How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

To end this with "I like him" is a plot twist I didnt see coming. Its almost like knowing the magic trick and still going :disbelief:Wooooooow
Lol, you're right. I am a realist when it comes to Trump. I'm not saying he's a savvy, well mannered candidate. But when it comes to be in charge, there is no other. Obama was so opposite to this in foreign affairs. Was that his fault or Hillary's? Both were incompetent. That is not what you see with Trump. If there is anything about Trump, it's competent.
He's the diamond with a rough spot.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Wow... You really are butt-hurt over this, aren't you?

Poor Dorothy!
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
Well, he fails in the last two, but disagreeing with you does not make him a failed human being...quite the opposite in fact....

He'll never make the White House....but the other candidates could take a lesson.

What Trump is doing is showing the others how to have courage and leadership.

We'll see which of the rest will exhibit the trait of having a lifelong belief in a principle and not running away from the principle when challenged.

AS for the outrage of people like you?

They need to learn that you don't matter, because no matter who they are, you'd never vote for them.

That makes it easy to ignore little people like you.
Did you watch the video where he told Ramos to sit down? That was not leader material.

I watched it... thought it showed great leadership. We have rules in this country and people need to learn to follow the rules. You're going to learn that. It might take some time, you might have to get your feelings hurt a little, but people are going to eventually learn that we have rules and we're expected to follow them.

We can't have a country without rules, no borders, free everything... liberal Utopia. Sorry! We just can't have that and we're not going to try to pretend we do. IF YOU want that, go find a fucking deserted island somewhere and colonize it... I'll help you raise money to do it and I bet Trump would probably kick in a couple million himself. It will be fun to watch you show us how it's done! But we're not going to do that here in the US. ...MmmmK?
Okay, Adolf.

Fact of the matter is that Trump can't answer hard questions and needs to be protected from them by body guards.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Wow... You really are butt-hurt over this, aren't you?

Poor Dorothy!

Jackson asked for a source and I supplied it.

That you are incapable of ever backing up your own bloviating posts is on the record so any rectal pain you are feeling is entirely your own.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Thank you for the video. I think you are right, that Ramos was talking loudly, but not yelling. I really don't see Trump as being rude or obnoxious. There were many reporters there wanting his attention but Ramos was the only one standing up without being called on and not letting Trump respond. Ramos received more time than the other reporters.

I did hear reporters asking about Ramos and Trump said he would welcome him back. I didn't hear the reporters ask. I just don't know about that. But, he didn't have to do that. So, is that being rude and obnoxious? How about when Ramos returned and Trump welcomed him? If he was so rude, I don't think he would have done or said that.

DT, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. :(
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Not actually the case. I listen to what he says. You hear a soundbite and leave it at that. Sure there asre tactics. Many successful politicians do. He hasn't resigned himself or his people to lasso the press though. That tactic is rude and obnoxious as DT would say. lol

I listen to making trade deals,
possibly getting manufacturing back to the US
No more political correctness
deporting illegals
building a wall
bringing back jobs

And he usually gets what he wants! That's the best I have heard and I am a fan. Evidently, I'm not alone. So, lol, I am not hypnotized.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Not actually the case. I listen to what he says. You hear a soundbite and leave it at that.

Pause....We can disagree without you flat out lying cant we?

Sure there asre tactics. Many successful politicians do. He hasn't resigned himself or his people to lasso the press though. That tactic is rude and obnoxious as DT would say. lol

I listen to making trade deals,
possibly getting manufacturing back to the US
No more political correctness
deporting illegals
building a wall
bringing back jobs

And he usually gets what he wants! That's the best I have heard and I am a fan. Evidently, I'm not alone. So, lol, I am not hypnotized.

He's saying the same old thing as everyone else the only difference is that Trump takes credit for the idea. They've been talking about immigration, walls, trade deals etc since politics began.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Not actually the case. I listen to what he says. You hear a soundbite and leave it at that.

Pause....We can disagree without you flat out lying cant we?

Sure there asre tactics. Many successful politicians do. He hasn't resigned himself or his people to lasso the press though. That tactic is rude and obnoxious as DT would say. lol

I listen to making trade deals,
possibly getting manufacturing back to the US
No more political correctness
deporting illegals
building a wall
bringing back jobs

And he usually gets what he wants! That's the best I have heard and I am a fan. Evidently, I'm not alone. So, lol, I am not hypnotized.

He's saying the same old thing as everyone else the only difference is that Trump takes credit for the idea. They've been talking about immigration, walls, trade deals etc since politics began.
Okay, let's assume you were hearing everything Trump was saying.

trade deals - he has written a book in how to make deals, The Art of the Deal, since he's made several billion $, my guess is that he's a success at it. He know the right people. Already has Carl Ichan on board.
US companies may bring back their manufacturing to the US, providing many jobs for the middle class
He calls it like he sees it. No more placating the left with this silly political correctness.
He's going to do what politicians have promised for years. That alone puts him over the top with Americans. Congressional representatives had better be on board with the wall and enforcing our immigration laws or they are going to see their jobs taken away!
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Thank you for the video. I think you are right, that Ramos was talking loudly, but not yelling. I really don't see Trump as being rude or obnoxious. There were many reporters there wanting his attention but Ramos was the only one standing up without being called on and not letting Trump respond. Ramos received more time than the other reporters.

I did hear reporters asking about Ramos and Trump said he would welcome him back. I didn't hear the reporters ask. I just don't know about that. But, he didn't have to do that. So, is that being rude and obnoxious? How about when Ramos returned and Trump welcomed him? If he was so rude, I don't think he would have done or said that.

DT, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. :(

This is a good copy of the exchange after Ramos returned.

Ramos grills Trump on immigration at press conference

I will try and track down a better copy of the reporters questions.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.

Hillary or Bernie are going to be the best for the economy because they said so....See how that works?
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Thank you for the video. I think you are right, that Ramos was talking loudly, but not yelling. I really don't see Trump as being rude or obnoxious. There were many reporters there wanting his attention but Ramos was the only one standing up without being called on and not letting Trump respond. Ramos received more time than the other reporters.

I did hear reporters asking about Ramos and Trump said he would welcome him back. I didn't hear the reporters ask. I just don't know about that. But, he didn't have to do that. So, is that being rude and obnoxious? How about when Ramos returned and Trump welcomed him? If he was so rude, I don't think he would have done or said that.

DT, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. :(

This is a good copy of the exchange after Ramos returned.

Ramos grills Trump on immigration at press conference

I will try and track down a better copy of the reporters questions.

Is my browser working? I can't click on the title.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.

Hillary or Bernie are going to be the best for the economy because they said so....See how that works?

Yes, but you see it with Bernie and Hilary and not with Trump. I DONT see how that works.
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.

Hillary or Bernie are going to be the best for the economy because they said so....See how that works?

Yes, but you see it with Bernie and Hilary and not with Trump. I DONT see how that works.
:) Trump has a positive history where Hillary, quite honestly does not. Bernie is an unknown socialist. That's all I know.

Just wondering. Can you tell me who you like, Hillary, Bernie or Joe? You know who I like. Just curious. :)
He's not competent, he just asserts that he's confident using the tactics you laid out and despite KNOWING the Tactics it still affects you like someone who is being hypnotized. Weird shit...
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.

Hillary or Bernie are going to be the best for the economy because they said so....See how that works?

Yes, but you see it with Bernie and Hilary and not with Trump. I DONT see how that works.
:) Trump has a positive history where Hillary, quite honestly does not. Bernie is an unknown socialist. That's all I know.

Just wondering. Can you tell me who you like, Hillary, Bernie or Joe? You know who I like. Just curious. :)

Everyone has a positive history...and everyone has a not so positive history. I dont know yet its too early...but i can say someone who repeats something over and over makes me nervous and I dont trust them in real life.

Also these car sales tactics are crude but since its new to the public they seem mesmerized like watching someone do magic....except people really believe the magical story being told like "I'm going to build a wall! how? BY DOING IT!!"
Just another thing. Would you call a multi-billionaire incompetent? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

I didnt say he's incompetent AT BUSINESS. I said he's not competent you just believe he is because he told you he was. Like who's going to be the best for the Economy? Trump will, know how? Cause he said so.

Hillary or Bernie are going to be the best for the economy because they said so....See how that works?

Yes, but you see it with Bernie and Hilary and not with Trump. I DONT see how that works.
:) Trump has a positive history where Hillary, quite honestly does not. Bernie is an unknown socialist. That's all I know.

Just wondering. Can you tell me who you like, Hillary, Bernie or Joe? You know who I like. Just curious. :)

Everyone has a positive history...and everyone has a not so positive history. I dont know yet its too early...but i can say someone who repeats something over and over makes me nervous and I dont trust them in real life.

Also these car sales tactics are crude but since its new to the public they seem mesmerized like watching someone do magic....except people really believe the magical story being told like "I'm going to build a wall! how? BY DOING IT!!"
Fair enough.

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