How we know Hitler was right wing.

And anything that can be altered by ANYONE is not a reliable resource dipshit. I can go in and change anything that has been posted in will. So can anybody else. Are so feeble minded that you don't see that as a problem?

I mean really. At least try and have a tiny little bit of common sense.

And anyone can go right back in and change it back, dipshit, plus they fudger would have no reference source, dipshit, so it wou.ldn't hold anyway, dipshit. Plus you can see every revision, dipshit, so it's all clearly in the page and can be seen as verified by an outside source, or not. Dipshit.

You don't stop at the Wiki content, dipshit; you follow the sources. Unless you're not interested in the facts. Since as you noted you too can go in and edit, dipshit, it's your job to keep it honest, dipshit.

All you've done there is poison the well with a broad brush, dipshit. If you have a specific quarrel with a point, dipshit, cite the point and its source or lack thereof. Otherwise you have nothing but poisoning the well.


Yes. But who's to say who is correct? See the problem dipshit?

Nope, I didn't think you would.

Who's to say? You are, dipshit.
There must be a thousand statements in that entry. If you take issue with one of them, attack it with its source. Its source is not Wiki; its source is footnote #342 or whatever. You show why the source doesn't work, or you bring your own countersource. Because he who asserts must also prove.

If that's just too hard for you, then maybe you have no point to make. Whining about what's in the URL doesn't make one.

And anyone can go right back in and change it back, dipshit, plus they fudger would have no reference source, dipshit, so it wou.ldn't hold anyway, dipshit. Plus you can see every revision, dipshit, so it's all clearly in the page and can be seen as verified by an outside source, or not. Dipshit.

You don't stop at the Wiki content, dipshit; you follow the sources. Unless you're not interested in the facts. Since as you noted you too can go in and edit, dipshit, it's your job to keep it honest, dipshit.

All you've done there is poison the well with a broad brush, dipshit. If you have a specific quarrel with a point, dipshit, cite the point and its source or lack thereof. Otherwise you have nothing but poisoning the well.


Yes. But who's to say who is correct? See the problem dipshit?

Nope, I didn't think you would.

Who's to say? You are, dipshit.
There must be a thousand statements in that entry. If you take issue with one of them, attack it with its source. Its source is not Wiki; its source is footnote #342 or whatever. You show why the source doesn't work, or you bring your own countersource. Because he who asserts must also prove.

If that's just too hard for you, then maybe you have no point to make. Whining about what's in the URL doesn't make one.


My point silly person, is wiki has been so completely screwed up in its methodology and controls, that no one who is in higher education allows it to be used as a source. It's not worth wasting time on. If you wish to present some facts then go to the source material and YOU post them here.

Those I will happily look through. Wiki will never see my cursor however.
Yes. But who's to say who is correct? See the problem dipshit?

Nope, I didn't think you would.

Who's to say? You are, dipshit.
There must be a thousand statements in that entry. If you take issue with one of them, attack it with its source. Its source is not Wiki; its source is footnote #342 or whatever. You show why the source doesn't work, or you bring your own countersource. Because he who asserts must also prove.

If that's just too hard for you, then maybe you have no point to make. Whining about what's in the URL doesn't make one.


My point silly person, is wiki has been so completely screwed up in its methodology and controls, that no one who is in higher education allows it to be used as a source. It's not worth wasting time on. If you wish to present some facts then go to the source material and YOU post them here.

Those I will happily look through. Wiki will never see my cursor however.

That's a little better, silly person.
Note that I made no points at all about Ion Antonescu, ergo I need post no facts to support a post I never made. I'm just calling you out for your poison-the-well fallacy. Wiki's "methodology" hasn't changed; it's edited by everybody, which means anyone like yourself, or myself, that takes issue with a point there can challenge the point, or the source, or both. So again, if you have an issue with footnote 468, nobody's stopping you from challenging it. Nobody but your own indolence.

This isn''t supposed to be an easy game where you just declare some source "off the list" because you don't like what it says. He who asserts must also prove, and so must he who denies an assertion that's sitting there with 550 source citations. IOW you're going to have to work at it.

I don't even have an idea what your issue with Antonescu is; I just know that whatever it is, the way to go about it is not simply going :lalala:. You're going to have to get off your intellectual ass and work at it.
Sounds more like the ideals of this government we have currently in this nation now, especially as echoed by the occupy movement, and supported by this government we have now. There is a balance to be kept in it all, and the problem is that this nation has lost it's scales anymore, and it better get to finding them quickly or we may end up down any number of roads if not careful.

the history place - rise of hitler: The 25 points of hitler's nazi party

"right wing" never looked so socialistic. :lol:

Most of this to me is big time left wing stuff, with some right wing stuff mixed in as well.
Or it could just be that Nazism is another brand of socialism, like Ford is "different" from Volvo.

I hadn't read these 25 points or whatever's left of them before, but apparently whoever originally brought them in did so on the basis that "Hitler said it so it must be true".

Because as we all know, Hitler was the most honest guy in history and would never ever resort to, you know, propaganda or lying or anything like that.


War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

Or it could just be that Nazism is another brand of socialism, like Ford is "different" from Volvo.

I hadn't read these 25 points or whatever's left of them before, but apparently whoever originally brought them in did so on the basis that "Hitler said it so it must be true".

Because as we all know, Hitler was the most honest guy in history and would never ever resort to, you know, propaganda or lying or anything like that.


War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength


Yyyyeah, that was, uh, my whole point.

I must be too subtle for this crowd...
If your whole point is that you don't know what you're babbling about, you managed to make it. :thup:

If that's what you see, I'm amazed you've been here this long and need this level of explanation. The point is that whoever brought in this list of 25 points as evidence of Hitler's "socialism" is, by that post, asking us to accept the propaganda of a notorious propagandist as if it's gospel, as the evidence that proves his point.

Please tell me I don't have to explain why that basis of reasoning is freaking hilarious. :eek:
The point is that only socialists need to try to differentiate "left" socialism from "right" socialism.

Fact remains that they are the same authoritarian central planner shit wrapped in different toilet paper.

You want to pick flecks of pepper out of those piles of shit and make big scholarly observations about their minute differences in color and grain, that's your time to waste.
Prior coming to this board, I had never heard anyone suggest Hitler was anything but right wing. This may be something to do with living in Europe where the awareness of fascism is so very high because it occured here, or maybe it's something our education system focuses on. Or maybe coincidence.

Either way, recently I've noticed two posters recently insist Hitler was left wing....and even liberal.

Here is SSDD:

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government

Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism.

In cases like this, I am not sure facts have a great deal of impact, but maybe it is interesting to discuss some of the features of Fascism anyway.

Let's start with some quotes from Hitler:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

Hitler is Hitler. To say he is left wing or right wing soils all of us who are right or left of center.

I won't have it.

Adolf was freaking insane.
Now I have debated in the past only to his affiliations. He used the social wing and then he turned around and used the wealthy as well.

Bottom line he was brilliant. He played both sides against each other.

Does this tactic ring a bell?
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The point is that only socialists need to try to differentiate "left" socialism from "right" socialism.

Fact remains that they are the same authoritarian central planner shit wrapped in different toilet paper.

You want to pick flecks of pepper out of those piles of shit and make big scholarly observations about their minute differences in color and grain, that's your time to waste.

Jesus Christ on a Bicycle, you still don't get it?? :bang3:

My point had nothing whatsoever to do with this list of 25 principles, whatever they are. I didn't even bother to fucking read them (apparently you did, so rotsa ruck with the Klingons*).

My point is about the reasoning-- purporting to pinpoint Adolf Hitler's true political positions using an obvious propaganda piece from Hitler himself s a basis. Holy shit, learn to read already. Given that reasoning, there was no reason to bother reading them.

And by the way we dispensed with that authoritarian as left-right baggage a while back.

This is what I get for stating the obvious... intentional blank stares. Some come here to sit and think, others to sit and use the troll-it paper.

*("Klingons": How is a wad of toilet paper like the USS Enterprise? They're both searching for Klingons - old joke)
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Who's to say? You are, dipshit.
There must be a thousand statements in that entry. If you take issue with one of them, attack it with its source. Its source is not Wiki; its source is footnote #342 or whatever. You show why the source doesn't work, or you bring your own countersource. Because he who asserts must also prove.

If that's just too hard for you, then maybe you have no point to make. Whining about what's in the URL doesn't make one.


My point silly person, is wiki has been so completely screwed up in its methodology and controls, that no one who is in higher education allows it to be used as a source. It's not worth wasting time on. If you wish to present some facts then go to the source material and YOU post them here.

Those I will happily look through. Wiki will never see my cursor however.

That's a little better, silly person.
Note that I made no points at all about Ion Antonescu, ergo I need post no facts to support a post I never made. I'm just calling you out for your poison-the-well fallacy. Wiki's "methodology" hasn't changed; it's edited by everybody, which means anyone like yourself, or myself, that takes issue with a point there can challenge the point, or the source, or both. So again, if you have an issue with footnote 468, nobody's stopping you from challenging it. Nobody but your own indolence.

This isn''t supposed to be an easy game where you just declare some source "off the list" because you don't like what it says. He who asserts must also prove, and so must he who denies an assertion that's sitting there with 550 source citations. IOW you're going to have to work at it.

I don't even have an idea what your issue with Antonescu is; I just know that whatever it is, the way to go about it is not simply going :lalala:. You're going to have to get off your intellectual ass and work at it.

I didn't poison the well. Wiki did. Take up the problem of false information with them. They have instituted no controls to rectify the situation so they are useless in all matters save entertainemnt value only.
The point is that only socialists need to try to differentiate "left" socialism from "right" socialism.

Fact remains that they are the same authoritarian central planner shit wrapped in different toilet paper.

You want to pick flecks of pepper out of those piles of shit and make big scholarly observations about their minute differences in color and grain, that's your time to waste.

Jesus Christ on a Bicycle, you still don't get it?? :bang3:

My point had nothing whatsoever to do with this list of 25 principles, whatever they are. I didn't even bother to fucking read them (apparently you did, so rotsa ruck with the Klingons*).

My point is about the reasoning-- purporting to pinpoint Adolf Hitler's true political positions using an obvious propaganda piece from Hitler himself s a basis. Holy shit, learn to read already. Given that reasoning, there was no reason to bother reading them.

And by the way we dispensed with that authoritarian as left-right baggage a while back.

This is what I get for stating the obvious... intentional blank stares. Some come here to sit and think, others to sit and use the troll-it paper.

*("Klingons": How is a wad of toilet paper like the USS Enterprise? They're both searching for Klingons - old joke)

By all means learn to read yourself. If you were the normal citizen living in Russia or Germany at that time there WAS NO DIFFERENCE. Do you get that? Lefties claim that Stalin was a lefty and they claim that Hitler was a rightie. Do you understand that there is only collectivism and individualist governmental types? That's it! As Oddball says you guys are arguing about shades of pink....BUT THEY'RE STILL PINK!
Prior coming to this board, I had never heard anyone suggest Hitler was anything but right wing. This may be something to do with living in Europe where the awareness of fascism is so very high because it occured here, or maybe it's something our education system focuses on. Or maybe coincidence.

Either way, recently I've noticed two posters recently insist Hitler was left wing....and even liberal.

Here is SSDD:

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government

Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism.

In cases like this, I am not sure facts have a great deal of impact, but maybe it is interesting to discuss some of the features of Fascism anyway.

Let's start with some quotes from Hitler:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

Hitler is Hitler. To say he is left wing or right wing soils all of us who are right or left of center.

I won't have it.

Adolf was freaking insane.

That is what I think, he used whatever he could, right or left to gain and abuse his power.

He believed in a centralized government where HE made all the decisions. He was a dictator with many personality disorders. He wasn't left or right, he was Hitler and did what he needed to do to gain and keep a strong military and control.
The point is that only socialists need to try to differentiate "left" socialism from "right" socialism.

Fact remains that they are the same authoritarian central planner shit wrapped in different toilet paper.

You want to pick flecks of pepper out of those piles of shit and make big scholarly observations about their minute differences in color and grain, that's your time to waste.

Jesus Christ on a Bicycle, you still don't get it?? :bang3:

My point had nothing whatsoever to do with this list of 25 principles, whatever they are. I didn't even bother to fucking read them (apparently you did, so rotsa ruck with the Klingons*).

My point is about the reasoning-- purporting to pinpoint Adolf Hitler's true political positions using an obvious propaganda piece from Hitler himself s a basis. Holy shit, learn to read already. Given that reasoning, there was no reason to bother reading them.

And by the way we dispensed with that authoritarian as left-right baggage a while back.

This is what I get for stating the obvious... intentional blank stares. Some come here to sit and think, others to sit and use the troll-it paper.

*("Klingons": How is a wad of toilet paper like the USS Enterprise? They're both searching for Klingons - old joke)

I've been studying Goebbels this winter. Cabin Fever makes you smarter. :eusa_angel: No option.

This was an odd team somehow who gravitated to each other. I hope maybe one day in the clean zone we all could discuss this.
I hope this thread has not encouraged that poster that argued Truman was a Republican to try to make a comeback.
I just noticed something, regent, saigon and pogo all joined wihtin a couple of months of each other and post like madmen. saigon alone is posting at the rate of 22 per day (I post at the rate of 11 and am retired). I wonder who they all work for?

Since when do liberals work?

Why do you think they keep screaming to expand government, punish success, and to shred the Constitution? Because they don't work, they live off of us and they are trying to ensure the gravy train keeps flowing!
Right-wing: best described as conservatives, this side believes in small government with limited power. They believe in maximum freedom for the individual, and personal responsibility (ie government is not there to provide for you - you have to provide for yourself and make your own way through life). They strongly believe in, and support, the U.S. Constitution - the document which outlined the United States governments rolls and responsibilities and which this country was founded on.

Left-wing: best described as liberal, this side believes in large government with unlimited power. They believe freedom is "dangerous", they are scared of people having their own thoughts and will, and believe that society functions better when all are forced to go along with one plan like zombies. They have little or no respect for the U.S. Constitution. They see it as a hinderance to "progress", and will try to warp or otherwise intentionally misrepresent what it says.

It's imperative that you understand this before we continue. The right believes in freedom, and a government with very limited power. The left believes in the collective, and a powerful government with full control.
Since we know that the right believes in limited government and maximum freedom for the individual, it's very easy to understand that the further right you go, government continues to get smaller and less powerful. As you start to go further right, you reach the libertarian. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Sovereign Citizen. This is a person who believes they are "sovereign" unto themselves. They answer to nobody, under any circumstances. They do not recognize the U.S. government. They believe they do not have to pay taxes, they do not have to obey traffic laws, etc. The farthest fringe and the very end is the Anarchist. The anarchist believes in no government and no laws at all.

This radical fringe element of the right is downright scary. They are a menace to society. They will, and often do, commit murder. They are violent, unhinged, pose a real threat to anyone around them.

I do not, under any circumstances, condone their actions or agree with their ideology. A Constitutional government is the backbone of a civilized and peaceful society. Nobody has the right to ignore the laws of a Constitutional government (you do have the right to leave anytime you want if you don't like the laws, but you do not have the right to violate them). I have had heated debates with Sovereign Citizens on this board (most of them posing as "libertarians") who have actually stated that you do not have to stop if an officer attempts to pull you over (no, I'm not joking - they have actually stated that right here on this board), you do not have to provide ID, and you can drive away any time you want. Here are a few examples of the violent and despicable Sovereign Citizen:

  • Convicted Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols was a member of the sovereign citizen movement
  • In May 2010, two police officers in West Memphis, Arkansas were shot and killed by Joseph T. Kane after Kane and his father were the subject of a traffic stop. Kane and his father were later identified as members of the sovereign citizen movement.
  • On June 18, 2012, Francis August Schaeffer Cox, who had asserted that he was a sovereign citizen, was found guilty in the United States District Court in Anchorage, Alaska, of several felony charges including conspiracy to commit murder
  • On June 20, 2012, Anson Chi was arrested by federal authorities for allegedly trying to blow up a natural gas pipe line in a residential area of Plano, Texas.
  • On July 19, 2012, Martin Jonassen, who had described himself as a sovereign citizen, was found guilty by a jury in a federal court of kidnapping his 21 year old daughter, who he allegedly had sexually abused, and of obstruction of justice. During the incident, the daughter escaped from a hotel room where Jonassen had been holding her, ran naked into a store and begged for help. Jonassen was caught on surveillance footage chasing her, dragging her out of the store and pushing her into his car. The daughter reportedly "had never been to school and only read books about religion, history and the government approved by her father." She had seen a doctor only once in her life. On February 19, 2013, Jonassen was sentenced to forty years in federal prison
  • On August 27, 2012, Lonnie G. Vernon and Karen Vernon, an Alaska couple who were described as "followers of Schaeffer Cox", pled guilty to conspiracy to commit murder of U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline, who presided over a federal income tax case based on sovereign-citizen theories which had cost the Vernons their house

Sovereign citizen movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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