How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

How can a company be educated?
Uh...are you serious? Boy oh boy....

Do you ever answer a question?

Hey, eternal moron.......Even Romney, after the Citizen United SCOTUS decision, stated that a "company" should be treated as a "person"......So, nitwit, a company can be educated and treated like a person......

(YOU, my nitwit friend, SHOULD be better educated.....but, as Trump stated: "I love the poorly educated and they love me back"...............LMAO)

Please explain how an artificial person can be educated? Your grasp of basic concepts is astonishingly poor. Did this corporation go to college or something?
Peasy did you go to trump u?
How can a company be educated?
Uh...are you serious? Boy oh boy....

Do you ever answer a question?

Hey, eternal moron.......Even Romney, after the Citizen United SCOTUS decision, stated that a "company" should be treated as a "person"......So, nitwit, a company can be educated and treated like a person......

(YOU, my nitwit friend, SHOULD be better educated.....but, as Trump stated: "I love the poorly educated and they love me back"...............LMAO)

Please explain how an artificial person can be educated? Your grasp of basic concepts is astonishingly poor. Did this corporation go to college or something?
Peasy did you go to trump u?

No, of course not. No more so than I would waste time on the University of Phoenix online.
What this thread has AMPLY proven, is that Trump ass-kissers are scared shitless of what the orange fraud's tax returns would reveal......OTHERWISE, they would not be so damn much against such exposure....

The only other moron who is in a panic about this issue is Trump himself.......LOL
How unsettling for you and your family. I weep for the pain this has caused you all.

What pain? You think I am agonizing over your claims of educational prowess?
Yes, clearly. Notice that is now all you want to talk about, and you're the one who brought it up. So yes, clearly.

I brought up pain?

Anyhoo, let's review:

10 years of Trump's tax returns will be made public in 2019.

And , well, that about sums it up!

Wow, your crystal marble is working overtime!!
Indeed! Instead of whining and being a little attack poodle, needling anyone who dares state a position, i have actually generated and stated a position. Now, you try.
What this thread has AMPLY proven, is that Trump ass-kissers are scared shitless of what the orange fraud's tax returns would reveal......OTHERWISE, they would not be so damn much against such exposure....

The only other moron who is in a panic about this issue is Trump himself.......LOL

Yeah, I hear he is dropping Xanbars by the handful.
Who cares about Trump's tax return or the Russia issue why don't we concentrate on things that will help Americans
What pain? You think I am agonizing over your claims of educational prowess?
Yes, clearly. Notice that is now all you want to talk about, and you're the one who brought it up. So yes, clearly.

I brought up pain?

Anyhoo, let's review:

10 years of Trump's tax returns will be made public in 2019.

And , well, that about sums it up!

Wow, your crystal marble is working overtime!!
Indeed! Instead of whining and being a little attack poodle, needling anyone who dares state a position, i have actually generated and stated a position. Now, you try.

Your position is that you want to see his tax returns... mine is I don't give a shit one way or another. Again, I have no dog in this ridiculous hunt.
Who cares about Trump's tax return or the Russia issue why don't we concentrate on things that will help Americans
Like, removing a man as President who puts his personal profit motive above the interests of the UNited States?

you got it!
We already saw his tax returns on that ugly guy's show show, awhile back. What was his name again? "Rachel Maddow" or something like that?

It only proved that yes indeed, Trump paid taxes.

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL


I want to see the lot. Just like every other President did... If they get leaked, What has he to hide, We are just going to see those great deals...

This will be at least some fun...

You wouldn't have a clue what you were looking at.


And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

Or are you just being libellous for fun?

Because most people, other than experienced tax professionals would be clueless. I'm a CPA and taxes are not my area of expertise, I'd be lost. I doubt you armchair forensic tax experts know jack.

You still have not answered the question.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that CowboyTed would - for certain - 'not have a clue' what he was looking at were he to see Trump's tax returns?

Unless you know him personally, you cannot know his level of accounting 'expertise'.

BTW, it îs getting harder and harder to believe you don't give a shit about Trump's tax returns when you keep posting relentlessly in a thread specifically about Trump's tax returns.
Your position is that you want to see his tax returns... mine is I don't give a shit one way or another.
Good for you. How surprising that you have filled so many pages with so much illogical, emotional crap, then. It's almost as if... oh, I don't know... you're lying.
So, how did Trump put his personal profit motives above the interests of the U.S.?
Some possible examples would be modifying the GOP platform to kowtow to Russians, attempting to lift russian sanctions, lying about knowing that Russians were hacking his political opponents, refusing to acknowledge the conclusions of the intelligence community or to confront Putin with them, possibly trying to weaken NATO and our alliances to appease Russian interests.. there are more. Welcome back from your 3 year coma, I sure hope the tumor doesn't return
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?


Why are you so desperate to hide his returns? And save the 'Deep state' bullshit - almost NO ONE buys that crap outside of Trumpbots.

Trump said he would release his returns - so, he should.

If he had nothing to hide, he would freely turn them over.

A) I'm not desperate to hide anything, TRUMP IS! I seriously could not care less. I'm just pointing out reality. If you don't like it? Tough shit.

B) You would be wrong, you are in the minority, and in denial, just like that other forum member bulldog. Intellectuals, professors and journalists had defined the Deep State long before Trump came along. The majority of Americans either KNOW, Believe, or Suspect that it exists, mostly because Ike even warned them about it in the 50's.

Poll: Majority believe 'deep state' manipulates U.S. policies
Poll: Majority believe 'deep state' manipulates U.S. policies

"The majority of the country believes a group of unelected government and military officials secretly manipulate national policy, according to a Monmouth Poll released Monday.

Of the 803 adults polled, 27 percent said they believe the unelected group known as the deep state definitely exists. An additional 47 percent said it probably exists. Sixteen percent said it probably does not exist and 5 percent said they believe it definitely does not exist.. . . "


Damn, looks like you don't have a clue what you are talking about, eh?

As far as your other reasoning? Send off an email and whine to the POTUS. I didn't vote for him, I don't care about your "logic."

The last guy was a turd, this one is too. What justifies trying to destroy this one when you didn't try to destroy the last one? I just see you as a hypocrite while America's enemies laugh at such trivialities.

Sorry. Cry to someone who cares.
So, how did Trump put his personal profit motives above the interests of the U.S.?
Some possible examples would be modifying the GOP platform to kowtow to Russians, attempting to lift russian sanctions, lying about knowing that Russians were hacking his political opponents, refusing to acknowledge the conclusions of the intelligence community or to confront Putin with them, possibly trying to weaken NATO and our alliances to appease Russian interests.. there are more. Welcome back from your 3 year coma, I sure hope the tumor doesn't return

Also, please don't forget Trump Emolument Clause "troubles".....
This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.
Yep, closed executive session means any and all information is subject to the secrecy rules. This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.

Stake your gonads on THAT little "conclusion"......You'll be speaking in a falsetto in no time......LOL
It's not a conclusion, it's written into the law you quoted

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