How We Got Here: Obama

This is how Obama failed to respond in 2016 to the threat posed by North Korea:

"More threatening for America is North Korea’s continued development of the Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missile. Once perfected, this weapon could be used to conduct a nuclear strike on the US mainland.

"America has responded to the build-up of Mr Kim’s nuclear arsenal by opening formal talks with South Korea – the country most directly threatened – on the deployment of advanced missile defences."

'We could destroy you,' Obama warns 'erratic' North Korean leader

In essence Obama did little to deter North Korean actions.

But here is the funny part - the title of above linked press article is: : 'We could destroy you,' Obama warns 'erratic' North Korean leader

Why weren't Obama's words considered shocking?

Too fking funny.
Ok, let start the draft ! Line up tough guys.

Too late Timmy...I volunteered for the draft in 1967...then enlisted proper. How about you Timmy? Or are video games the only action you've ever seen?

Jumped before you were pushed Huh?

No way in hell would I volunteer for service. I'm not going to trust my life to these politicians in DC that would throw it away for nothing. That's the attitude they've had for the past 25 years.

If it's a just war then they should have no problem voting in a draft

Lucky for you the boys who hit Normandy and Omaha Beaches on D-Day didn't see it like you do eh, Timmy? Ever seen a chiropractor about that yellow streak down your back?
Ok, let start the draft ! Line up tough guys.

Too late Timmy...I volunteered for the draft in 1967...then enlisted proper. How about you Timmy? Or are video games the only action you've ever seen?

Jumped before you were pushed Huh?

No way in hell would I volunteer for service. I'm not going to trust my life to these politicians in DC that would throw it away for nothing. That's the attitude they've had for the past 25 years.

If it's a just war then they should have no
Ok, let start the draft ! Line up tough guys.

Too late Timmy...I volunteered for the draft in 1967...then enlisted proper. How about you Timmy? Or are video games the only action you've ever seen?


Lucky for you the boys who hit Normandy and Omaha Beaches on D-Day didn't see it like you do eh, Timmy? Ever seen a chiropractor about that yellow streak down your back?

I noticed you went back to WW2. Which was a righteous war where we were actually defending our country .

You want to compare that with Iraq ?? The never ending nonsense in Afghanistan ?

Trump himself crapped all over our leaders who got us into those messes.
This is how Obama failed to respond in 2016 to the threat posed by North Korea:

"More threatening for America is North Korea’s continued development of the Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missile. Once perfected, this weapon could be used to conduct a nuclear strike on the US mainland.

"America has responded to the build-up of Mr Kim’s nuclear arsenal by opening formal talks with South Korea – the country most directly threatened – on the deployment of advanced missile defences."

'We could destroy you,' Obama warns 'erratic' North Korean leader

In essence Obama did little to deter North Korean actions.

But here is the funny part - the title of above linked press article is: : 'We could destroy you,' Obama warns 'erratic' North Korean leader

Why weren't Obama's words considered shocking?

Too fking funny.

Yet another example among thousands, of how the MSM distorts the news to favor one party over the other. A very good example of the outright, transparent, and in-your-face biased reporting that amazingly some Americans do not comprehend and thus, get duped over and over and over.................................
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .
Dufus says NK going nuclear shows they were under control!

Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .

Under control?? Whose control? Korea has flourished under Democrat's control. We have Clinton and Obama to thank for this and Iran.

What's Iran doing ?

You are just another righty meathead looking for a fight . The war machine has you snowed.

Gads, you're dumb.

Why did the State Dep't name Iran as 'state sponsor of terrorism,' you moron?????

Bet you don't know anything....(well...that part's true)...about the 12th Imam, and the need for world conflagration.
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .
Dufus says NK going nuclear shows they were under control!

Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .
What's Iran doing ?

Testing their own missiles and meeting with NK nuclear scientists....Kimchi will sell his BANG BANGS to the ragheads if the price is right.

Actually, Iran has been paying 30% of NK's GDP for years, as their nuclear weapon laboratory.

"Iran and North Korea have engaged in nuclear-related trade or .... North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 to $3 billion.
The Iran-North Korea Strategic Relationship is an issue that has drawn minimum public attention in Washington since at least 2007 when I wrote extensively about it in a report I authored at the Congressional Research Service and updated for the next three years: North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy (section on Nuclear Collaboration with Iran and Syria). This, despite the extensive coverage of the major advances in the nuclear weapons and missile programs of North Korea and Iran since that time.

On nuclear collaboration, there has been a virtual blackout of public information.

The Washington Post reported on November 7, 2011, that “secret intelligence” provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency showed that Iran had received “crucial technology” from North Korea for the development of nuclear warheads.

....North Korea earned about $1.5 billion annually from its missile collaboration with Iran alone. It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them."

You KNOW that the snake knew this.
How did we get to a point where terrorists now have Libya as a safe haven instead of being ruled under a stern hand by a dictator who was helping the coalition fight AGAINST terrorists in Northern Africa?

How did we get to a point where the US illegally invaded Syria as part of an Un-Constitutional War?

How did we get to a point where a Nuclear-armed North Korea now has the missile technology it previously did NOT have required to strike the US?

How did we get to a point where Iran has been given an a$$-load of money and is being allowed to further and faster develop its nuclear weapons program, with the help of buds like North Korea

:clap: Thank you, assholes.
Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

How many are threatening to use them on us daily, Timmy? You turds are fine with NK having nukes as long as one doesn't hit you...same with'd wear a burka if that's what it took to please them.

And why is NK doing that ?? Oh , cause Donny boy is also talking a lot of shit .

Serious Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year. This represented 4.1 percent of all U.S. adults.
NIMH » Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Among U.S. Adults have lots of pals to play with.
How did we get to a point where terrorists now have Libya as a safe haven instead of being ruled under a stern hand by a dictator who was helping the coalition fight AGAINST terrorists in Northern Africa?

This guy loves Gaddafi, the man most responsible for Pan Am 103...


Why did the "terror war crowd" love the "muslim" terrorist most responsible for Pan Am 103???

This should help those with working human brains...

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

'Qaddafi is Jewish and I'm His Cousin'
Ok, let start the draft ! Line up tough guys.

Too late Timmy...I volunteered for the draft in 1967...then enlisted proper. How about you Timmy? Or are video games the only action you've ever seen?

Jumped before you were pushed Huh?

No way in hell would I volunteer for service. I'm not going to trust my life to these politicians in DC that would throw it away for nothing. That's the attitude they've had for the past 25 years.

If it's a just war then they should have no problem voting in a draft

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.


John Stuart Mill
This guy loves Gaddafi, the man most responsible for Pan Am 103...
No, dumbass, I just am well aware that Gaddafi has been a 'good little boy' since Reagan bombed his country and killed his son.....I realize Gaddafi was HELPING the coalition Fight terrorists in North Africa...I am aware that aiding THE TERRORISTS WHO KILLED 3,000 AMERICANS ON 9/11/01 IS DAMN-NEAR TREASON...and I am aware that creating such a void in a country flooded with terrorists was going to resort in terrorists taking over Libya......which apparently Obama was too stupid to figure out or it was his plan all along.

Instead of having a stable country that was under our CONTROL and that was helping us FIGHT terrorists, Obama injected himself into another nation's business, took it upon himself without Congressional approval, and ordered the US military to help Al Qaeda kill Gaddafi, overthrow the government, and take over their own safe haven.

Just f*ing BRILLIANT! How'd that work out? Why don't you ask Ambassador Stevens...oh, wait - YOU CAN'T! HE'S DEAD!
Got here? NK was under control until the Don got into office . The world has no respect for dopey Don .
Dufus says NK going nuclear shows they were under control!

Lots of countries have nukes . Under control means Nk wasn't acting up and saber rattling to a point where even china is pissed . This aggression is fairly recent .

Everything is equal for the Liberal imbeciles.....

..As long as the spelling is the same, everything is equal isn't the same when "Lots of countries have nukes:

1. Non-proliferation has been American policy since WWII....until the anti-America, anti-Western Civilization snake, Obama, got in office.

2. Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. The same is true of nuclear weapons. But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.

Yes , everything is obamas fault .

Did you worry about Nk war when obama was prez ? Nope .

Did you see the OP??????

Obama knew that the fat boy miniaturized nuclear warheads and did nothing about it.
Obama knew that Iran paid NK to do this work for them....and did nothing about it.
He gave Iran the green light for nuclear weapons.....and here you are offering "duh...yup...yup...dat's OK wit me!!"
The answer is simple what happened. Obama has the same belief all leftists do - every nation on earth is morally equivalent to the US.

So letting Iran and NK have them is no big deal
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