How Trump's executive order on campus free speech could affect colleges

The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.
The school will then cave and revoke the invite of that person to speak (like what happened with Ann Coulter).

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying - in essence - is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so AND you better protect them from assault/violence simply for exercising their right to free speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.
I agree, except isn't Trump saying, with this order, that colleges are obligated to accept the speakers that Trump approves of? Think that through a bit. At the bottom of his order is a push to tell colleges who will speak there.
I'm not sure I'm crazy about that part, although I agree with you that universities should not be buckling to rowdy students.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Trump is forcing campuses to allow anyone to speak there who wants to (assuming they were not students there)...that would be 100% wrong and I would be 100% against it.

I think what he is saying is that 'if you invite someone to speak there OR have a student there who speaks in legal ways that liberals do not like...that you will guarantee their safety and not allow them to be persecuted/threatened.'
If that is what he means - I support that 100%.

And obviously I support the reverse if it was a liberal saying things cons did not like at a conservative college/university.
The news report is in the first 2 minutes of the video. The rest is just interviews and such on the subject.

I am neither con nor lib - and I realize Trump is doing this to help cons specifically - but I have ZERO problem with this order.

Free speech is - IMO - CRITICAL to a healthy nation.

When I was in university, free speech on both sides was strongly encouraged. It DEFINITELY does NOT seem to be that way anymore. If Ann Coulter (who I am no fan of AT ALL) wants to speak on a campus - people should not be able to stop her from speaking. If you don't like what she has to say - don't listen to it. But trying to muzzle her is deeply wrong and weak.
And if a college/university is going to receive federal funds - the LEAST they can do is make sure their campuses promote free speech.
I am not sure what difference this order will make. But I see no way that it can realistically do much damage.

I think Trump got this one right (for a change).

I don't think Trump can get anything right. Even on accident.

But this topic interests me, because it's exactly why government funds education in the first place - to control what people think. If only education were "free".

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