How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....


Does the IRS announce to idiots like you when something was found in an audit of someone else's taxes??..........Is THAT how you know that they found "nothing"?

Is it the role of the IRS to announce publicly if Trump was dealing with Russian oligarchs PRIOR to the sanctions??.........Mindful that Trump repeatedly LIED that he had no deals with Russians???

Bitch all you want, those Trump tax returns WILL see the light of the orange clown himself promised.........LOL

Hey dumb ass, nothing in your post indicated you think Trump did a damn thing illegal. Did business prior to sanctions, REALLY?

OT GHWBush lived a life dedicated to his country Trump lives one dedicated to himself

Why the deflection? Starting to think your lies are being exposed and you don't know near as much as you think you do?

Lets talk about lies Did you or didn't you hear this garbage in our WH say he WOULD reveal his taxes ,,,then change that to do so only if elected?? He lied right to your face Guess texas guys are used to getting lied to

That's because private citizen Trump's tax returns don't mean shit to us.


If it 'don't mean shit to' would not have posted over and over and over and over in a thread that is specifically about his tax returns.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to not give a shit about something that you cannot stop commenting about.
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I guarantee Trump is audited every year... if there were anything nefarious going on, we'd know. Do you moonbats really think there is anything in a tax filing pointing to illegal activities? What woeful ignorance.

Why do you INSIST on showing what an asshole you are?

What the IRS screens...and what a House committee reviews does NOT have the same objectives.

What the tax returns WOULD reveal is Trump's possible loans through Russian oligarchs, the Deutsche Bank (a notorious Russian money laundry-network) and possible emolument breaches.......THAT is the scope of inquiry by the House committees...and not the IRS' responsibility.

Finish up on those GED courses.

You don't know your asshole from a buttonhole. But hey, enjoy your little wet dream.

LOL...and with that comment...we just learned more about your level of intellect.

A childish joke from what? The 1980's is your best comeback?

So noted.
I guarantee Trump is audited every year... if there were anything nefarious going on, we'd know. Do you moonbats really think there is anything in a tax filing pointing to illegal activities? What woeful ignorance.

Who says that the only reason people want his tax returns put forward is to prove an illegality?
We already saw his tax returns on that ugly guy's show show, awhile back. What was his name again? "Rachel Maddow" or something like that?

It only proved that yes indeed, Trump paid taxes.

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL


I want to see the lot. Just like every other President did... If they get leaked, What has he to hide, We are just going to see those great deals...

This will be at least some fun...

You wouldn't have a clue what you were looking at.


And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

Or are you just being libellous for fun?
We already saw his tax returns on that ugly guy's show show, awhile back. What was his name again? "Rachel Maddow" or something like that?

It only proved that yes indeed, Trump paid taxes.

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL


I want to see the lot. Just like every other President did... If they get leaked, What has he to hide, We are just going to see those great deals...

This will be at least some fun...

You wouldn't have a clue what you were looking at.


And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

Or are you just being libellous for fun?

Because most people, other than experienced tax professionals would be clueless. I'm a CPA and taxes are not my area of expertise, I'd be lost. I doubt you armchair forensic tax experts know jack.
The rest of us have a big problem with it and we own more guns.

Fuckheads like Tigger are planning an armed revolution????..........LMAO.........

Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Believe it.

Will Trump be your leader? I once read an army of lambs led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a lamb Trump is your lamb, a punk who ran when called

So tell the class which two way rifle range you served in. LMAO You're not the type to put yourself on the line for anything other than yourself. Trump went through the system, he didn't run to another country like other weak kneed pussies did.

Was lucky enough to miss the fighting Basic was at Ft Leonard where I learned to shoot and 22 months at Ft Bliss Only thing that came my way was the Cuban crisis

That makes you really old.

Claims without knowledge,
That doesn't make any sense at all. One would not have to know what was being hidden in order to surmise that he has withheld them in order to keep people from seeing them, which is to say hiding them. What a stupid thing for you to say. You embarrass yourself.
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks

It doesn't matter

Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't

Yet all other Presidential Candidates did as a matter of transparency..

It is as simple as this your kid come up to you with his hand behind his back.. You say what you got, he says nothing.. Then you wouldn't mind showing me, No...

If Trump has nothing to hide then show it voluntarily like every other President.

Biggest problem Trump has is, he acts Guilty
Maybe the privacy guaranteed in US law? That's reason enough for me
Haha, Trumpkin lies. You only take your position because president babyman dictates that you do so. Not sure who you think you are fooling...

Really, some of us still believe we are a nation of laws, I know you commie assholes don't.

Nah, you're a posturing, angry little dweeb. Laws mean exactly shit to you, until it serves trump cult doctrine to pretend they do. Not sure who you think you are fooling.

And look at you, embarrassing yourself by calling people commies. Your dumb ass would get laughed out of any educated company.

Child as far as I'm concerned you're about three stages below whale shit. You and all your commie brethren could kick it tomorrow and all I'd do is giggle. That's really more than you deserve for refusing to accept an election.

Maybe the privacy guaranteed in US law? That's reason enough for me
Haha, Trumpkin lies. You only take your position because president babyman dictates that you do so. Not sure who you think you are fooling...

Really, some of us still believe we are a nation of laws, I know you commie assholes don't.

Is one of those law don't rip off people with a fake university?

More deflection, has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


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