How we(gop) wins in 2014 and 2016!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
2008 and 2012 we republicans ran on the same "tone" of fuck everything that isn't very popular to the general public. Well, we lost big time as the party of "no" doesn't win elections. What do I think we could do to win in 2014???

1. Campaign on the modernization of our infrastructure and energy grid. Tell people that we want new bridges and show graphs showing how under Obama that this has fallen. Secondly we must campaign on efficient power lines. Did you know most of our energy infrastructure is many decades old? Show the public that we want our country to be the best. The gop really and truly wants to be the party that keeps our country the super power!
-Our energy grid should be a mix of all forms of energy...Yes, we republicans should finally admit that we support "economic" wind power.

2. Moderate on gays. Send this issue to the states...End the defense of marriage.

3. Be for education ,but point out where the Educational department could be trimmed and the local educational standards of education throughout the community could be maximized. High light that we're for choice within education. We want public, private and home schooling to be a choice for your child.

4. High light how we support private and government choices within retirement. DO NOT campaign acting like we're gong to throw anyone onto the street. This is really stupid as we're the party of choices and not heartless!.

5. On abortion campaign to send it back to the states...Don't say woman deserve it or anything stupid!!! Remember we're trying to win people over to our side. ;)

6. Campaign on Obama's private space programs(space x, dream chaser) in fact expand the this...Want to get young voters to vote republican? Let them dream as we lead them into the middle part of the second decade of the 21st century!!!:cool:

7. Expand 6. into other area's of science and innovation through private means. Let's not attack Obama for his success. No more party of NO.

8. Work with private sector to invest within our inner-cities to bring businesses and jobs to Chicago, Atlanta, etc. Let's have programs that encourage self betterment within the black community!!! The republican party should be the party of the black man. ;)

9. Campaign on investigating ways to cut waste from all branches of the government. This should be focused on making government more efficient. The money we have left can be used to pay down the debt or to build the infrastructure.

10. Campaign on ending all nation building. End of story. Denounce this bull shit and promise to build our nation.

Anything less will mean we're going to lose.
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IOW, you want the GOP to pretend to be Democrats.

There's big differences.
1. We use private corporations and allow them to do it cheaper+better.
2. Our goal is to make government more efficient
3. We want the states to do more

The democrats just want to give things to people and spend on bs. We republicans should spend money with improving this nation and strengthening the tenth amendment within some area's.

We need to start acting like a party of a first world nation!
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I'm not sure the GOP knows how to run a positive campaign anymore. All they've relied on for the past 5 years is negativity toward Obama. They've done little to help him and, having lost the election in November, have only shifted tactics from trying to defeat him, to trying to find some excuse to impeach him. Their only platform seems to be that Obama shouldn't be President.

Well...he IS the President and will be for 4 more years. There is a great opportunity for the GOP to resurrect itself by showing some statesmanship and leadership, but they're so captured by their own hate-driven base that they're unable to change the meme.
Rachel Maddow skewered the GOP, by comparing them to the..GOP.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow BLISTERING Critique Of The GOP. Moderates Like Bob Dole Now 'Anathema' To The Party - YouTube[/ame]
By the way..ObamaCare..actually pretty much came from Bob Dole.

A man who is deserving of the respect of every American.
Good points

The biggest challenge to the GOP is to convince most that they actually like them and care about their problems
lie our asses off just like the fucking demoRATS do then change when in office.., just like what the demoRATS do.., worked very effectively this past election cycle.
2008 and 2012 we republicans ran on the same "tone" of fuck everything that isn't very popular to the general public. Well, we lost big time as the party of "no" doesn't win elections. What do I think we could do to win in 2014???

1. Campaign on the modernization of our infrastructure and energy grid. Tell people that we want new bridges and show graphs showing how under Obama that this has fallen. Secondly we must campaign on efficient power lines. Did you know most of our energy infrastructure is many decades old? Show the public that we want our country to be the best. The gop really and truly wants to be the party that keeps our country the super power!
-Our energy grid should be a mix of all forms of energy...Yes, we republicans should finally admit that we support "economic" wind power.

2. Moderate on gays. Send this issue to the states...End the defense of marriage.

3. Be for education ,but point out where the Educational department could be trimmed and the local educational standards of education throughout the community could be maximized. High light that we're for choice within education. We want public, private and home schooling to be a choice for your child.

4. High light how we support private and government choices within retirement. DO NOT campaign acting like we're gong to throw anyone onto the street. This is really stupid as we're the party of choices and not heartless!.

5. On abortion campaign to send it back to the states...Don't say woman deserve it or anything stupid!!! Remember we're trying to win people over to our side. ;)

6. Campaign on Obama's private space programs(space x, dream chaser) in fact expand the this...Want to get young voters to vote republican? Let them dream as we lead them into the middle part of the second decade of the 21st century!!!:cool:

7. Expand 6. into other area's of science and innovation through private means. Let's not attack Obama for his success. No more party of NO.

8. Work with private sector to invest within our inner-cities to bring businesses and jobs to Chicago, Atlanta, etc. Let's have programs that encourage self betterment within the black community!!! The republican party should be the party of the black man. ;)

9. Campaign on investigating ways to cut waste from all branches of the government. This should be focused on making government more efficient. The money we have left can be used to pay down the debt or to build the infrastructure.

10. Campaign on ending all nation building. End of story. Denounce this bull shit and promise to build our nation.

Anything less will mean we're going to lose.

You've got my vote. I don't think it's going to happen though.
I'm not sure the GOP knows how to run a positive campaign anymore. All they've relied on for the past 5 years is negativity toward Obama. They've done little to help him and, having lost the election in November, have only shifted tactics from trying to defeat him, to trying to find some excuse to impeach him. Their only platform seems to be that Obama shouldn't be President.

Well...he IS the President and will be for 4 more years. There is a great opportunity for the GOP to resurrect itself by showing some statesmanship and leadership, but they're so captured by their own hate-driven base that they're unable to change the meme.

The irony is that they are playing to the wrong base. They have mistaken loud for popular.

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