How ugly can ugly be if Paul Ryan bailed on politics because of this.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
tl;dr, except for first sentence. I think he's kinda sexy. If I were thirty years younger and worked in Congress while he was there, I would have been flirting with him. Definitely.
Ryan was an incompetent, trickle down idiot who wasn't up to representing the American people. I think he's an honorary Koch brother. He was a real establishment swamper and a total POS. We're lucky to be rid of him and the rest of his kind, even if it did cost the Rs the majority in the House.
Trump thought Ryan was a great guy, but now that his book has come out and it says some less than complimentary things about Trump, he's now saying that Ryan is not a good person.
It was ugly as hell before Ryan showed up, and I don't why in the hell he took the leader position.

Trump and his fourth grade-level behaviors just pushed it over the top into absurdity and embarrassment.
Quitting because Trump is an asshole has been going on for forty years
Paul Ryan got out because he is smart enough to realize after Romneys defeat and Trumps win RINOs like himself days are numbered
So it was time to get out before he is forced out and cash in on all the corporate favors he has been racking up
Trump thought Ryan was a great guy, but now that his book has come out and it says some less than complimentary things about Trump, he's now saying that Ryan is not a good person.
Ryan has been a good liberal when it comes to ILLEGAL Immigration.
Trump thought Ryan was a great guy, but now that his book has come out and it says some less than complimentary things about Trump, he's now saying that Ryan is not a good person.
Ryan has been a good liberal when it comes to ILLEGAL Immigration.

Really? Ryan supports illegal immigration? This article says different............

After Enabling Trump's Anti-Immigration Policies, Paul Ryan Makes Exception for Immigrants From His Own Homeland

After spending much of the past two years enabling President Donald Trump's hard-line immigration policy and blocking the House from voting on bipartisan legislation to protect young immigrants, outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) is showing recent enthusiasm for welcoming a select group of immigrants—not the thousands of Central Americans who are in a camp in Tijuana, Mexico, waiting to seek asylum in the U.S., but people from his family's own homeland.

Ryan pushed through a bill that passed in the House late last month, giving thousands of E-3 work visas to Irish nationals. The bill is expected to pass in the Senate this week.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
In before Ryan is a RINO!
Ryan was an incompetent, trickle down idiot who wasn't up to representing the American people. I think he's an honorary Koch brother. He was a real establishment swamper and a total POS. We're lucky to be rid of him and the rest of his kind, even if it did cost the Rs the majority in the House.
Damn it, I was too slow!
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

What a laugh...Amash is an anti-semetic Palestinian who had no chance of reelection except for his
desperation move to the left.

Ryan hates Trump because Romney hates Trump. Romney=loser. Trump=winner.

Simple equation.

Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

What a laugh...Amash is an anti-semetic Palestinian who had no chance of reelection except for his
desperation move to the left.

Ryan hates Trump because Romney hates Trump. Romney=loser. Trump=winner.

Simple equation.

Let me see, how can you call the person who lost more money then anyone else over the last decade with his businesses a winner. He is the ultimate loser and in more ways then just dollar bills. He is the ultimate do nothing politician.
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Ryan was disliked by true conservatives long before Trump ever showed up
Ryan was labeled a RINO for at least a decade or more
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Lots of Repubs I know lost their liking for Ryan during the campaign, due to his treatment of candidate/nominee Trump. Then after the election, he just got worse, trying to thwart Trump at every turn. He showed his colors when he refused to campaign with Trump. So, just because Trump likes or doesn't like someone, doesn't mean that the people don't have their own personal opinion about a person. And then there is that thing about how you don't talk badly about someone with whom you have to work closely. Kinda like how Trump "supported" Pelosi's bid for Speaker... he didn't say a word against her, but we all know he doesn't like her.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

What a laugh...Amash is an anti-semetic Palestinian who had no chance of reelection except for his
desperation move to the left.

Ryan hates Trump because Romney hates Trump. Romney=loser. Trump=winner.

Simple equation.

Let me see, how can you call the person who lost more money then anyone else over the last decade with his businesses a winner. He is the ultimate loser and in more ways then just dollar bills. He is the ultimate do nothing politician.
so were is your private jet or your many hotels country clubs and golf courses so if owning all that makes one a loser what does that make you with none of that

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