How To Tell A "Statist" From A Person. Ask them why we don't vote individually on major topics.


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
How To Tell A "Statist" From A Person.

Ask them why we don't vote on individual major topics. Everyone in America could vote, but by law, our votes don't count. We need a single person to vote for us.

They will answer, "the system is not set up that way"

Imagine an America where we could just vote on Abortion by vote instead of by a Politician.
Imagine America where we could vote for the gay situation by vote instead of by a Politician.
Imagine America where we could vote for VoterID by vote instead of by a Politician.

I know the current reply already. I've had several people tell me; "What if they just vote for a trip to disney land, should we fund that?!"

This comment spits in the face of We The People.

Small Gov Statist Rely On Politicians.
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There have issues since the Civil War where the majority of the people wanted one thing but their Statist Congress acted on part of Corporations instead of the people.
Waiting for someone to say, "We are still a Republic" which means we have to use majority vote to elect a single person to represent us and then get let down if they don't.
Been reading some Mark Levin?

Been reading some Mark Levin?

Nope. I simply think. Did someone think like me?

I'll research that person. I simply think unlike most. This isn't a debatable topic. Statist KNOW we have to vote a politician because that is what Statist do. People don't matter. It's simply the system we use.

In today's politics, thinking is bad, mkay.
What do you suppose a Republic is?

waits for copy/post
Been reading some Mark Levin?

Been reading some Mark Levin?

Nope. I simply think. Did someone think like me?

I'll research that person. I simply think unlike most. This isn't a debatable topic. Statist KNOW we have to vote a politician because that is what Statist do. People don't matter. It's simply the system we use.
Ya bro. You're like, sooooo unlike most.

Why do I have the feeling I'm a new egg opening up to new horizons and the old culture is sick of seeing it because it affects their profits?
If I could vote individually by topic I'd vote
-More money for our homeland and less outside of it!!!!
*More infrastructure investment
*More science funding!!!
*Reform of our educational system!
*More funding for our men in blue and less for bases in other countries!
*More funding for nasa and nws!!! ;)
*Higher minimum wage
*Legalization of pot!

No more slash, cut and burn!!! IF I could vote each topic...Well, this is what I'd do.
I'd also vote to raise massive tariffs on imports!
Raise taxes on the greedy rich 10%! Close loop holes and make outsourcing illegal!
To the OP, what would you have us do.............cram 350 million people into the Congress to vote for any and everything....................

No Gov't can survive immoral or self serving politicians...........No form of Gov't will be correct under that yoke. No political system is perfect, but a Republic is better than most.............

What system would the Op replace it with.............a pure democracy where 50 plus one tells the other 49 how to live..........a supreme leader who decides all...................

Our problem is that we have career immoral leaders ruling the roost.............who are self serving pricks

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