How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

The IRS has already reviewed his taxes / audited them and found nothing ... So of course Democrats want the proven criminal who has a record of manufacturing and withholding evidence to knowingly send 2 innocent people to jail to take a look.


Does the IRS announce to idiots like you when something was found in an audit of someone else's taxes??..........Is THAT how you know that they found "nothing"?

Is it the role of the IRS to announce publicly if Trump was dealing with Russian oligarchs PRIOR to the sanctions??.........Mindful that Trump repeatedly LIED that he had no deals with Russians???

Bitch all you want, those Trump tax returns WILL see the light of the orange clown himself promised.........LOL
Congress never asked for Al Capone's tax returns

True, true.........BUT, do you think Capone's prosecutors did??? Yes or No???

Do you think that a prosecutor.... has asked and been granted to see the orange con-man's tax returns? Yes or No???

Bitch away, Tigger............its futile.
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

Why hasn’t someone in the Deep State leaked them so far?

Someone in the IRS must be a member
The law is not there to allow congresscritters to go on a scavenger hunt. If they use it for that they could wind up in jail.

So, the law is there to be IGNORED?????....................LOL
Is anyone here giving any thought to what "his taxes" actually means? Trump's personal tax returns are probably very voluminous, and cannot be "leaked" without leaving a paper or electronic trail that would be easy to trace. And leaking his 1040 would be meaningless without some explanatory text.

And why is Trump so determined not to leak them...Why are the Leftists so determined to get and publish them?

Easy. The voluminous package will contain (probably) dozens of individual tidbits of information that can be portrayed as "outrageous" in the leftist Press. They could potentially keep Trump busy answering "embarrassing" questions for the next 18 months. Nothing of substance, just items that appear to be questionable.
Why won't he show them then ?? Are you that stupid that you think there's no reason?? The man is a crook Last year he said he didn't do business with Russia and now the pos says everyone knew he did Keep eating his crap

Even a highly ignorant Trump ass licker has to wonder WHY this ilk of deplorables are so fucking scared of exposing these tax returns.......WHY ARE THEY SO SCARED???

His businesses have been audited many times. As I'm sure he has as well. If there were something to see the IRS would have seen it.

THEN there is NO fucking problem, nitwit........Why are you so damn scared??

The Trump 2017 tax returns should ALSO be of special interest regarding the money Trump made off his hotels in D.C......................Emolument Clause anyone??????

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL
Who cares what scumbags like you want to see?
Who cares?? we have a world class scumbag leading our country and you republicans have your heads up your asses and you ask who cares? May you idiots all rot in hell
An example of a scumbag would be someone who wants to violate America's privacy laws so Democrat politicians can go on a fishing expedition for something they can use against the opposition party in the next election
you call it fishing when we have in the WH a man compromised by Putiin; a man afraid to utter a harsh word to the killer? And then we have another murderer the saudi king
Even if that were true, what do his taxes have to do with anything? Of course, we all know that you're totally insane.
Bri the more I try to teach you the less you learn ANYTIME a politician especially one with trumps track record tries to hide something from you you have to know something dirty is going on
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
Congress never asked for Al Capone's tax returns

True, true.........BUT, do you think Capone's prosecutors did??? Yes or No???

Do you think that a prosecutor.... has asked and been granted to see the orange con-man's tax returns? Yes or No???

Bitch away, Tigger............its futile.

You have issues, hatred issues. Trump is one of them, you're just riding the roller coaster that is our false system of Governance.
Trump is a "Rightie" yet he is spending more than Obama did?
Repubs RAN on repeal and yet didn't do it?
Trump has you watching the Southern Birder so you don't notice the build up and the tension in the South China Sea?
You didn't notice NATO sending Armored Divisions to the eastern border of Ukraine? They've ALL gotten you so distracted you can't see the forest for the trees.
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.

Yup, she tends to forget, over and over and over and over.
The lefty pukes want the returns the IRS has gone over and accepted, perhaps after questioning/auditing their contents, just so they can make whatever hay they can along with their cohorts in the media.

We’ve already seen examples. Following the rules of the Tax Code as written by the swampers on the House Ways and Means committee over the years isn’t what gets reported. You’ll never see the headline: Trumps returns all square with the Tax Code. What you do see instead is: Trump uses dubious means to avoid paying taxes. See how they work it into something the low info twits will swallow as gospel? Following the tax laws as written by Congress is somehow dubious, which they know gets interpreted by the dumbbells as illegal, underhanded, cheating, etc., etc.
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

Why hasn’t someone in the Deep State leaked them so far?

Someone in the IRS must be a member

I suppose it could clearly be argued that IRS employees would know better.

OTH, everyone knows that congressional representatives are incompetent.


Qualified immunity - Wikipedia
Absolute immunity - Wikipedia

I'm sure government lawyer's would find someway to justify their ignorance. They did it for Hillary.

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