How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Did you bother to read the article? The law bans people filming police within EIGHT FEET. People that close are interfering with the police and endangering themselves, the suspect and the officer. Beyond eight feet it’s still legal to film.
That's fine until an officer decides to criminalize filming government officials. They can do that by simply walking up to the photographer. Now, the photographer must turn off the camera and trust the officer to keep his body cam running, and not delete the footage.

Hopefully, this law will be struck down pdq.
And the police will lose. The courts have consistently ruled that people can film.
That's no comfort when someone legally recording gets beaten to a pulp, or murdered.
That means you can't film your own interaction with the police even though, if they choose, if they don't intentionally (or "accidentally") turn it off, they can film you. Weird.
Not weird. Exactly the intended result.
Just get you a P1000 Nikon with 4k video. You'll be able to record the number of nose hairs that officer has from 500 feet.
But no audio, which can be critical.
who are you to say they arent reporters??
they are reporting whats happening,, cops dont like it thats their problem,,
He's just a copsucker.
progressive hunter

Does anybody find it odd that nobody legitimate is afraid of cops nor do they ever film them?
This law affects hood rats, degenerates and general filth only….GOOD….I hope this allows cops to beat more degenerate ass off camera.
Every word of that is a lie. I hope you run into a bad cop and get raped.
Huh? Just stand 9-10 feet away, dope! That's all! Did that one slip by you? They just don't want you in their business where they have to worry about you being some crazy with a knife while they are already dealing with some other loon.

and then the police officer takes a step towards the one filming and BOOM they are breaking the law
It really depends on the cops at the scene. If they aren't being interfered with, they will just ignore it. If you're a cop, you don't mind having your picture taken. It happens a thousand times a day. Everyone has a camera and every public street, shopping mall, and store has CCTV cameras everywhere. Most people never realize how many times a day they are being photographed.

Sometimes, the cops on a job are just too damn busy to deal with other people, even if they are interfering to some degree. To arrest someone for hindering requires that you disengage from what you're doing, explain to the idiot who is hindering what they are doing, give them an opportunity to stop and, when they don't, arrest and baby sit them before going back to your original job.

It's frequently not worth the effort.
That's not true. There have been uncountable cases, even after the Supreme Court let stand an Appeals Court ruling that filming cops was a constitutionally protected activity, of cops arresting and worse of people who filmed them. Read these stories (I can post them all day long from many different sources) and then try to tell me the Arizona law won't be abused.

And that doesn't seem to be working. AND many reporters are not really reporters now. THey are often agitators, using the idea of "reporter" as a thin cover.
I take it you were a supporter of Hillary's plan to only allow freedom of the press for the certified-by-the-government press?
Just get you a P1000 Nikon with 4k video. You'll be able to record the number of nose hairs that officer has from 500 feet.
How about we just follow the law and the Constitution and demand that police officers do the same? We'd save millions, as a nation, on unneeded, expensive, cameras and on payouts from lawsuits that could have been avoided had the police simply behaved legally and constitutionally.
progressive hunter

Does anybody find it odd that nobody legitimate is afraid of cops nor do they ever film them?
This law affects hood rats, degenerates and general filth only….GOOD….I hope this allows cops to beat more degenerate ass off camera.
Always good to get the racist bigot outlook karma super duper hater dupe lol....EVERYBODY does it....
Luckily we have a wonderful court system that would notice the cop doing something like that DUHH. You know the great bipartisan law system that laughed all your crap about election fraud out of 70 plus courtrooms and everyone in the world except you conspiracy nut jobs know it......
What everybody except you knows, is that the courts never examined any evidence of election fraud.
How about we just follow the law and the Constitution and demand that police officers do the same? We'd save millions, as a nation, on unneeded, expensive, cameras and on payouts from lawsuits that could have been avoided had the police simply behaved legally and constitutionally.
You got an example of a police officer behaving illegally and unconstitutonally ?
Yep, I read it.
The problem is, right, that if it's illegal to film within 8 feet, all the officer has to do is to get withing that range of the person who is filming, in order to make their filming illegal.

Think about it.

If you want to make a law, make it a law about interfering in police work. Not the filming.

Then the person can back up. This law is for the safety of the police. My brother is a cop here in Vegas and had an incident about a week after the Floyd riots where he and two other officers were responding to a call at some ghetto apartment complex in which they had to take a black man into custody. The man was resisting and people started surrounding them screaming at them and filming them with their phones getting closer and closer. It's a dangerous situation for the police to be in when that happens. You're trying to subdue a suspect and you have an angry mob surrounding you closing in. You have no way of being able to keep your concentration on the guy you are trying to apprehend and simultaneously keep an eye on every person within a few feet away. You don't know who could lunge out and attack you at any minute.

Put yourself in that scenario and then honestly ask yourself if this policy is such a horrible assault to people's rights. You're perfectly capable of filming from eight feet away and the law isn't aimed at people filming their own encounters. That's a dishonest interpretation being put out there by activists.
Then the person can back up. This law is for the safety of the police. My brother is a cop here in Vegas and had an incident about a week after the Floyd riots where he and two other officers were responding to a call at some ghetto apartment complex in which they had to take a black man into custody. The man was resisting and people started surrounding them screaming at them and filming them with their phones getting closer and closer. It's a dangerous situation for the police to be in when that happens. You're trying to subdue a suspect and you have an angry mob surrounding you closing in. You have no way of being able to keep your concentration on the guy you are trying to apprehend and simultaneously keep an eye on every person within a few feet away. You don't know who could lunge out and attack you at any minute.

Put yourself in that scenario and then honestly ask yourself if this policy is such a horrible assault to people's rights. You're perfectly capable of filming from eight feet away and the law isn't aimed at people filming their own encounters. That's a dishonest interpretation being put out there by activists.
yep its still an assault on peoples rights,,
yep its still an assault on peoples rights,,

You can film just as easily from eight feet away than you can four. Eight feet is NOT far. Fucking get over it.

If so many people didn't act like feral animals this wouldn't be a concern.
You can film just as easily from eight feet away than you can four. Eight feet is NOT far. Fucking get over it.

If so many people didn't act like feral animals this wouldn't be a concern.
8 ft is perfectly reasonable,, its just that cops dont even want that,,

as for acting feral,, well what do you expect after decades of abuse,,

you sould try watching some of the 1st A auditors, I posted a few this morning, some of the guys are a little unruly but the cops just think they are above the law, that shit needs to stop

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