How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Then the person can back up. This law is for the safety of the police. My brother is a cop here in Vegas and had an incident about a week after the Floyd riots where he and two other officers were responding to a call at some ghetto apartment complex in which they had to take a black man into custody. The man was resisting and people started surrounding them screaming at them and filming them with their phones getting closer and closer. It's a dangerous situation for the police to be in when that happens. You're trying to subdue a suspect and you have an angry mob surrounding you closing in. You have no way of being able to keep your concentration on the guy you are trying to apprehend and simultaneously keep an eye on every person within a few feet away. You don't know who could lunge out and attack you at any minute.

Put yourself in that scenario and then honestly ask yourself if this policy is such a horrible assault to people's rights. You're perfectly capable of filming from eight feet away and the law isn't aimed at people filming their own encounters. That's a dishonest interpretation being put out there by activists.

The problem here is that if you want a law to protect the police doing their, make a law that protects the police doing their job. This law doesn't seem to do that, it seems to protect police breaking the law.

Do you see the problem?
Then comply. You have a problem with that? If I'm arresting somebody or dealing with a medical emergency, with a crowd all around yelling and shouting, the last thing they need are strangers in their faces distracting them. Move the fuck back.
What is your throwdown of choice?
Microphones do not.
true but doesnt matter since most can pick up stuff from longer distances,, my phone will get up to 20 ft

any closer than 8 ft and you would be on top of them if they tried to turn around or needed to move quickly if the suspect tries to run,,,

8 ft is close enough,,
Good then, get yourself arrested or shot. The police right or wrong have the final word in the street, they are the constable on patrol. If they fuck up, your recourse is to take the matter to court to resolve, not get in a cop's face and give him a hard time and hope he doesn't bust your head open for making his very bad day even harder.
Do you dream.of the day you get to shoot someone?
sorry but they are not the final word,, they have no authority over the people/me unless I've committed a crime,,,
but you feel free to be a boot licker,,

as for them fucking up and going to court, thats the trick,, most people dont have tens of thousands of dollars to fight it in court,,

did you just say its OK for a cop to bust my head open for being mouthy to him???

thats very nazi of you,,,
He'd be quite happy to strut around in fancy Hugo Boss duds and terrorizing people.
thats because youre a bootlicker,,,

some of us are willing to stand up to tyranny for our childrens sake,,,
He's not a bootlicker, hrs a cop.
your premise is a lie,, no one will stop recording them,
and if you werent such a liar you would know that SCOTUS gave us 10ft and this is closer,,
For the racist, neo-fascist right, of course, this is about law enforcement interacting with American of color – to hide from the public the disproportionate violence visited upon Americans of color by law enforcement, to the detriment of the right’s political agenda.
You can film just as easily from eight feet away than you can four. Eight feet is NOT far. Fucking get over it.

If so many people didn't act like feral animals this wouldn't be a concern.

How do you record your own if there's not a neighborhood full of phones?

And since cops violate legal recording rights constantly, they'll violate these as well. You can be 12 feet and the cops will say you're 8 feet. You can be 200 feet and the cops will come until you're 20 and then call it 8. I posted videos today of people 75 feet and 200 feet still being unconstitutionally harassed by the cops for recording.
How do you record your own if there's not a neighborhood full of phones?

And since cops violate legal recording rights constantly, they'll violate these as well. You can be 12 feet and the cops will say you're 8 feet. You can be 200 feet and the cops will come until you're 20 and then call it 8. I posted videos today of people 75 feet and 200 feet still being unconstitutionally harassed by the cops for recording.

And you'll have the video evidence to prove otherwise.
just so everybody knows cops only needs 6-9 months training while a hair dresser needs 2 yrs,,
and you wonder why they are so bad at their job,,
these are the people youre defending,,

I'm not defending anyone you idiot! I'm just trying to tell you the facts. That old lady was a shame. She should not be out alone on the street. She ought to be given something she can carry on her or wear so that others can know of her communication and mental issues. The Walmart employees were wrong to call the police on her. The police responded because they HAD TO now that Walmart called them. The police aren't trained to deal with people like her. I thought that after G. Floyd that the big onus of BLM was to get more programs out there so that people trained in social work could handle situations like this!

The problem here is that if you want a law to protect the police doing their, make a law that protects the police doing their job. This law doesn't seem to do that, it seems to protect police breaking the law.
And how exactly does it do that?
I'm not defending anyone you idiot! I'm just trying to tell you the facts. That old lady was a shame. She should not be out alone on the street. She ought to be given something she can carry on her or wear so that others can know of her communication and mental issues. The Walmart employees were wrong to call the police on her. The police responded because they HAD TO now that Walmart called them. The police aren't trained to deal with people like her. I thought that after G. Floyd that the big onus of BLM was to get more programs out there so that people trained in social work could handle situations like this!

WOW!!! victim blaming,,

you didnt tell me any facts,,
For the racist, neo-fascist right, of course, this is about law enforcement interacting with American of color – to hide from the public the disproportionate violence visited upon Americans of color by law enforcement, to the detriment of the right’s political agenda.

You give abusive cops far too little credit. They hate and abuse everyone equally, from their girlfriends, their wives (they usually have both), their mothers, their children, and people of any race who trigger them.
WOW!!! victim blaming,, you didnt tell me any facts,,

You must have your ears stuffed with crap then. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BLM PROGRAMS THAT WERE GOING TO GET ALL THIS SPECIAL TRAINING FOR POLICE or get others to handle social situations? Did BLM spend it all on mansions for themselves? This is the very kind of situation those programs were meant to address.

ITMT, weren't the arresting officers in your video relieved of street duty and under investigation?
You must have your ears stuffed with crap then. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BLM PROGRAMS THAT WERE GOING TO GET ALL THIS SPECIAL TRAINING FOR POLICE or get others to handle social situations? Did BLM spend it all on mansions for themselves? This is the very kind of situation those programs were meant to address.

ITMT, weren't the arresting officers in your video relieved of street duty and under investigation?
fuck BLM,,,

and quit trying to dodge your victim blaming,,,
Anyone filming police doing their job within eight feet is IN THEIR WAY. What is wrong with you? I'm a libertarian and I totally oppose laws preventing people from filming police. But this just says stay out of their way. How is that a problem?

Get back out of their way, then film them. Why would you have a problem with something so simple to solve? Oy vey
No, you're not a libertarian. You're a sheep. An authoritarian sock-puppet.

The cops harass people from across the street, from their porches and doorways, from across fields. They harass from hundreds of feet and there have been stories posted today and before today on this topic.

Banning recording within 8 feet means that no individual can ever record what happens to them. That means that no driver can ever record their interaction with a cop. Yea, that's a real libertarian scenario. You're not a libertarian; you're an anti-constitutional authoritarian.
Better than letting these low lifes get away with their shit behavior.

I don't have a problem with idiots and low lifes. Without them, I'd be out of a job.

Idiots paid for my swimming pool.

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