How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
His ultimate comeback settles on....I am rich and you are not
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?
Really? It is okay for Trump to talk over reporters and punch them on the arm but no one is allowed to talk over him?

This is awesome!
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
His ultimate comeback settles on....I am rich and you are not
No, he just takes command of a situation. He is not a passive person. He took charge of a bad situation.

BZZZT Wrong!

T-Rump did not take charge of the situation. Instead he allowed it to escalate by failing to address legitimate questions.

It ended up with T-Rump making himself look bad by lying to the entire press corp in the room.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?
Really? It is okay for Trump to talk over reporters and punch them on the arm but no one is allowed to talk over him?

This is awesome!
Yes. He can talk over reporters because some of them are trying to do that to him. He will get his message out. But a talented journalist will keep trying and that usually leads to an answer. one they perhaps weren't looking for, but an answer to the question. I already said he "taps" the journalist in the arm as to get his brain to reset. And by golly, it works.

What person wants to be shouted down. Trump demands respect in a accepted way. He doesn't shout back or get angry. He's a pro.

Isn't that the kind of take charge guy you would want as your leader? Rather than one that doesn't talk to reporters, or walks away when the questions get tough?
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.

And he later allowed him back in the room and gave him time to ask his question.

His action was 100% correct and called for. Ramos was out of order and did not want to comply with the rules... Trump had him removed.

Of course, Trump COULD be like Obama and just not answer questions from reporters at all? ;)
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?
His ultimate comeback settles on....I am rich and you are not
No, he just takes command of a situation. He is not a passive person. He took charge of a bad situation.

He does take command

But his answers are not responsive and he flls back on the same retorts centered on how wealthy he is and that must somehow make him right
His ultimate comeback settles on....I am rich and you are not
No, he just takes command of a situation. He is not a passive person. He took charge of a bad situation.

He does take command

But his answers are not responsive and he flls back on the same retorts centered on how wealthy he is and that must somehow make him right
I disagree. He will say what he wants to say first, then answers the question. It's working. How many other candidates are getting their message out? Not many.
And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

To end this with "I like him" is a plot twist I didnt see coming. Its almost like knowing the magic trick and still going :disbelief:Wooooooow
His ultimate comeback settles on....I am rich and you are not
No, he just takes command of a situation. He is not a passive person. He took charge of a bad situation.

You have to remember you're talking to pinheads who live in a universe of double-standards. Their politicians can avoid questions entirely, not even give pressers... or stage fake pressers with rigged questions from their pet quislings in the media. If someone from the right happens to infiltrate their little bubble and try to ask a legitimate question, they're shut down and called a whackadoodle. Nothing else is ever heard about it.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?
Really? It is okay for Trump to talk over reporters and punch them on the arm but no one is allowed to talk over him?

This is awesome!
Yes. He can talk over reporters because some of them are trying to do that to him. He will get his message out. But a talented journalist will keep trying and that usually leads to an answer. one they perhaps weren't looking for, but an answer to the question. I already said he "taps" the journalist in the arm as to get his brain to reset. And by golly, it works.

What person wants to be shouted down. Trump demands respect in a accepted way. He doesn't shout back or get angry. He's a pro.

Isn't that the kind of take charge guy you would want as your leader? Rather than one that doesn't talk to reporters, or walks away when the questions get tough?
Did you watch the video where he told Ramos to sit down? That was not leader material. That was the action of a man that can be baited into melting down. Ramos did a good job by exposing this, now other candidates and reporters will know that Trump is an immature asshat that can be baited (lol, though everyone should have already realized that).
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.

And he later allowed him back in the room and gave him time to ask his question.

His action was 100% correct and called for. Ramos was out of order and did not want to comply with the rules... Trump had him removed.

Of course, Trump COULD be like Obama and just not answer questions from reporters at all? ;)
Yep, he let him back in in attempt to make himself look like he wasn't a little coward. :thup:
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
He strong arms people that ask him questions out of the room.
The Ramos incident was improper from the start. Ramos was way out of line and he knew it. This was a sit down press conference where the reporters raise their hand to be called upon. Ramos was yelling a speech and certainly not waiting to be called upon. Are other reporters coming to Ramos's defense?

He did what Black Lives Matter does all around.

Obviously you never watched the video.

Ramos was being ignored by T-Rump which is why he stood up.

He wasn't yelling, he was just asking his questions over and over again in order to get T-Rump's attention.

Yes, the other reporters did come to Ramos's defense and forced T-Rump to allow him back in and answer his questions.
Yes he was yelling. I saw that part of the video. Do you have the video handy where the reporters wanted Ramos back?

Starts at 48 seconds in and no way is Ramos yelling but T-Rump is being his usual rude and obnoxious self.

Video: Play-by-Play of Donald Trump, Jorge Ramos Showdown

At 1:27 the ABC reporter asks T-Rump a question and T-Rump's response is an outright lie claiming that he doesn't know who Ramos is and denying that he got security to throw him out.

The clip doesn't include the other reporters asking why T-Rump wouldn't answer Ramos's questions but it was their pressure that forced him to allow him back in.

In the video below they are asking him from 3:00 onwards but the audio isn't as easy to hear them when I was watching yesterday.

Did you watch the video where he told Ramos to sit down? That was not leader material.

I watched it... thought it showed great leadership. We have rules in this country and people need to learn to follow the rules. You're going to learn that. It might take some time, you might have to get your feelings hurt a little, but people are going to eventually learn that we have rules and we're expected to follow them.

We can't have a country without rules, no borders, free everything... liberal Utopia. Sorry! We just can't have that and we're not going to try to pretend we do. IF YOU want that, go find a fucking deserted island somewhere and colonize it... I'll help you raise money to do it and I bet Trump would probably kick in a couple million himself. It will be fun to watch you show us how it's done! But we're not going to do that here in the US. ...MmmmK?

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