How Trump Takes Command of His Interviews.

Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.
Stances on political issues notwithstanding, I can definitely understand the attraction of a person who isn't cowed by the media and who isn't interested in PC.

That said, you have to question the shelf life of this behavior, the cartoonish bluster and the general shallowness of the responses. If he were to actually win the nomination - given the state of this country right now, who knows - I'd think at some point he'd have to demonstrate a more appropriate temperament for the situation. I'd think...

I was pleasantly surprised last week when he was on Meet the Press. I don't know the interviewer's name but he was the typical liberal trying to fake objectivity and to his credit, did a pretty good job. He was tough on The Donald, probably the toughest I've seen an interviewer dare to be with Trump... he wasn't rude or disrespectful, he didn't "attack" Trump or try to ambush him, but he did hold his feet to the fire and confront him about various statements he has made in the past.

What I was majorly impressed by was Trump's composure. Much more "rational" and calm... it almost felt like Trump was channeling Dick Cheney... very careful and reserved. He answered every question brilliantly, made ZERO bombastic statements and came across as a very intelligent level-headed candidate. I remember thinking, if independents are watching this, he definitely scored some points.

I tend to agree with what you are saying though... My biggest concern for the Trump campaign is the "burnout factor" and if he can sustain the kind of media firestorm he has enjoyed until Nov. 2016... that's a long time to stay in the spotlight sucking all the oxygen from the room. Do people eventually tire of the 'novelty' and we see a decline in his numbers? Who knows at this point? That is highly possible.

Still... all that said... there has never been a political phenomenon like Trump... at least not in our lifetimes. The "normal" rules don't seem to apply. He is killing it so far but can he keep it up for the long haul? Only time will tell.
6 out of 10 republicans don't think that T-Rump would win in 2016!

The left is :rofl: at the GOP's self inflicted wound called T-Rump.

The left is watching from the sidelines as the GOP is eating it's own and doing all the hard work for them.

Which of the GOP potential candidates is there not a video clip of T-Rump saying that they would make a bad POTUS?

Whomever wins the GOP nomination is now damaged goods because the Dems can run the videos of T-Rump saying how bad they will be as potus.

And if T-Rump is the GOP candidate the Dems will plenty of other video of all the other candidates saying how bad T-Rump will be as potus.

So the only side that is scared is the GOP!

The Dems can't believe that they got this lucky and 2016 is going to be cheap since T-Rump has supplied all the negative material they will need for nothing.

T-Rump is taking down the GOP and everyone else is enjoying the slaughter.

The problem for those who aren't obediently committed to one party or the other is the fact that both parties are offering lousy candidates and both parties are having their issues right now.

Further indication that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics, and that both parties need to stop pointing the finger at each other and get their OWN shit together.
6 out of 10 republicans don't think that T-Rump would win in 2016!

The left is :rofl: at the GOP's self inflicted wound called T-Rump.

The left is watching from the sidelines as the GOP is eating it's own and doing all the hard work for them.

Which of the GOP potential candidates is there not a video clip of T-Rump saying that they would make a bad POTUS?

Whomever wins the GOP nomination is now damaged goods because the Dems can run the videos of T-Rump saying how bad they will be as potus.

And if T-Rump is the GOP candidate the Dems will plenty of other video of all the other candidates saying how bad T-Rump will be as potus.

So the only side that is scared is the GOP!

The Dems can't believe that they got this lucky and 2016 is going to be cheap since T-Rump has supplied all the negative material they will need for nothing.

T-Rump is taking down the GOP and everyone else is enjoying the slaughter.


Shouldn't Democrats be worrying about who they are going to nominate instead of Hillary?

Ironically... I actually think the Democrat primary may be more wild and crazy than the GOP. Especially if Biden gets in the race... Oh boy-- can you imagine Trump vs. Biden?
6 out of 10 republicans don't think that T-Rump would win in 2016!

The left is :rofl: at the GOP's self inflicted wound called T-Rump.

The left is watching from the sidelines as the GOP is eating it's own and doing all the hard work for them.

Which of the GOP potential candidates is there not a video clip of T-Rump saying that they would make a bad POTUS?

Whomever wins the GOP nomination is now damaged goods because the Dems can run the videos of T-Rump saying how bad they will be as potus.

And if T-Rump is the GOP candidate the Dems will plenty of other video of all the other candidates saying how bad T-Rump will be as potus.

So the only side that is scared is the GOP!

The Dems can't believe that they got this lucky and 2016 is going to be cheap since T-Rump has supplied all the negative material they will need for nothing.

T-Rump is taking down the GOP and everyone else is enjoying the slaughter.

Sure, that's why the left is throwing everything they can find at Trump to keep him from getting the nomination. You guys must be really frustrated that nothing is working. :rofl:
The more the progtards react with their childish, caustic insults and lies about Trump, the more conservatives like him.

So keep it up progs, you're only helping him, but remain too stupid to realize it.
Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.

On FOX and many other venues Trump is being opposed by mental lightweights. That would include the simpletons that make up his clown troupe of RWer's on the debates. Most RWers that watch TV don't realize that these infotainment talking heads read off of teleprompters. They are not paid to think up intelligent words. They are paid to have good hair and read what others behind the screen are feeding them.

Now if one would place Trump in a room full of national leaders from around the planet he would not have it so good. Bullies don't get their way in diplomatic settings.
You're talking about a country that thought Obama was Presidential material


"I know! Let's take the disrespectful douchebag and make him President!" -- American 47% idiots
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Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.

On FOX and many other venues Trump is being opposed by mental lightweights. That would include the simpletons that make up his clown troupe of RWer's on the debates. Most RWers that watch TV don't realize that these infotainment talking heads read off of teleprompters. They are not paid to think up intelligent words. They are paid to have good hair and read what others behind the screen are feeding them.

Now if one would place Trump in a room full of national leaders from around the planet he would not have it so good. Bullies don't get their way in diplomatic settings.
Evidently little butt boys like bath house Barry don't either.

Obama is a laughing stock: Column
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Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
If, by some chance, The Donald were to gain the White House, then he would probably buy as many experts as he needed, and let them run things, and spend his own time, split between signing things, and giving Camp David a make-over. Oh, that, and bitch-slapping Mexico, and our trading partners.
6 out of 10 republicans don't think that T-Rump would win in 2016!

The left is :rofl: at the GOP's self inflicted wound called T-Rump.

The left is watching from the sidelines as the GOP is eating it's own and doing all the hard work for them.

Which of the GOP potential candidates is there not a video clip of T-Rump saying that they would make a bad POTUS?

Whomever wins the GOP nomination is now damaged goods because the Dems can run the videos of T-Rump saying how bad they will be as potus.

And if T-Rump is the GOP candidate the Dems will plenty of other video of all the other candidates saying how bad T-Rump will be as potus.

So the only side that is scared is the GOP!

The Dems can't believe that they got this lucky and 2016 is going to be cheap since T-Rump has supplied all the negative material they will need for nothing.

T-Rump is taking down the GOP and everyone else is enjoying the slaughter.

Sure, that's why the left is throwing everything they can find at Trump to keep him from getting the nomination. You guys must be really frustrated that nothing is working. :rofl:

Have you ever really noticed Trump when he is being interviewed? He commands the interview, not the interviewer. He has several techniques. One that is lost on others, but he gets away with it. He talks over the interviewer when he thinks he has a “golden nugget” of information and he has to repeat 3 times, no less.

The interviewer naturally tries to stop him and have him answer another question, but no, Trump will keep hitting the interviewer’s arm as if he is correcting a dog. This makes the interviewer stop immediately and can again say what is on HIS mind, Trump not the interviewers.

His brusk manner works well for him. Reporters are not used to that style and stands back to give him room. When that happens, the interviewer will be lucky to end his interview in the time allotted. And interestingly, Trump seldom says anything new. He just regurgitates what has come out of his mouth days before.

But, I like him and so do millions of others. When he finally does say something worthwhile, it’s good.

On FOX and many other venues Trump is being opposed by mental lightweights. That would include the simpletons that make up his clown troupe of RWer's on the debates. Most RWers that watch TV don't realize that these infotainment talking heads read off of teleprompters. They are not paid to think up intelligent words. They are paid to have good hair and read what others behind the screen are feeding them.

Now if one would place Trump in a room full of national leaders from around the planet he would not have it so good. Bullies don't get their way in diplomatic settings.
Evidently little butt boys like bath house Barry don't either.

Obama is a laughing stock: Column

September 9, 2013?

Is that all you have?

How well do you imagine a blowhard like T-Rump would be doing trying to put together some allies to fight ISIS?
Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
If, by some chance, The Donald were to gain the White House, then he would probably buy as many experts as he needed, and let them run things, and spend his own time, split between signing things, and giving Camp David a make-over. Oh, that, and bitch-slapping Mexico, and our trading partners.

Ignorance is bliss for the extreme rightwingers.

There is no budget for the potus to "buy as many experts as he needed" and it is illegal for him to "let them run things"!

Only a T-Rump supporter could be this stupid! :lol:
Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
If, by some chance, The Donald were to gain the White House, then he would probably buy as many experts as he needed, and let them run things, and spend his own time, split between signing things, and giving Camp David a make-over. Oh, that, and bitch-slapping Mexico, and our trading partners.

Ignorance is bliss for the extreme rightwingers.

There is no budget for the potus to "buy as many experts as he needed" and it is illegal for him to "let them run things"!

Only a T-Rump supporter could be this stupid! :lol:

Not true. MOST RW supporters are that stupid. Trump just speaks for all the people that were bullies in HS. This is their opportunity to show off again and prove why they never had any power after school.

As it turns out most regular people enjoy success by being smarer and working harder than others.. being an A-hole...not so much.
Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
If, by some chance, The Donald were to gain the White House, then he would probably buy as many experts as he needed, and let them run things, and spend his own time, split between signing things, and giving Camp David a make-over. Oh, that, and bitch-slapping Mexico, and our trading partners.

Ignorance is bliss for the extreme rightwingers.

There is no budget for the potus to "buy as many experts as he needed" and it is illegal for him to "let them run things"!

Only a T-Rump supporter could be this stupid! :lol:

Not true. MOST RW supporters are that stupid. Trump just speaks for all the people that were bullies in HS. This is their opportunity to show off again and prove why they never had any power after school.

As it turns out most regular people enjoy success by being smarer and working harder than others.. being an A-hole...not so much.

liberals are hilarious, moronic HYPOCRITES.

Trump has struck a chord with people offended by the Left's pandering to minorities. Americans sense of fairness is offended by the Left's pandering to people who SNUCK IN and didnt take the LEGAL ROUTE the way their ancestors did.
a charge of bullying from left-wing nutjobs is HILARIOUS!!

THE WHOLE DEM PLAN to make millions of illegals citizens IS A BULLY ATTEMPT to make people feel guilty.

Lets see, he insinuates that a woman questioning him in a debate as the moderator is on the rag, calls the constitution unconstitutional, and plans to spend (what one conservative group figures) is 400-600B on an immigration plan.
Trump's Immigration Plan to Cost $166 Billion or More: Politico

He fails as a human being,
He fails as a practicioner of government,
He fails as a fiscal conservative

I would love to hear what he would have to do to make you dislike him either as a person or a candidate.
If, by some chance, The Donald were to gain the White House, then he would probably buy as many experts as he needed, and let them run things, and spend his own time, split between signing things, and giving Camp David a make-over. Oh, that, and bitch-slapping Mexico, and our trading partners.

Ignorance is bliss for the extreme rightwingers.

There is no budget for the potus to "buy as many experts as he needed" and it is illegal for him to "let them run things"!

Only a T-Rump supporter could be this stupid! :lol:

How many Czars does obama have now?

Any law he can't pay them out of his own pocket ?

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