have a facility with the English language.

Weren't much of a student, huh?

You'd best look up the word "again."

Go ahead. Deny that you ever posted the picture I described.

I don't recall ever posting same.

Provide it.

You don't recall ever going to a gun range?

One can only hope that more of them see the light before that light comes through perforations.

Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic.

You appear not to have a facility with the English language.

Weren't much of a student, huh?

You'd best look up the word "again."

Go ahead. Deny that you ever posted the picture I described.

I don't recall ever posting same.

Provide it.

You don't recall ever going to a gun range?


Let's wrote "Post that picture of that old Korean lady shooting a machine gun again. That was epic."

I wrote "I don't recall ever posting same.
Provide it." attempted to retreat this way:
"You don't recall ever going to a gun range?


So.....I caught you lying again?
FYI - No one can stop mass shootings. It's impossible.

"Washington Post: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones"
WaPo: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones

Since the Washington Post article never mentions gun-free zones, someone is lying in the above title.

Breitbart? You?

"On December 3, The Washington Postreported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones;WaPo claims those shootings are on the increase.
According toWaPo, “In 1993, there were seven homicides by firearm for every 100,000 Americans. … By 2013, that figure had fallen by nearly half, to 3.6 [per 100,000].”

Breitbart News previously pointed to this decline and explained it correlated with a massive increase in privately owned firearms over the same period of time. For example,Congressional Research Serviceshowed that the number of privately owned firearms increased from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million in 2009. And record background checks under Obama make it easy to see how tens of millions more privately owned guns have found their way into Americans’ hands since 2009.

So gun ownership increased for 20 years, but “gun homicides” decreased–except in gun free zones." WaPo: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.
Now that we've had yet another mass shooting here in America, everyone is asking how to stop all this. As is the case with most crime in general, criminals respect only one thing >> FORCE. Criminals have to be forced to stop what they do. Sure, we can tighten gun sales to stop crazies and criminals from buying guns, but they'll probably just buy them illegally anyway.

The more effective way to stop mass shootings to to let the mass shooter know that he won't be able to succeed in his mission. That doesn't happen by passing extra strict gun laws like those in New York City, for example. Passing those strict gun laws not only doesn't stop gun violence, it encourages it, and makes more of it happen. All taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, licensed gun owners does, is make everyone more vulnerable. It gives the mass shooters a green light to go places where they know everyone is UNarmed and defenseless, and shoot the place up. If they had to think, there will be a half dozen gun carriers in that crowd, then 1) in most cases, they wouldn't even show up or 2) if they did, as soon as they fired their first shot, they'd be cut down in a hail of bullets.

If this had been the case, in Paris, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, TN, San Bernardino, etc. hundreds of people now dead, would still be alive.

As it stands right now, I'd say the gun-free zones are one of the biggest causes of mass shootings. Abolish them, and the next couple of mass shooting attempts won't succeed, with the shooters being quickly shot themselves, with minimal damage to innocent, intended victims. Mass shooters will get the message, and the whole phenomenon will dissipate into nothing but bad memories.

We didn't start having these mass shootings until the last 30 or so years.

in the 60s and 70s we didn't have gun free zones and we didn't have mass shootings like we have today.

What's the difference between then and now? Not gun free zones. It's the availability of guns to anyone who wants them. It's the availability to buy semi automatic guns that kill many in a matter of seconds.

Ending gun free zones isn't going to stop the carnage.

Seems to me we got it right in the 60s and 70s. We should go back to what we had then. Not add more guns everywhere in America.

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