How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

Given what I already know about him I have no doubt whatsoever that they are going to uncover plenty of skeletons.

You already made the statement that he "managed to get away with some very shady deals that would have put people like you and I in jail." Now you admit nothing has been uncovered. In other words, you slandered him and you admit it. Lucky for you that you're a loser who doesn't have anything worth suing for.

And some free legal advice to any "journalist" out there trying to "find" some evidence.. you best be damn sure all the facts are in order before you throw an allegation out there. Trump isn't Herman Cain... he's going to make you pay if it's a lie.

Fortunately I have nothing to worry about since T-Rump's seamy side is already well documented all over the internet.

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners | Porn Pimping Politics

Inside Donald Trump’s Ties to Organized Crime & His Shady Business Partners

With lawsuits pending and shady partners, Trump’s business empire could not withstand the scrutiny of a presidential campaign, and even his kids might have been muddied.
Editor’s Note, 8/10/15: Four years ago, Wayne Barett reported shady business deals ahead of Trump’s flirtation with a White House run. After first exposing Trump’s ties to organized crime in his 1992 book, Barrett looked into his most recent business dealings and discovered the following:

• One associate who was an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a massive 2000 stock swindle—and escaped prison only by helping to convict 19 others, including six members of New York crime families

• Two associates who served prison time on cocaine charges
• Another partner prosecuted for trafficking underage girls after a dramatic helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast
• A pending lawsuit against Trump Soho that alleges daughter Ivanka, among others, made fraudulent misrepresentations

“I had no idea I would get hammered in the way I’ve been hammered,” Donald Trump declared in New Hampshire on May 11, five days before he dropped out of a presidential race he never formally entered.​

The Donald Trump scandal no one is talking about -

Trump brings to his candidacy an extensive backlog of business ventures, some of which are troubling. In August, 2013, New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced the he was filing a lawsuit against Trump for the dubious promises of his higher education endeavor, Trump University. Schneiderman’s lawsuit alleged that the school’s real estate program, which was unlicensed as an actual university, was complicit in “persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct” towards its students, who were often saddled with debt from expensive seminars in lieu of brimming with the promised insider secrets from “Donald Trump’s handpicked instructors most of whom turned out to have emerged from real estate-derived bankruptcy, or have little background in real estate at all.

Schneiderman claimed that more than 5,000 people paid around $40 million to Trump U, a quarter of which was funneled directly into Trump’s pockets, going against claims that Trump U was founded “solely for philanthropic purposes“––Trump netted around $5 million in profit, according to the suit. Many of the allegations read like a pyramid scheme pamphlet, such as the multiple claims that Trump himself would make an appearance (“‘he is going to be in town’ or ‘often drops by’ and ‘might show up’ or had just left,” the suit reads), and student evaluations required for getting a certificate that “‘pleaded for a favorable rating so that ‘Mr. Trump would invite [them] back to do other retreats.” On top of Schneiderman’scase, a class-action lawsuit in California was filed against the university, which now lists itself as the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.

Wow... 1992... 2000... 2013... Lots of bluster there but not much in the way of criminal indictment. Are you sure you understand the parameters of accusing someone of having committed illegalities?

Yes, I think your "journalists" better be VERY careful not to slander Mr. Trump in any way. They can flirt around with insinuations and make vague allegations because he is a public figure. But they can't run around saying we would all be in jail if we did what Trump did. You can say that-- but you're a loser who Trump doesn't care about suing for slander. And you could ALL say that about Hillary because it's true.

So now Hillary can sue you for libel because you just said that she should be in jail?


You wear your ignorance and hypocrisy so proudly.

The date range shows that T-Rump has a pattern of behavior that is unethical at best and there is no reason to believe that, should he end up in the Oval office, he will have a come to jesus moment and miraculously become ethical.

He even lies about the bible in his speeches and dullards like you eat it up because you lack critical thinking skills.

Journalists are doing their background checking and once they have their facts in order and verified they will start grilling T-Rump on his ugly misdeeds in the past. They will hold him accountable in the court of public opinion and I seriously doubt that he can withstand the scrutiny. He bailed in 2012 because of the heat from the media and there is no reason to believe he won't bail again.

Oh, and it isn't only the media digging up T-Rump's skeletons. His opponents are looking for leverage on him too and there are 16 of them with the motive and the means to take him down.

And let's not forget that in the polls he is toast as far as minority voters go and without them there is no way he will make it into the Whitehouse.

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