How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Right. They have 20 idiots all around them who hate them yelling and shouting who all want to defund them, any of which might pull a knife or gun at any moment while trying to arrest a felon on the ground who just tried to kill them or run them over, and you think they shouldn't be wary of you? :eusa_whistle:
thats different than the auditors,,,

not to mention its chickens coming home to roost after decades of abuse
It won't stand. A solid body of stare decisis on the subject has held that photographing or videoing anything or anyone in public view, with very few very narrow exceptions, is solidly protected under the First Amendment.

I dunno Bob, I don't see how keeping people just 8 feet back from an arrest is unreasonable or illegal. If I was a cop, I might prefer more like 20 feet. How is taking video from 8 feet away instead of 4 feet a violation of my right to free speech?
but you feel free to be a boot licker,,
I have someone on the payroll to lick my boots for me. :smoke:

as for them fucking up and going to court, thats the trick,, most people dont have tens of thousands of dollars to fight it in court,,
Then by all means, I'd want to cooperate with the police to stay out of court.

did you just say its OK for a cop to bust my head open for being mouthy to him???
Where did I say that? Do please copy the post where that was said. I said that right or wrong, the cop is the one armed and given a reason, me MIGHT and COULD bust your head open. Or maybe shoot you, plant a gun on you and say it was self-defense. You itching to die just to try to make a stand against a cop at 2AM in the middle of some street?

thats very nazi of you,,,
LAWS are the cornerstone of our free society. Sounds to me you just don't like following authority, or just want to BE the authority all the time. Sounds very anarchist of you. I'm a bit better at knowing where and when to pick my fights.
There have been uncountable cases, even after the Supreme Court let stand an Appeals Court ruling that filming cops was a constitutionally protected activity, of cops arresting and worse of people who filmed them.

I never said it wasn't OK to film cops. If you read my post a little closer, cops don't care if they are filmed. Most cops today wear body-worn cameras (BWC) and film their own selves.

It only becomes a problem when people filming interfere with what cops or other emergency workers are doing.
I have someone on the payroll to lick my boots for me. :smoke:

Then by all means, I'd want to cooperate with the police to stay out of court.

Where did I say that? Do please copy the post where that was said. I said that right or wrong, the cop is the one armed and given a reason, me MIGHT and COULD bust your head open. Or maybe shoot you, plant a gun on you and say it was self-defense. You itching to die just to try to make a stand against a cop at 2AM in the middle of some street?

LAWS are the cornerstone of our free society. Sounds to me you just don't like following authority, or just want to BE the authority all the time. Sounds very anarchist of you. I'm a bit better at knowing where and when to pick my fights.
yeah but youre licking their boots,,

so you would give up your rights to a cop to stay out of court,, well arent you a good little useful idiot,,,

what if the cops reason is in violation of the constitution and his oath??

the constitution is the cornerstone of a free society and youre defending cops that break it on a regular basis,,
its not about [picking a fight its about standing up for your rights,,,
Now, the photographer must turn off the camera and trust the officer to keep his body cam running, and not delete the footage.

You can't delete police body cam footage. Once you put the body cam into the charging dock, it automatically uploads any new footage to the server and it cannot be deleted or edited by users. This is necessary to preserve the footage as evidence if required.

It can be marked as non-evidence and it will be deleted automatically after a few months.
We should have cameras on all police and maybe prisons...
I can go along with that as long as we have cameras on you too. I want to have the opportunity to hang you if you spit on the sidewalk, pick your nose in public or jaywalk. That is your leftist big brother kind of country, Sound good to you?
A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.
Such is the neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

Clearly this is a bad-faith measure intended to have a chilling effect on recording law enforcement, preventing crimes committed by law enforcement from being exposed.

Ignorant of the law and fearful, private citizens will stop recording law enforcement altogether.
Because cops violate the Constitution and people's rights in many cases in front of cameras, closer than 8 feet. Closer than 3 feet. I've posted 6 or 8 links, others have posted as well. I can post more, if you'd like.
Unlike you people, I respect the cops and not interested in making their jobs any harder than it already is with your left leaning camera BS.
Such is the neo-fascist, authoritarian right.

Clearly this is a bad-faith measure intended to have a chilling effect on recording law enforcement, preventing crimes committed by law enforcement from being exposed.

Ignorant of the law and fearful, private citizens will stop recording law enforcement altogether.
your premise is a lie,, no one will stop recording them,
and if you werent such a liar you would know that SCOTUS gave us 10ft and this is closer,,
Luckily we have a wonderful court system that would notice the cop doing something like that DUHH. You know the great bipartisan law system that laughed all your crap about election fraud out of 70 plus courtrooms and everyone in the world except you conspiracy nut jobs know it......

Er.... I'm not right wing.

The courts are full of judges with a political agenda, decisions can swing from one thing to the other and back again in an instant.
You are a dim witted ding bat. Your leftist view point is that an officer of the law, when knowingly committing a crime is saying to himself------guess I better move closer to someone filming than 8 feet so that the world can get a better look at me committing this crime. So what if the film is illegal and can be challenged, I want my criminal action well documented so that I have a better chance of being fired, lose my pension and maybe going to jail. Only an ass backward Biden voting fool would think this, even remotely possible.

Insults. Welcome to the ignore list.
Thousands. I don't have time to post them all; how many would it take to convince you that the police often behave illegally and unconstitutionally?
One more. He'll just move the goal posts.
Anyone filming police doing their job within eight feet is IN THEIR WAY. What is wrong with you? I'm a libertarian and I totally oppose laws preventing people from filming police. But this just says stay out of their way. How is that a problem?

Get back out of their way, then film them. Why would you have a problem with something so simple to solve? Oy vey
Because it mea s you cannot record YOUR INTERACTION with police.
What's the penalty for the crime?
Summary execution, maybe.
you do know cameras have a zoom feature??
Microphones do not.
It does nothing. It's window dressing. it's a "Hey, look what we did" when in fact they did nothing.

Look at all the films that have caught the police in action. Have some been within 8 feet? Maybe, but it would have still been the same at 8 feet with technology today. It also excludes anyone involved so if it is you being addressed and it's one foot, you can film.

A bill to sucker the electorate. Even then, I'll argue it might not hold up in court.
Disagree in part – it is political theater.

It’s also intended to coverup police wrongdoing.

LEO determines what is ‘eight feet’ – and anyone within that determination is subject to arrest.

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