How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Lots of young children are being irreparably harmed thanks to failed left-wing policies.
Prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75% to 95% of gender-dysphoric youth ended up happy with their biological sex after simply passing through puberty.
The left wants the mentally insane and small children make the decisions that drive society. It's absurd. It's asinine. And it's the type of idiocy that could only come from the left. Adults don't allow children to make major decisions about their life. You let them choose what flavor of lollipop. You let them choose what toy to pick out at the store. You do not allow them to choose gender reassignment surgery, or what city the family will live in, or what automobile to purchase.

I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
Correct, it's a cult, and they're promoting child abuse for quasi-religious reasons, as well as dishonestly attacking actual psychology, medicine, psychiatry, and so on using conspiracy theories to promote their worthless ideology, solely for their selfish cult and religious reasons, at the expense of actual children.

It relates to ideologies such as "Secular Humanism" which have held these faith-based beliefs since the 1800s and before, as well as the "critical theory" cult, which is effectively a radical, anarchist strain thought, which buys into a silly myth that "trans people" held some quasi-sacred status in ancient cultures, asserting on one hand that they are "born that way", but on another hand that "gender roles" were invented as part of a vast "racist sexist homophobic rich white male right wing supremacist conspiracy theory".

Thankfully evolutionary psychology more or less renders this nonsense obsolete, as well as the archaic "blank slate" theories of mind and body which were most popular during the 1800s, and even then were more or less known to be nonsense, such as in legal instiuttions such as Common Law theory, which asserts the reality of genetic or biological factors in human behavior (e.x. acknowledging the difference between "crimes of passion", or done impulsively, and premeditated, or reasoned crimes).

Most likely the transgender cult and the literal freaks associated with it, likely turning out in some cases to be associated with other fringe movements such as NAMBLA as well, will likely go extinct along with the other silly, yet dangerous fads of the baby boomer generation which were heavily and intentionally promoted by mass media solely for naïve quasi-"religious" reasons at the expense of reality, trendy among those whose entire childish worldview is based on childish TV shows, but not many thinking men and women, thankfully.
Mr. Yaniv is batcrap crazy, of course, but I still don't agree with him facing criminal weapons charges here. The weapon, described inaccurately as a “Taser”*, is a purely defensive device, and he did not actually use it on anyone, or directly threaten anyone with it.

Of course, this is in Canada, where I guess even criminals have a right to go about their business in safety, secure in the knowledge that the subjects of their activities are defenseless.


* It appears to be the sort of “stun gun” that you have to directly touch to the target. A Taser fires darts with wires attached to them, so that you can use it from a distance.
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It's a medical fad which won't stand the test of time, and the TV shows regarding "transgender" are really just the equivalent of PT Barnum's circus, it's primarily just a show for voyeurism, like "Honey Boo Boo".

Absurd medical fads are a part of history, such as the "Castrato" fad of the 1800s. "Medicine" as an industry, from my knowledge is also more diverse and less formally systemized as, say the "natural sciences" are to begin with, some people apparently don't know the difference between these two industries and honestly conflate them.

Someday, I may read up on the history of medicine in Europe and America, and see where fads such as sexual reassignment surgery fit into it in the grand scheme of things, especially if they are merely extreme treatments for symptoms which a child may simply grow out of on their own post adolescence, or the result of psychological symptoms, such as Asperger's or Borderline disorder.

My gut tells me that were these symptoms resolvable without removing genitals, most good or competent doctors or physicians would not recommend them, and conversely some of the "transgender" cultists don't care about medicine to begin with, but are merely pushing it and associated conspiracy theories (e.x. branding the entire history of modern medicine as part of a "religious" or "right-wing" conspiracy theories) simply because they want to, for ideological reasons or quasi "religious" reasons not grounded in medicine, such as a mythical believe in a cult of "transgender" holding a sacred status in indigenous cultures, which history shows simply isn't the whole story, as simple and cute as such a childish myth might be to simple minded folks.

In some cases, it may likely just simply be a case of a parent detesting the sex or gender the child was born with to begin with and wanting to "change it", which history shows is a cultural theme regardless of whether or not the "transgender" diagnosis is brought into it or not, much as how boys are favored over girls in China. Bad, if not outright horrible parenting, is sadly a part of human nature, this being no exception to the rule.
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The left's horrific War on Women is tragically still alive and well in 2019. Can we please end this shit in 2020? Can we find a cure for the cancer that is progressivism.

A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Join Her Sport

I think that the only cure, here, is for sane people to stop allowing ourselves to be bullied and shamed and intimidated into playing along with this nonsense. We need to not shrink from telling the obvious truth, that there is no such thing as transgenderism, that a man is not and cannot become a woman, and a woman is not, and cannot become a man.

We need to point out that anyone who is confused about the distinction between male and female is very obviously suffering from severe mental defects; especially those who are confused about their own gender sex.

The degenerate freaks who promote this nonsense only get away with it because too many of us sane people are too cowardly to stand up to them. Too many of us have fallen for the exact phenomenon that Hans Christian Andersen described in his tale of The Emperor's New Clothes. Shame on those of us who have thus allowed ourselves to be intimidated into playing along with what we can clearly see to be a destructive and absurd lie, rather than standing up for the truth. Shame on those of us as much as on the freaks who promote this lie.
The degenerate freaks who promote this nonsense only get away with it because too many of us sane people are too cowardly to stand up to them. Too many of us have fallen for the exact phenomenon that Hans Christian Andersen described in his tale of The Emperor's New Clothes. Shame on those of us who have thus allowed ourselves to be intimidated into playing along with what we can clearly see to be a destructive and absurd lie, rather than standing up for the truth. Shame on those of us as much as on the freaks who promote this lie.

I hadn't yet read the most recently-linked article when I wrote the above, but there it is, right in that article…

“Everyone is afraid of retaliation from the media, from the kids around their school, from other athletes, coaches, schools, administrators,” Selina explained. “They don’t want to drag attention to themselves, and they don’t want to be seen as a target for potential bullying and threats.”
The LGBT community is desperate to get their hands on every child in America. We cannot allow it. #Resist

Equality Act Could Impose Left-Wing LGBT Curriculum on Whole Nation

It was foolish of us to ever give an inch to the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile movement. I don't know if anyone saw it coming, back when it was supposedly only about “consenting adults”, that they would one day openly go after young children, but here we are. We should have put a stop to this sickness long before it ever approached this point.
The LGBT community is desperate to get their hands on every child in America. We cannot allow it. #Resist

Equality Act Could Impose Left-Wing LGBT Curriculum on Whole Nation

It was foolish of us to ever give an inch to the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile movement. I don't know if anyone saw it coming, back when it was supposedly only about “consenting adults”, that they would one day openly go after young children, but here we are. We should have put a stop to this sickness long before it ever approached this point.
New Study Shows Link Between Brain Damage And Religious Fundamentalism

Brain Damage: A new study establishes a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism, and demonstrates how brain damage increases religious fundamentalism.

PsyPost reports:

A new study in the journal Neuropsychologia found that lesions in a particular brain region tend to increase religious fundamentalism.
New Study Shows Link Between Brain Damage And Religious Fundamentalism

Brain Damage: A new study establishes a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism, and demonstrates how brain damage increases religious fundamentalism.

PsyPost reports:

A new study in the journal Neuropsychologia found that lesions in a particular brain region tend to increase religious fundamentalism.

Of course, that was bullshit when you started a thread about it almost two years ago, and it's even more so, now, as you introduce it as an irrelevancy in an effort to derail this thread.



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Lots of young children are being irreparably harmed thanks to failed left-wing policies.
Prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75% to 95% of gender-dysphoric youth ended up happy with their biological sex after simply passing through puberty.
The left wants the mentally insane and small children make the decisions that drive society. It's absurd. It's asinine. And it's the type of idiocy that could only come from the left. Adults don't allow children to make major decisions about their life. You let them choose what flavor of lollipop. You let them choose what toy to pick out at the store. You do not allow them to choose gender reassignment surgery, or what city the family will live in, or what automobile to purchase.

I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
the left is creating a lot of future deranged serial killers
The left lives to exploit children and young adults for their own sexual deviance...
And parents are coming over saying, “Hey, did you see that there was anal sex and oral sex in here? And did you see this activity where they ask the kids to imagine they’re a different gender?”
They are desperate to create as many sexually deviant people as possible.

2 California Moms Sound Alarm About Lewd Sex Ed Coming to Schools

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