How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

and then the police officer takes a step towards the one filming and BOOM they are breaking the law

Cops have arrested people for assault on a police officer because the so-called-bad-guy kept hitting the cop's knuckles with his face. Or the yell "stop trying to get my gun" or "stop resisting" for the audio recording knowing it is them, the cop, who is the aggressor.
What everybody except you knows, is that the courts never examined any evidence of election fraud.

You seem conflicted. You've gone back and forth at least twice now saying in one post that the courts follow the laws and then the next post that they don't follow the laws.
Then the person can back up. This law is for the safety of the police. My brother is a cop here in Vegas and had an incident about a week after the Floyd riots where he and two other officers were responding to a call at some ghetto apartment complex in which they had to take a black man into custody. The man was resisting and people started surrounding them screaming at them and filming them with their phones getting closer and closer. It's a dangerous situation for the police to be in when that happens. You're trying to subdue a suspect and you have an angry mob surrounding you closing in. You have no way of being able to keep your concentration on the guy you are trying to apprehend and simultaneously keep an eye on every person within a few feet away. You don't know who could lunge out and attack you at any minute.

Put yourself in that scenario and then honestly ask yourself if this policy is such a horrible assault to people's rights. You're perfectly capable of filming from eight feet away and the law isn't aimed at people filming their own encounters. That's a dishonest interpretation being put out there by activists.

It's about control, not safety. If it were about safety then it would be any incursion within 8 feet, not just recording. When your brother was scared, it was OK that the crowd approached as long as they weren't recording?
That's no comfort when someone legally recording gets beaten to a pulp, or murdered.

Which makes it no different than what has been happening. Personally I do not care much for the "auditors". I believe we need to hold the police accountable for when they do wrong but I'm really not a fan of trying to prod them into something.

This might be different. I could see getting a laser light or something you could extend 8 feet from you and then just tape everything they did.
Which makes it no different than what has been happening. Personally I do not care much for the "auditors". I believe we need to hold the police accountable for when they do wrong but I'm really not a fan of trying to prod them into something.

This might be different. I could see getting a laser light or something you could extend 8 feet from you and then just tape everything they did.
how do you hold them accountable without auditing their actions and behavior??
how do you hold them accountable without auditing their actions and behavior??

Tape them when they do wrong. Most are not when the "auditors" go stand in front of a police station or something to try and goad them into doing something wrong.

That seems to me like entrapment and it's something I don't care for when the police do it either.
Tape them when they do wrong. Most are not when the "auditors" go stand in front of a police station or something to try and goad them into doing something wrong.

That seems to me like entrapment and it's something I don't care for when the police do it either.
standing there isnt goading them,, they can just ignore them like the rest of the world does,,,

and taping them while in the performance of their duties is auditing them,,
did it slip by you that all they have to do is have another cop walk up on you and force you to move back further??

Then comply. You have a problem with that? If I'm arresting somebody or dealing with a medical emergency, with a crowd all around yelling and shouting, the last thing they need are strangers in their faces distracting them. Move the fuck back.
Then comply. You have a problem with that? If I'm arresting somebody or dealing with a medical emergency, with a crowd all around yelling and shouting, the last thing they need are strangers in their faces distracting them. Move the fuck back.
what if I am standing quietly just filming??
Then comply. You have a problem with that? If I'm arresting somebody or dealing with a medical emergency, with a crowd all around yelling and shouting, the last thing they need are strangers in their faces distracting them. Move the fuck back.
I need only comply with lawful orders,, intimidation is not a lawful order,,
what if I am standing quietly just filming??

Do it from more than 8 feet away. The police don't know what you are doing or INTEND to do, they are busy maybe on the ground with a dangerous, violent person trying to put them in hand cuffs or is maybe bleeding from a bullet wound and don't have time to be worrying about what you might be doing just an arm's reach away from them.
Do it from more than 8 feet away. The police don't know what you are doing or INTEND to do, they are busy maybe on the ground with a dangerous, violent person trying to put them in hand cuffs or is maybe bleeding from a bullet wound and don't have time to be worrying about what you might be doing just an arm's reach away from them.
8 ft is fine but what if the cop wants you back 200 ft??
and most of these auditors are well known and not a threat,,

if theyre scared of something happening its time for them to get a new job,,

A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.

Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.

Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed."

If it's not filmed, it's not illegal.... WAYYYHEYYYYY!!!

It won't stand. A solid body of stare decisis on the subject has held that photographing or videoing anything or anyone in public view, with very few very narrow exceptions, is solidly protected under the First Amendment.
It won't stand. A solid body of stare decisis on the subject has held that photographing or videoing anything or anyone in public view, with very few very narrow exceptions, is solidly protected under the First Amendment.
scotus did hear this and determined a reasonable distance of 10 ft..
the rest is as you say,,
I need only comply with lawful orders,, intimidation is not a lawful order,,

Good then, get yourself arrested or shot. The police right or wrong have the final word in the street, they are the constable on patrol. If they fuck up, your recourse is to take the matter to court to resolve, not get in a cop's face and give him a hard time and hope he doesn't bust your head open for making his very bad day even harder.
Good then, get yourself arrested or shot. The police right or wrong have the final word in the street, they are the constable on patrol. If they fuck up, your recourse is to take the matter to court to resolve, not get in a cop's face and give him a hard time and hope he doesn't bust your head open for making his very bad day even harder.
sorry but they are not the final word,, they have no authority over the people/me unless I've committed a crime,,,
but you feel free to be a boot licker,,

as for them fucking up and going to court, thats the trick,, most people dont have tens of thousands of dollars to fight it in court,,

did you just say its OK for a cop to bust my head open for being mouthy to him???

thats very nazi of you,,,
8 ft is fine but what if the cop wants you back 200 ft??

I would begrudgingly comply under duress. I'm not going to argue too much with a guy standing there in body armor armed with a gun and other weapons and practically a license to kill just to shoot some video of an arrest being made. If that video mattered to me that much, I'd rather keep my attention on keeping shooting the video uninterrupted.

Success in life comes in part by knowing how and when to pick your battles.
if theyre scared of something happening its time for them to get a new job,,

Right. They have 20 idiots all around them who hate them yelling and shouting who all want to defund them, any of which might pull a knife or gun at any moment while trying to arrest a felon on the ground who just tried to kill them or run them over, and you think they shouldn't be wary of you? :eusa_whistle:
I would begrudgingly comply under duress. I'm not going to argue too much with a guy standing there in body armor armed with a gun and other weapons and practically a license to kill just to shoot some video of an arrest being made. If that video mattered to me that much, I'd rather keep my attention on keeping shooting the video uninterrupted.

Success in life comes in part by knowing how and when to pick your battles.
thats because youre a bootlicker,,,

some of us are willing to stand up to tyranny for our childrens sake,,,

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