How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

You are a dim witted ding bat. Your leftist view point is that an officer of the law, when knowingly committing a crime is saying to himself------guess I better move closer to someone filming than 8 feet so that the world can get a better look at me committing this crime. So what if the film is illegal and can be challenged, I want my criminal action well documented so that I have a better chance of being fired, lose my pension and maybe going to jail. Only an ass backward Biden voting fool would think this, even remotely possible.
Woodwork, how about you explain how and why you disagree with me.
Sometimes they don't. Mostly they do.
The assumption is that they don't. We can always adjust up from there if they do. We wouldn't even need lawyers if we knew we could count on judges to do the right thing but even 233 years ago they knew better than to assume that.

A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.

Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.

Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed."

If it's not filmed, it's not illegal.... WAYYYHEYYYYY!!!

Anyone filming police doing their job within eight feet is IN THEIR WAY. What is wrong with you? I'm a libertarian and I totally oppose laws preventing people from filming police. But this just says stay out of their way. How is that a problem?

Get back out of their way, then film them. Why would you have a problem with something so simple to solve? Oy vey
How about we just follow the law and the Constitution and demand that police officers do the same? We'd save millions, as a nation, on unneeded, expensive, cameras and on payouts from lawsuits that could have been avoided had the police simply behaved legally and constitutionally.

How about I'm all for that?
Yeah, that's going to work out well - no video evidence of any police interactions.

And videos of your kids at Disneyland no longer allowed because there are others in close proximity and some of them are minors...

The amazing things people will accept in the name of authoritarianism...

Because you can't see anything from 10 feet away?

You libs really think words are just handfuls of poo you can throw at people you hate, don't you?
who are you to say they arent reporters??
they are reporting whats happening,, cops dont like it thats their problem,,

I'm someone that can see that they are more interested in being political agitators then in reporting news, that they are really just talking shit, when they say, "i'm a reporter".
You are a dim witted ding bat. Your leftist view point is that an officer of the law, when knowingly committing a crime is saying to himself------guess I better move closer to someone filming than 8 feet so that the world can get a better look at me committing this crime. So what if the film is illegal and can be challenged, I want my criminal action well documented so that I have a better chance of being fired, lose my pension and maybe going to jail. Only an ass backward Biden voting fool would think this, even remotely possible.
Woodwork, how about you explain how and why you disagree with me.

Because cops violate the Constitution and people's rights in many cases in front of cameras, closer than 8 feet. Closer than 3 feet. I've posted 6 or 8 links, others have posted as well. I can post more, if you'd like.
progressive hunter

Does anybody find it odd that nobody legitimate is afraid of cops nor do they ever film them?
This law affects hood rats, degenerates and general filth only….GOOD….I hope this allows cops to beat more degenerate ass off camera.

Yet another anti-constitutional, authoritarian parading as a conservative. You support the Government violating the Constitution then you can never complain no matter how, when, against whom, they violate the Constitution; you gave them permission to ignore it. When they come for our guns, you won't have the right to complain; you told them it was OK to ignore the Constitution.

Who are you to say who is "legitimate"? Do you or the police have the right to judge and punish without trial? I can show you thousands where that hasn't worked out well. That's why we have a Constitution and why we have trials and lawyers.

Your signature is a lie - as it pertains to you. Make America America again? Is that the America you want? Where the police operate in secret and there is no accountability? Where the Constitution means nothing? Where the American police are, like the East German version, the Shield and Sword of the Party - or Stasi?
Yet another anti-constitutional, authoritarian parading as a conservative. You support the Government violating the Constitution then you can never complain no matter how, when, against whom, they violate the Constitution; you gave them permission to ignore it. When they come for our guns, you won't have the right to complain; you told them it was OK to ignore the Constitution.

Who are you to say who is "legitimate"? Do you or the police have the right to judge and punish without trial? I can show you thousands where that hasn't worked out well. That's why we have a Constitution and why we have trials and lawyers.

Your signature is a lie - as it pertains to you. Make America America again? Is that the America you want? Where the police operate in secret and there is no accountability? Where the Constitution means nothing? Where the American police are, like the East German version, the Shield and Sword of the Party - or Stasi?
Hahaha…yeah yeah…save your leftarded bullshit….You can’t sell that “cops are bad, dark thugs are good” bunch of ignorance….until you protest against dark people criminality nobody decent and sane will take you white guilt fools seriously on these matters.
Let the thugs and hood rats get their asses beat off camera.

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