How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

You never answered my question...

Is it illegal for a president to pay out of his back pocket for advisors?

Political advisers are not on the government payroll and therefore cannot make decisions and give orders on how to run the government.

Obviously you don't understand how it works any more than kondor does.

Perhaps the two of you can get a group discount on the adult remedial social studies course at your local community college.


What the fuck you talking about giving orders? All they have to do is sit down with trump and advise him... Dork

Much like Al Sharpton did in his millions of times visiting the White house or any other Looney tune liberal who vitsted the white house , with Obama's Wednesday night party's....

God you are retarded...

Go and read what kondor actually posted.

He said that T-Rump would "buy experts" and have them "run things" while he played golf.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class. Even the short bus kids are quicker on the uptake than you are.

Yup this is exactly why I know why you are a poor ass no job broke ass liberal...

A successful business man hires the Fucking best, the best god damn managers, the best God damn lawyers...

So he can go play golf.

Resorting to meaningless vulgarities is a de facto admission that you have conceded your position and are admitting defeat.

Have a nice day.

Run as fast as you can....

Again successful business men do not micro manage empires...

That's why they pay high dollar talent to do....

Bear and kondor throwing a pity party for themselves!

Oh well, let's leave them to it and get back to the OP topic on how T-Rump bloviates his way into the hearts of the extreme rightwingers.
...Trump doesn't scare me. The people who support Trump scare me.
And there is good reason to be scared.

If you're an Illegal Alien or Pro-Illegals advocate, anyway.

We are seeing Middle America (finally) find its voice and its courage, in the face of all sorts of false charges of racism and bigotry, to put an end to an Invasion.

This is the result of decades of both Republican and Democratic intransigence on this issue.

The Republicans have wanted Illegal Aliens to stay, in order to take advantage of near slave-wages cheap labor, from an underclass that cannot defend itself.

The Democrats have wanted Illegal Aliens to stay, in order to cultivate a new crop of grateful Democratic voters, once they are granted Shamnesty.

Leaving the vast majority of American Citizens caught in the middle, swamped-under the by Great Unwashed, depressing wages, taking jobs, and draining our resources.

Trump is making headway because he not only knows how that majority of American Citizens feel, but, he's richer than God, and doesn't have to give a shit about either Political Correctness or Ethnic Voting Blocs and is the only one out there Telling It Like It Is.

The sooner we recognize the Truth of that observation, and the sooner we empower some of our other candidates to recognize and effectively act upon that Truth, the sooner we can move beyond the Trump Clown Show, and get down to choosing a viable leader for the next round.

But, the longer we dawdle and delay and try to put off the inevitable - i.e., that America wants this Invasion stopped and reversed - the longer Donald will be with us.

My guess is, unless the guy shoots himself in the foot irredeemably, Trump is going to try to go the distance.

And it will be the sheepish-ness of present-day American political leadership and leading candidates - that will be primarily responsible for that state of affairs.

Bear and kondor throwing a pity party for themselves!

Oh well, let's leave them to it and get back to the OP topic on how T-Rump bloviates his way into the hearts of the extreme rightwingers.

I thought you left clown and declared victory?

Bear and kondor throwing a pity party for themselves!

Oh well, let's leave them to it and get back to the OP topic on how T-Rump bloviates his way into the hearts of the extreme rightwingers.
Your inability to effectively counterpoint in this matter is noted.

Frankly - given some lightweight observation over time - I thought you had more depth than to start something stupid like this - but I see I was wrong.

Run along now, lightweight... you're done with this... time for us to invoke the Slaughter Rule and apply it to your participation here.

Besides... I've begun to feel like I'm pickin' on a little kid, and that's not a good feeling.
Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
Be dishonest.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.
Whoa, let's put things in the proper perspective. He had over a hundred successes and 4 failures that ended in bankruptcy. Those failures were casinos in a time of a recession where people could not afford to gamble.
And show me your link where it says that the creditors had to take over and file bankruptcy? A good businessman knows when you can throw good money in after bad.

The man is a multi-billionaire. You have a hard time convincing people he is reckless.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. .




Uhm, that's pretty much every politician out there... look at Obama.... he's 100% bullshit.... Boehner too.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.
Whoa, let's put things in the proper perspective. He had over a hundred successes and 4 failures that ended in bankruptcy. Those failures were casinos in a time of a recession where people could not afford to gamble.
And show me your link where it says that the creditors had to take over and file bankruptcy? A good businessman knows when you can throw good money in after bad.

The man is a multi-billionaire. You have a hard time convincing people he is reckless.

Next time try actually reading the linked article first because all of the answers to your questions were in it.

T-Rump is fundamentally dishonest and lacks the integrity to be put in charge of taxpayer funds.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.

Hey, the crazy thing about stocks is, no one can predict what they will do. Not even Donald Trump. Stocks are definitely not the game for lily-liver whiny liberals who need everything in life to be "fairrrr!"

Now, Trump sold all his stock and got out of the casinos in NJ before it all went tits up.... if these poor souls misfortune is going to be blamed on them trusting Trump, why didn't they trust him when he bailed? See... we have a situation where they trusted him to buy the stock... but apparently failed to trust him when selling the stock.. he sold his, they should have sold theirs... they didn't. The problem here is... they DIDN'T listen to Trump.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.

Hey, the crazy thing about stocks is, no one can predict what they will do. Not even Donald Trump. Stocks are definitely not the game for lily-liver whiny liberals who need everything in life to be "fairrrr!"

Now, Trump sold all his stock and got out of the casinos in NJ before it all went tits up.... if these poor souls misfortune is going to be blamed on them trusting Trump, why didn't they trust him when he bailed? See... we have a situation where they trusted him to buy the stock... but apparently failed to trust him when selling the stock.. he sold his, they should have sold theirs... they didn't. The problem here is... they DIDN'T listen to Trump.

Thank you for admitting that you either didn't read the linked article or didn't understand it.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.

Hey, the crazy thing about stocks is, no one can predict what they will do. Not even Donald Trump. Stocks are definitely not the game for lily-liver whiny liberals who need everything in life to be "fairrrr!"

Now, Trump sold all his stock and got out of the casinos in NJ before it all went tits up.... if these poor souls misfortune is going to be blamed on them trusting Trump, why didn't they trust him when he bailed? See... we have a situation where they trusted him to buy the stock... but apparently failed to trust him when selling the stock.. he sold his, they should have sold theirs... they didn't. The problem here is... they DIDN'T listen to Trump.

Thank you for admitting that you either didn't read the linked article or didn't understand it.

Oh I totally understand it. Trump convinced people to invest in his casino project and they did. Several years later, he got out of it and they didn't. They lost their money and he didn't. The Donald can't go around making decisions for people on their stock trades, nor can he guarantee any stock. Not everyone makes money in stocks, some people lose. That is why we tax the gains from stock at a lower rate, there is a high risk involved and you might lose your money.

Again-- I would never recommend stocks to a liberal because you live in a universe where everything is always fair or needs to be made fair. In your universe, government would need to pass a law that no one could ever lose money in the stock market... and if they did, they could sue the stock broker or person who convinced them to invest. That's just the fucked-up universe liberals reside in.
Now on Trump, I can only speak to what I believe... I think the man is honest

You are entitled to your belief but the facts tell a different story.

Everyone who invested in his casinos lost 90 cents on the dollar.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

View attachment 48213

When the dust finally cleared from the wreckage, in 2005, those who had backed Trump found they’d lost about 90 cents on the dollar. That was when the creditors — again — had to step in and take charge, and force the company through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts lost money every single year that Trump ran it as a public company. Net losses of $13 million in 1995 ballooned to $134 million by 1999, and $191 million in 2004. Not even his chosen accounting firm, Arthur Andersen (of Enron fame), could have hidden all the red ink. In total, from 1995 through 2004, the company booked total losses of $647 million.

It is already well-known that Trump’s businesses have passed through Chapter 11 four times over the past 25 years. Creditors have lost billions along the way.

But the stock market is a little different. The losses are very public and very easy to follow — and the losers are ordinary investors who bought the stock directly or through mutual funds. Even worse, many of those investors are voters, too.

All in all, it’s a lucky thing for Trump that the public is so easily distracted … and have such short memories.

Hey, the crazy thing about stocks is, no one can predict what they will do. Not even Donald Trump. Stocks are definitely not the game for lily-liver whiny liberals who need everything in life to be "fairrrr!"

Now, Trump sold all his stock and got out of the casinos in NJ before it all went tits up.... if these poor souls misfortune is going to be blamed on them trusting Trump, why didn't they trust him when he bailed? See... we have a situation where they trusted him to buy the stock... but apparently failed to trust him when selling the stock.. he sold his, they should have sold theirs... they didn't. The problem here is... they DIDN'T listen to Trump.

Thank you for admitting that you either didn't read the linked article or didn't understand it.

Oh I totally understand it. Trump convinced people to invest in his casino project and they did. Several years later, he got out of it and they didn't. They lost their money and he didn't. The Donald can't go around making decisions for people on their stock trades, nor can he guarantee any stock. Not everyone makes money in stocks, some people lose. That is why we tax the gains from stock at a lower rate, there is a high risk involved and you might lose your money.

Again-- I would never recommend stocks to a liberal because you live in a universe where everything is always fair or needs to be made fair. In your universe, government would need to pass a law that no one could ever lose money in the stock market... and if they did, they could sue the stock broker or person who convinced them to invest. That's just the fucked-up universe liberals reside in.

Thank you again for admitting that you either didn't read the linked article or didn't understand it.
QUOTE="PaintMyHouse, post: 12145121, member: 47594"]The racist pitchforks liked this guy as well, it comes as no surprise.

Both told them to blame others for their lot in life, and promised to make their country great once more and them proud again. The reactions of the minions is entirely predictable...

Goodwyn Fail I can agree with. They both are full of racist hot air, and both are a horrible hazard to the republics. In one case, fatality. In the other, we can still see through him and stop him
Both told them to blame others for their lot in life, and promised to make their country great once more and them proud again.

Hmm... Where is the picture of Bill Clinton? He said that too! What about Hillary? She has said this as well? How about Obama? Biggest blame-shifter of all! ...Bernie? ...Biden? ...FDR? ...LBJ?

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