How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks
Since Trump cult members INSIST that Trump can unilaterally stop the disclosure of his tax returns, I had to look up what the LAW (not acolytes) state about such returns' disclosure

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress

Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure

What makes Maxine Waters or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez competent to read and understand the President's tax returns?
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks

It doesn't matter

Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't
We already saw his tax returns on that ugly guy's show show, awhile back. What was his name again? "Rachel Maddow" or something like that?

It only proved that yes indeed, Trump paid taxes.

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL


I want to see the lot. Just like every other President did... If they get leaked, What has he to hide, We are just going to see those great deals...

This will be at least some fun...
I think people who are so paranoid about a President's tax returns are addled. The President likely had his taxes done by a professional Certified Public Accountant who are just as smart about doing everything right as an Estate Lawyer is about executing a Will and trusts.

What are these idiots doing in Congress if they're spending all their time obsessing how they're going to "get" a President with frivolous lawsuits just because they didn't win the election.

They're jerking the American taxpayers around instead of serving citizens by supporting the Constitution. You can't support the Constitution if you're trying, trying, trying, trying to decimate another branch of the government, namely the Executive Branch. And the reason this is frivolous is because the day after Trump won the Presidency, they were already preening to the press how they were going to undo him.

And Democrat Congresscriters are using sinister practices of harassing white house employees by tracking with apparatchiks who follow them around like mosquitoes readying them for a little unpleasant disputation, guaranteeing reporters bonus stories for ninnyhammering the President when they're invited into his own home for conferences.

Why don't they leave him alone so he can do his job? Is somebody rich lavishing their every whimper because he's a threat to illuminati goals to remove governments and become "one world" with somebody who hates America as its Pope who thinks justice is taking away what Americans have and making sure our country becomes overrun with hostile criminals hacking away our freedoms, one by one.
We already saw his tax returns on that ugly guy's show show, awhile back. What was his name again? "Rachel Maddow" or something like that?

It only proved that yes indeed, Trump paid taxes.

"Great" sense of humor, Mrs. Ayn Rand.......But, there's a bit of a flaw in that argument.

First, Trump himself probably leaked his 2005 returns......

SECOND, we all want to see his returns from 2014-2017....Years of Trump's secret deals with Russian oligarchs and Deutsche Bank, when US banks no longer wanted to loan $5 to the corrupt Trump establishment......

Nice try.....LOL


I want to see the lot. Just like every other President did... If they get leaked, What has he to hide, We are just going to see those great deals...

This will be at least some fun...

You wouldn't have a clue what you were looking at.
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.

True, true......the refusal to divulge such records is ONLY done by corrupt, lying, scum buckets like this orange clown sitting his fat ass in the oval office.....So, you're "correct."

You have issues, hatred issues.

Well, at least you Trump ass kissers have stopped with the usual "fake news" mantra....Now, you're spewing " have hatred issues"

Its nice to change your least every once in a while.......LOL
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks

It doesn't matter

Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't
All other presidents disagree
Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't

It is the idiot above......who compares himself to the role of a president.
The tax returns and financials that go with it, are NOT for tax evasion or corrupt purposes.... we have an IRS that handles that aspect....

the tax returns and financials that go with the tax returns are simply to find out where his conflict of interests in foreign countries reside, and emoluments from foreign countries.... which all can be okay, as long as Congress gives him permission for those emoluments.... and as long as the public knows what those conflicts could be, then it makes it easier for us to see if he is making foreign policy that puts America's interest first, and not his own personal financial interests first...
The tax returns and financials that go with it, are NOT for tax evasion or corrupt purposes.... we have an IRS that handles that aspect....

the tax returns and financials that go with the tax returns are simply to find out where his conflict of interests in foreign countries reside, and emoluments from foreign countries.... which all can be okay, as long as Congress gives him permission for those emoluments.... and as long as the public knows what those conflicts could be, then it makes it easier for us to see if he is making foreign policy that puts America's interest first, and not his own personal financial interests first...

Worth repeating for the really dense Trump cult members...Good job.

There MUST be a reason why Trump and his ass kissers do NOT want those returns exposed........WHY????
I wrote the O/P simply to point out that it is perfectly LEGAL for the House ways and means committee (and others) to review ANYONE's tax returns......

If there is nothing nefarious in those returns....we will soon find out.....As we WILL find out the opposite, and there's NOTHING that Trump cult members can do about stopping such an inquiry.
I guarantee Trump is audited every year... if there were anything nefarious going on, we'd know. Do you moonbats really think there is anything in a tax filing pointing to illegal activities? What woeful ignorance.
I guarantee Trump is audited every year... if there were anything nefarious going on, we'd know. Do you moonbats really think there is anything in a tax filing pointing to illegal activities? What woeful ignorance.

Why do you INSIST on showing what an asshole you are?

What the IRS screens...and what a House committee reviews does NOT have the same objectives.

What the tax returns WOULD reveal is Trump's possible loans through Russian oligarchs, the Deutsche Bank (a notorious Russian money laundry-network) and possible emolument breaches.......THAT is the scope of inquiry by the House committees...and not the IRS' responsibility.

Finish up on those GED courses.
I wrote the O/P simply to point out that it is perfectly LEGAL for the House ways and means committee (and others) to review ANYONE's tax returns......

If there is nothing nefarious in those returns....we will soon find out.....As we WILL find out the opposite, and there's NOTHING that Trump cult members can do about stopping such an inquiry.

Once again, no taxes for you...
They have to do with what $$ dealings he's had with Russia or the Saudis Why they have him under their thumb
Are there signs of money laundering? A forensic accountant is needed for the slime bags taxes
Tex like to splain something to you ,There are 2 reasons Trump doesn't want his taxes shown One is he's embarrassed by them and 2 it shows if any illegalities ,money laundering etc etc are present
The IRS has already reviewed his taxes / audited them and found nothing ... So of course Democrats want the proven criminal who has a record of manufacturing and withholding evidence to knowingly send 2 innocent people to jail to take a look.


Does the IRS announce to idiots like you when something was found in an audit of someone else's taxes??..........Is THAT how you know that they found "nothing"?

Is it the role of the IRS to announce publicly if Trump was dealing with Russian oligarchs PRIOR to the sanctions??.........Mindful that Trump repeatedly LIED that he had no deals with Russians???

Bitch all you want, those Trump tax returns WILL see the light of the orange clown himself promised.........LOL

Hey dumb ass, nothing in your post indicated you think Trump did a damn thing illegal. Did business prior to sanctions, REALLY?

Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.

True, true......the refusal to divulge such records is ONLY done by corrupt, lying, scum buckets like this orange clown sitting his fat ass in the oval office.....So, you're "correct."


FYI presidential candidates have only been releasing tax returns since 1973 so I guess every president before then was a lying scum bucket too

But that still does not negate the FACT that there is no legal requirement to do so
The IRS has already reviewed his taxes / audited them and found nothing ... So of course Democrats want the proven criminal who has a record of manufacturing and withholding evidence to knowingly send 2 innocent people to jail to take a look.


Does the IRS announce to idiots like you when something was found in an audit of someone else's taxes??..........Is THAT how you know that they found "nothing"?

Is it the role of the IRS to announce publicly if Trump was dealing with Russian oligarchs PRIOR to the sanctions??.........Mindful that Trump repeatedly LIED that he had no deals with Russians???

Bitch all you want, those Trump tax returns WILL see the light of the orange clown himself promised.........LOL

Hey dumb ass, nothing in your post indicated you think Trump did a damn thing illegal. Did business prior to sanctions, REALLY?

OT GHWBush lived a life dedicated to his country Trump lives one dedicated to himself

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