How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

You are smarter than that, CC. All the politicians will say the right thing until the lobbyists and special interests come by...then they and their checkbook outweigh anything promised. Trump will not be swayed by those people. He is his own man.

Yeah, who has his own interests. I'm sure that wont influence him at all. He'll take the oath of office then set fire to all his businesses :rolleyes:
I expected a better response than that from you.

Sorry, sometimes it's not great but it's still a point that can't be brushed aside
I can brush it aside.
You are smarter than that, CC. All the politicians will say the right thing until the lobbyists and special interests come by...then they and their checkbook outweigh anything promised. Trump will not be swayed by those people. He is his own man.

Yeah, who has his own interests. I'm sure that wont influence him at all. He'll take the oath of office then set fire to all his businesses :rolleyes:
I expected a better response than that from you.

Sorry, sometimes it's not great but it's still a point that can't be brushed aside
I can brush it aside.

Well, great...brush aside the truth but it doesn't change the truth
Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!

Yep, Donald Duke really knows how to take command of his interviews.
Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!

Yep, Donald Duke really knows how to take command of his interviews.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." Especially in divorce court. (She admitted it is false)
Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!

Yep, Donald Duke really knows how to take command of his interviews.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." Especially in divorce court. (She admitted it is false)

What else would you expect her to say? She fears the wrath of Donald. Either she was lying then or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.

Have any of you actually read this article, or are you all just STUPID?

FLASHBACK--This is what Donald Trump stated about our loss in 2012, regarding IMMIGRATION. Trump stated it was because the GOP was too mean to illegal immigrants.


Donald Trump is Bill Clinton's trojan horse and the above article proves it!

Try as I might I am tiring of Donald already. True, he brought what hopefully was a different perspective, but it's the same stuff only loud and rude. Maybe if he said something even more outlandish, like, "Today I bought China." I would sit up, Then again maybe not.
Who else is in the Republican bull pen?
Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!

Yep, Donald Duke really knows how to take command of his interviews.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." Especially in divorce court. (She admitted it is false)

What else would you expect her to say? She fears the wrath of Donald. Either she was lying then or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.

Good thing there are no women liars running for president... oh, wait! :laugh:
He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

That's the beauty of it, Jackson. He stays on point. He has a message. Not like other politicians who change their message with each interview they agree to.

T-Rump's "message" is that T-Rump is the "greatest" at everything.

If you believe that then there is this bridge that I can sell you.
That is exactly what Obama was saying in 2008 and 2009. "I can do the speech writing better than you", he told his speech writer and then included all of the aides he was hiring. "I can do a better job than all of you." Narcissism is a strong characteristic in people who run for the presidency.

Obama had actual policy positions and hands on experience in government.

T-Rump has adjectives and zero experience.

Obama had very little experience. The time in the senate was spent voting present. Remember? His true calling is a political activist, or Acorn worker.

Obama had both state and federal experience whereas T-Rump has never even been elected as dog catcher.
He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

That's the beauty of it, Jackson. He stays on point. He has a message. Not like other politicians who change their message with each interview they agree to.

T-Rump's "message" is that T-Rump is the "greatest" at everything.

If you believe that then there is this bridge that I can sell you.
That is exactly what Obama was saying in 2008 and 2009. "I can do the speech writing better than you", he told his speech writer and then included all of the aides he was hiring. "I can do a better job than all of you." Narcissism is a strong characteristic in people who run for the presidency.

Obama had actual policy positions and hands on experience in government.

T-Rump has adjectives and zero experience.
Being the business man he is, incredibly successful, he shows leadership and we need someone who knows businesses and getting them back to the US.

You tried that before and failed. Just because T-Rump managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail doesn't mean that he is qualified to make the right decisions.

Personally I wouldn't trust him with any taxpayer funds knowing that his casino investors lost 90 cents on the dollar. He made himself wealthy while making ordinary people a whole lot poorer.
Try as I might I am tiring of Donald already. True, he brought what hopefully was a different perspective, but it's the same stuff only loud and rude. Maybe if he said something even more outlandish, like, "Today I bought China." I would sit up, Then again maybe not.
Who else is in the Republican bull pen?

If you don't have good stuff to say every week, you're not going to stay where you are.

What happens is that fundamentals take over, and the fundamentals of Trump seem to be loud and charismatic. Doesn't always get you far, especially if you annoy everyone.
If they're fair with him, he's fair with them. If they disrespect him, he disrespects them back. With Trump, you get what you give. People like that, it's a refreshing change from the ass kissing politicians who promise everything and deliver nothing.

I agree. I like what he says and the fact that he says it without notice from others. He's not politically correct. And he's a brilliant businessman and deal maker. He remembers loyalties and won't forget them. He forgives easily, if you appear to "crawl" back to him. But the man has talent. And above all, I think he's honest.
Yep, I think he's headed for the White House.
Obama had both state and federal experience...

Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down, moron. Obama has destroyed everything he has touched. A one-man fuck up machine. Health care, economy, foreign policy, he and the old lady even managed to fuck up the school lunch program, that is a whole new level of liberal incompetence. He's fucked up our courts loading them full of lunatics, appointed more lunatics as czars and heads of entire departments of government.

Obama fucks up more before breakfast than Trump has fucked up his entire life.
Just because T-Rump managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail...

Fuck you. You've got NOTHING on Trump! Little pissants like you can run around mewing this kind of slander and get away with it because you're a loser who doesn't have enough to warrant the wrath of Trump's attorneys.
Obama had both state and federal experience...

Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down, moron. Obama has destroyed everything he has touched. A one-man fuck up machine. Health care, economy, foreign policy, he and the old lady even managed to fuck up the school lunch program, that is a whole new level of liberal incompetence. He's fucked up our courts loading them full of lunatics, appointed more lunatics as czars and heads of entire departments of government.

Obama fucks up more before breakfast than Trump has fucked up his entire life.


Poor widdle bossypants. Throwing another temper tantrum just because you can't refute the facts?

You and T-Rump have a lot in common. You both bloviate from ignorance and try to bully others because you are incapable of making a coherent and factual argument.
Just because T-Rump managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail...

Fuck you. You've got NOTHING on Trump! Little pissants like you can run around mewing this kind of slander and get away with it because you're a loser who doesn't have enough to warrant the wrath of Trump's attorneys.

There are plenty of diligent researchers digging through the public records of all of T-Rump's court and SEC filings.

Given what I already know about him I have no doubt whatsoever that they are going to uncover plenty of skeletons.

And being a sycophantic dullard you will ignore all of the factual data that reveals the truth about him.

Fortunately you and your gullible ilk are just a tiny subset of the American electorate and the majority will recognize the truth about him and ensure that he ends up right next to Romney in the 2nd place finishers category.
Given what I already know about him I have no doubt whatsoever that they are going to uncover plenty of skeletons.

You already made the statement that he "managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail." Now you admit nothing has been uncovered. In other words, you slandered him and you admit it. Lucky for you that you're a loser who doesn't have anything worth suing for.

And some free legal advice to any "journalist" out there trying to "find" some evidence.. you best be damn sure all the facts are in order before you throw an allegation out there. Trump isn't Herman Cain... he's going to make you pay if it's a lie.
Given what I already know about him I have no doubt whatsoever that they are going to uncover plenty of skeletons.

You already made the statement that he "managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail." Now you admit nothing has been uncovered. In other words, you slandered him and you admit it. Lucky for you that you're a loser who doesn't have anything worth suing for.

And some free legal advice to any "journalist" out there trying to "find" some evidence.. you best be damn sure all the facts are in order before you throw an allegation out there. Trump isn't Herman Cain... he's going to make you pay if it's a lie.

Fortunately I have nothing to worry about since T-Rump's seamy side is already well documented all over the internet.

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners | Porn Pimping Politics

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners

With lawsuits pending and shady partners, Trump’s business empire could not withstand the scrutiny of a presidential campaign, and even his kids might have been muddied.
Editor’s Note, 8/10/15: Four years ago, Wayne Barett reported shady business deals ahead of Trump’s flirtation with a White House run. After first exposing Trump’s ties to organized crime in his 1992 book, Barrett looked into his most recent business dealings and discovered the following:

• One associate who was an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a massive 2000 stock swindle—and escaped prison only by helping to convict 19 others, including six members of New York crime families

• Two associates who served prison time on cocaine charges
• Another partner prosecuted for trafficking underage girls after a dramatic helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast
• A pending lawsuit against Trump Soho that alleges daughter Ivanka, among others, made fraudulent misrepresentations

“I had no idea I would get hammered in the way I’ve been hammered,” Donald Trump declared in New Hampshire on May 11, five days before he dropped out of a presidential race he never formally entered.​

The Donald Trump scandal no one is talking about -

Trump brings to his candidacy an extensive backlog of business ventures, some of which are troubling. In August, 2013, New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced the he was filing a lawsuit against Trump for the dubious promises of his higher education endeavor, Trump University. Schneiderman’s lawsuit alleged that the school’s real estate program, which was unlicensed as an actual university, was complicit in “persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct” towards its students, who were often saddled with debt from expensive seminars in lieu of brimming with the promised insider secrets from “Donald Trump’s handpicked instructors most of whom turned out to have emerged from real estate-derived bankruptcy, or have little background in real estate at all.

Schneiderman claimed that more than 5,000 people paid around $40 million to Trump U, a quarter of which was funneled directly into Trump’s pockets, going against claims that Trump U was founded “solely for philanthropic purposes“––Trump netted around $5 million in profit, according to the suit. Many of the allegations read like a pyramid scheme pamphlet, such as the multiple claims that Trump himself would make an appearance (“‘he is going to be in town’ or ‘often drops by’ and ‘might show up’ or had just left,” the suit reads), and student evaluations required for getting a certificate that “‘pleaded for a favorable rating so that ‘Mr. Trump would invite [them] back to do other retreats.” On top of Schneiderman’scase, a class-action lawsuit in California was filed against the university, which now lists itself as the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
I thought it was because he refused to actually comment on what the interviewer asked, and just talked about whatever tangent appealed to him at the moment.

Not that I dislike him. He's thumbing his nose nicely to the 400 plutocrats who rule the gop
Given what I already know about him I have no doubt whatsoever that they are going to uncover plenty of skeletons.

You already made the statement that he "managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail." Now you admit nothing has been uncovered. In other words, you slandered him and you admit it. Lucky for you that you're a loser who doesn't have anything worth suing for.

And some free legal advice to any "journalist" out there trying to "find" some evidence.. you best be damn sure all the facts are in order before you throw an allegation out there. Trump isn't Herman Cain... he's going to make you pay if it's a lie.

Fortunately I have nothing to worry about since T-Rump's seamy side is already well documented all over the internet.

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners | Porn Pimping Politics

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners

With lawsuits pending and shady partners, Trump’s business empire could not withstand the scrutiny of a presidential campaign, and even his kids might have been muddied.
Editor’s Note, 8/10/15: Four years ago, Wayne Barett reported shady business deals ahead of Trump’s flirtation with a White House run. After first exposing Trump’s ties to organized crime in his 1992 book, Barrett looked into his most recent business dealings and discovered the following:

• One associate who was an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a massive 2000 stock swindle—and escaped prison only by helping to convict 19 others, including six members of New York crime families

• Two associates who served prison time on cocaine charges
• Another partner prosecuted for trafficking underage girls after a dramatic helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast
• A pending lawsuit against Trump Soho that alleges daughter Ivanka, among others, made fraudulent misrepresentations

“I had no idea I would get hammered in the way I’ve been hammered,” Donald Trump declared in New Hampshire on May 11, five days before he dropped out of a presidential race he never formally entered.​

The Donald Trump scandal no one is talking about -

Trump brings to his candidacy an extensive backlog of business ventures, some of which are troubling. In August, 2013, New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced the he was filing a lawsuit against Trump for the dubious promises of his higher education endeavor, Trump University. Schneiderman’s lawsuit alleged that the school’s real estate program, which was unlicensed as an actual university, was complicit in “persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct” towards its students, who were often saddled with debt from expensive seminars in lieu of brimming with the promised insider secrets from “Donald Trump’s handpicked instructors most of whom turned out to have emerged from real estate-derived bankruptcy, or have little background in real estate at all.

Schneiderman claimed that more than 5,000 people paid around $40 million to Trump U, a quarter of which was funneled directly into Trump’s pockets, going against claims that Trump U was founded “solely for philanthropic purposes“––Trump netted around $5 million in profit, according to the suit. Many of the allegations read like a pyramid scheme pamphlet, such as the multiple claims that Trump himself would make an appearance (“‘he is going to be in town’ or ‘often drops by’ and ‘might show up’ or had just left,” the suit reads), and student evaluations required for getting a certificate that “‘pleaded for a favorable rating so that ‘Mr. Trump would invite [them] back to do other retreats.” On top of Schneiderman’scase, a class-action lawsuit in California was filed against the university, which now lists itself as the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.

Wow... 1992... 2000... 2013... Lots of bluster there but not much in the way of criminal indictment. Are you sure you understand the parameters of accusing someone of having committed illegalities?

Yes, I think your "journalists" better be VERY careful not to slander Mr. Trump in any way. They can flirt around with insinuations and make vague allegations because he is a public figure. But they can't run around saying we would all be in jail if we did what Trump did. You can say that-- but you're a loser who Trump doesn't care about suing for slander. And you could ALL say that about Hillary because it's true.

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