How to win back the women's and Latinos' vote....

Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

The "nasty woman" comment may not seem like a big deal on its own, but if examine the AGGREGATE number of slurs on women by Trump, THEN the comment takes on a more pronounced view of Trump's misogynistic proclivities.
For Trump, his comment about the fact that he is "the most respectful" toward women is bullshit....for him, women are not much more than trophies to hang on the wall.

I think it really irritates Trump that he has to share the stage with a woman on equal footing
He feels an uncontrollable urge to interrupt her while she speaks......WRONG.......his body language and odd expressions while Hillary speaks also looks demeaning

He's trying real hard to lose.

Let the man alone. :0) He's doing a marvelous job of losing.
Paying $2 a gallon for Obamagas

How did Obama lower the price of gas?

He is the PRESIDENT. He can issue an executive order you dumbass

Obama has an app on his phone to lower gas prices

I'll bet you actually believe that.

It is true
Obama has an app on his phone where he can change the price of gas anytime he wants, While Trump gets up at three in the morning to twitter how fat Miss Universe is, Obama is on his phone lowering the price of Obamagas

There goes Obama again....lowering the price of Obamagas


We're already convinced you're an idiot. No need to beat a dead horse.

:0) Who gives a fuck about your horse?

Trump is the dead horse he's beating.
Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

The above is a good example of why middlefingerboy is an idiot...

With an average of 450,000 jobs lost per month during GWB's last year, Obama should have just sat back on done nothing???.......Could you just imagine what this numb-skull and his ilk would have been shouting if THAT had happened?

The equivalent of a gaping wound with loss of blood, and right wingers hoping that the blood would clot on its own. .
LOL, are you really so stupid you believe, "We had a much stronger economy and military before Obama ascended the thrown"? Or is this one more effort to revise history, a common cause of members of the crazy right wing.
It's just a fact, moron. What was the percentage of the population employed in 2006?

Idiot ^^^. How many of those employed in 2006 found themselves out of work at the end of January 2009, Obama's first month in office?

That would be + or - 900,000; and how many more in the months of 2009 following? You really are stupid to even post such crap and believe anyone believes you credible.
Recessions happen all the time, and then the economy recovers. Obama's recovery is the slowest and weakest since the Great Depression. Judging Obama's policies by comparing now to the bottom of a recession is the sure sign of a moron.

Stop digging, or is the theory of holes too difficult for you to comprehend? Recessions do not happen all the time! Saying they do is a lie!

The Great Recession impacted the entire nation and most of our people. The free fall began in October 2008, before Obama was elected and three months before he took the oath of office.

Those ^^^ are facts, your opinions are absurd on this issue, and too many others to comment upon.

Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

It was already way passed an ordinary recession when Bush left office
Losing 750,000 jobs a month is not ordinary, a stock market dropping from 14,000 to 8,000 is not ordinary, Banks and auto companies collapsing is not ordinary

Obama stopped a depression, one of his greatest accomplishments
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm
It's just a fact, moron. What was the percentage of the population employed in 2006?

Idiot ^^^. How many of those employed in 2006 found themselves out of work at the end of January 2009, Obama's first month in office?

That would be + or - 900,000; and how many more in the months of 2009 following? You really are stupid to even post such crap and believe anyone believes you credible.
Recessions happen all the time, and then the economy recovers. Obama's recovery is the slowest and weakest since the Great Depression. Judging Obama's policies by comparing now to the bottom of a recession is the sure sign of a moron.

Stop digging, or is the theory of holes too difficult for you to comprehend? Recessions do not happen all the time! Saying they do is a lie!

The Great Recession impacted the entire nation and most of our people. The free fall began in October 2008, before Obama was elected and three months before he took the oath of office.

Those ^^^ are facts, your opinions are absurd on this issue, and too many others to comment upon.

Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

It was already way passed an ordinary recession when Bush left office
Losing 750,000 jobs a month is not ordinary, a stock market dropping from 14,000 to 8,000 is not ordinary, Banks and auto companies collapsing is not ordinary

Obama stopped a depression, one of his greatest accomplishments

He stopped the Earth from spinning off its axis as well!!!
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm

A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

YOu were gloating last year that the next Republican President had not been born yet.

And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

And you are either too dim or too dishonest to know/admit that your positions are mutually exclusive.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm

A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

YOu were gloating last year that the next Republican President had not been born yet.

And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

And you are either too dim or too dishonest to know/admit that your positions are mutually exclusive.

Does nothing to refute the point that nominating a misogynist like Trump to run against the first woman candidate may be the dumbest political move in history

Normally, a candidate taking 55% of the women's vote is doing quite well. Hillary will take 65%
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And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

No, its not trump's "fault"....Its the fault of not having enough right wing MORONS to vote him into office.
A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

I can see from here the spittle on your screen.....Take a laxative....LOL
Last edited:
Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

The above is a good example of why middlefingerboy is an idiot...

With an average of 450,000 jobs lost per month during GWB's last year, Obama should have just sat back on done nothing???.......Could you just imagine what this numb-skull and his ilk would have been shouting if THAT had happened?

The equivalent of a gaping wound with loss of blood, and right wingers hoping that the blood would clot on its own. .

Job losses are what happens during a recession. What made this one any different? Obama's so-called "stimulus" sure didn't help the situation. How does keeping a lot of government employees on the payroll help the economy?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm

A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

YOu were gloating last year that the next Republican President had not been born yet.

And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

And you are either too dim or too dishonest to know/admit that your positions are mutually exclusive.

Does nothing to refute the point that nominating a misogynist like Trump to run against the first woman candidate may be the dumbest political move in history

Normally, a candidate taking 55% of the women's vote is doing quite well. Hillary will take 65%

So any man running against Hillary is a misogynist? You must think we're do dumb that we don't know that no matter who we nominated, douche bags like you would be calling him a misogynist. If Hillary gets elected, you'll be calling everyone who criticises her a misogynist. That's the Dim modus operandi.
It's just a fact, moron. What was the percentage of the population employed in 2006?

Idiot ^^^. How many of those employed in 2006 found themselves out of work at the end of January 2009, Obama's first month in office?

That would be + or - 900,000; and how many more in the months of 2009 following? You really are stupid to even post such crap and believe anyone believes you credible.
Recessions happen all the time, and then the economy recovers. Obama's recovery is the slowest and weakest since the Great Depression. Judging Obama's policies by comparing now to the bottom of a recession is the sure sign of a moron.

Stop digging, or is the theory of holes too difficult for you to comprehend? Recessions do not happen all the time! Saying they do is a lie!

The Great Recession impacted the entire nation and most of our people. The free fall began in October 2008, before Obama was elected and three months before he took the oath of office.

Those ^^^ are facts, your opinions are absurd on this issue, and too many others to comment upon.

Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

It was already way passed an ordinary recession when Bush left office
Losing 750,000 jobs a month is not ordinary, a stock market dropping from 14,000 to 8,000 is not ordinary, Banks and auto companies collapsing is not ordinary

Obama stopped a depression, one of his greatest accomplishments

There's no such thing as an "ordinary recession." BTW, the recession Carter handed Reagan was worse. Within two years Reagan had GDP growth at over 7%.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm

A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

YOu were gloating last year that the next Republican President had not been born yet.

And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

And you are either too dim or too dishonest to know/admit that your positions are mutually exclusive.

Does nothing to refute the point that nominating a misogynist like Trump to run against the first woman candidate may be the dumbest political move in history

Normally, a candidate taking 55% of the women's vote is doing quite well. Hillary will take 65%

So any man running against Hillary is a misogynist? You must think we're do dumb that we don't know that no matter who we nominated, douche bags like you would be calling him a misogynist. If Hillary gets elected, you'll be calling everyone who criticises her a misogynist. That's the Dim modus operandi.

Of course not Fingerboy....Trump is a misogynist. A man who is abusive and derisive of women, a man who surrounds himself with beautiful women to make himself look more virile, a man who dumps his wives when they get too old and replaces them with younger fashion models. A man who calls women pigs, fat, ugly, flatchested. A man who brags about groping women and getting away with it
Idiot ^^^. How many of those employed in 2006 found themselves out of work at the end of January 2009, Obama's first month in office?

That would be + or - 900,000; and how many more in the months of 2009 following? You really are stupid to even post such crap and believe anyone believes you credible.
Recessions happen all the time, and then the economy recovers. Obama's recovery is the slowest and weakest since the Great Depression. Judging Obama's policies by comparing now to the bottom of a recession is the sure sign of a moron.

Stop digging, or is the theory of holes too difficult for you to comprehend? Recessions do not happen all the time! Saying they do is a lie!

The Great Recession impacted the entire nation and most of our people. The free fall began in October 2008, before Obama was elected and three months before he took the oath of office.

Those ^^^ are facts, your opinions are absurd on this issue, and too many others to comment upon.

Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

It was already way passed an ordinary recession when Bush left office
Losing 750,000 jobs a month is not ordinary, a stock market dropping from 14,000 to 8,000 is not ordinary, Banks and auto companies collapsing is not ordinary

Obama stopped a depression, one of his greatest accomplishments

There's no such thing as an "ordinary recession." BTW, the recession Carter handed Reagan was worse. Within two years Reagan had GDP growth at over 7%.

Reagan never faced losing 750,000 jobs a month, failing banks, failing auto companies a stock market that dropped 7,000 points
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL

THe blacks and browns were block voting for you race baiting poverty pimps for decades before Trump hit the scene.

Why are you such a liar?

But Trumps loss of the women's vote is unprecedented

In an election against the first woman to run for President, Republicans put up a man who is a serial philanderer with demeaning views towards women

A perfect storm

A woman who is only a public figure because of the serial sexual harasser, (likely rapist) that she has enabled for decades?

YOu were gloating last year that the next Republican President had not been born yet.

And now you are here claiming that if the GOP loses this election, that it is Trump's fault.

And you are either too dim or too dishonest to know/admit that your positions are mutually exclusive.

Does nothing to refute the point that nominating a misogynist like Trump to run against the first woman candidate may be the dumbest political move in history

Normally, a candidate taking 55% of the women's vote is doing quite well. Hillary will take 65%

Yes, it did.

If it was not for the complete corruption of the mainstream media, any attempt by lefties to use the Woman Card in defense of HIllary would be laughed at, loud and long.

BUt constant repetition and limited contradiction is creating the illusion of credibility for the move.

The bit where your side constantly lies about everthing and everyone for the Right is bad enough.

When you take the additional step of blaming us for the results or your vile tactics, that is rubbing salt in the wound.

I remember disagreeing with you about the possibility that your One Party Utopia would result in utter disaster.

Now, it's like you and your are doing everything you can to make sure of that.

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