How we know Hitler was right wing.

This is the Political Forum. Let's try to focus on making your point, supporting it, yourself, and moving on. Let's limit the derailing. Thanks.

I sincerely hope that warning wasn't directed in my direction.

Faulting partisan thinking wherever and whenever I find it IS my politic.

My political affiliation is with the Philosopher party

If you never heard of it, that's because I made it up about three seconds ago.

It's admittedly a small party but for a second or two it must have been be the fastest growing political party in America.
"Using the wealthy" is meaningless. Obama uses the wealthy. Is he a right-winger? Being wealthy doesn't make you a right-winger as examples like Soros and Buffet make emphatically clear.
Yes, if anything could Obama be just as wise or could he be driven to become as brilliantly insane as Hitler was possibly, in which could make him just as dangerous as Hitler was possibly ? This nation if not careful about what he is capable of himself while in power (i.e. best keep a sharp eye out on this one maybe), could possibly travel down some deep dark roads as well during his 8 year run. So far his ability to have many gravitate towards him regardless of his past is noteworthy, especially after all that is known about him so far, yet he still charms the vote out of them with his slickness and demeanor as is used, and for many these days it is all that is needed, just a simple smile & handshake and their done. He has a persuasion about him in this way with the masses, and Hitler also had this persuasion about himself as well did he not? So how are they different still yet I wonder ? Could it be that Obama has the same attributes possibly, but looks through his glass favoring a different set of circumstances and people as being dealt with now, and is he the same in his favoritisms as Hitler was, thus becoming popular in the same ways with certain people just as Hitler had become ? Looking back at history can usually allow us to compare the attributes, demeanors, characteristics of a leader, and make ourselves aware of those who will rise again in character in which could easily be found yet again within them, and at any given time in history. History has a way "always" of repeating itself, and as long as there are nations struggling, and people warring with each other be it within and/or without, economies struggling, resources becoming scarce, the poor being looked upon as pariah's, the wealthy becoming to greedy and controlling with most of the wealth, governments becoming to greedy in taxation along with other bogus revenue drawing needs, it could easily give rise to another tyrant/dictator once again in the world (even in America this could happen), therefore causing history to repeat itself yet again and again if not careful.

What is the best comparison so far to Obama, as to be found when looking back in history now at the various leaders around the world, or is it to early to tell yet ? In the twenty five stated Nazi policies I read here, I see a lot of Obama in those Nazi policies laid out, did anyone else take note of that maybe ? Not picking on Obama, but as he is our leader now, is it fair to assess his character by his actions thus far in these ways ? I know he is not Hitler, but comparing policies in which I read in those 25, there is a lot of similarities to grapple with in analyzing these leaders or parties being dealt with as found within the history of this world.


You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
You try to be an intellectual poster here, but your leftist feelings getting hurt just sent you into la la land with this reply. I had the contents of Hitler in the post, and I also am speaking about attributes found in leaders in comparison to others in policy making or leanings they may have, and as to whether or not leaders have specific attributes in comparison to the Hitler's of the world, along with their policy making. Why don't you intellectually answer my post with an intelligent historical in comparison answer, instead of with the dribble you just wrote out of desperation because your leftist feelings got hurt?
This is the Political Forum. Let's try to focus on making your point, supporting it, yourself, and moving on. Let's limit the derailing. Thanks.
Umm isn't there like many categories or articles found under the topic Political Forum, so what is to keep people from moving on when they feel like they are through with this specific topic or another ?

Just curious is all, or is it that you feel some are making fools of themselves, so instead of calling them out by name, you decide to edge them with your elbow by writing this post in hopes that they will get the message maybe ?

I believe what he's talking about is a number of posts here that said nothing more than "that's because you're an idiot". Some of those empty bottles seem to have been recycled. And I believe he means "move on" to the next point.

I doubt if it's meant for you (Beagle) as your posts have IMHO have all had merit and made some kind of point courteously, as they should. But that hasn't been true of all. Moderators do come in sometimes to clean up when it gets messy.

"Using the wealthy" is meaningless. Obama uses the wealthy. Is he a right-winger? Being wealthy doesn't make you a right-winger as examples like Soros and Buffet make emphatically clear.
Yes, if anything could Obama be just as wise or could he be driven to become as brilliantly insane as Hitler was possibly, in which could make him just as dangerous as Hitler was possibly ? This nation if not careful about what he is capable of himself while in power (i.e. best keep a sharp eye out on this one maybe), could possibly travel down some deep dark roads as well during his 8 year run. So far his ability to have many gravitate towards him regardless of his past is noteworthy, especially after all that is known about him so far, yet he still charms the vote out of them with his slickness and demeanor as is used, and for many these days it is all that is needed, just a simple smile & handshake and their done. He has a persuasion about him in this way with the masses, and Hitler also had this persuasion about himself as well did he not? So how are they different still yet I wonder ? Could it be that Obama has the same attributes possibly, but looks through his glass favoring a different set of circumstances and people as being dealt with now, and is he the same in his favoritisms as Hitler was, thus becoming popular in the same ways with certain people just as Hitler had become ? Looking back at history can usually allow us to compare the attributes, demeanors, characteristics of a leader, and make ourselves aware of those who will rise again in character in which could easily be found yet again within them, and at any given time in history. History has a way "always" of repeating itself, and as long as there are nations struggling, and people warring with each other be it within and/or without, economies struggling, resources becoming scarce, the poor being looked upon as pariah's, the wealthy becoming to greedy and controlling with most of the wealth, governments becoming to greedy in taxation along with other bogus revenue drawing needs, it could easily give rise to another tyrant/dictator once again in the world (even in America this could happen), therefore causing history to repeat itself yet again and again if not careful.

What is the best comparison so far to Obama, as to be found when looking back in history now at the various leaders around the world, or is it to early to tell yet ? In the twenty five stated Nazi policies I read here, I see a lot of Obama in those Nazi policies laid out, did anyone else take note of that maybe ? Not picking on Obama, but as he is our leader now, is it fair to assess his character by his actions thus far in these ways ? I know he is not Hitler, but comparing policies in which I read in those 25, there is a lot of similarities to grapple with in analyzing these leaders or parties being dealt with as found within the history of this world.


You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
Oh and why pull the race card out, was that out of desperation as well ?
This is the Political Forum. Let's try to focus on making your point, supporting it, yourself, and moving on. Let's limit the derailing. Thanks.
Umm isn't there like many categories or articles found under the topic Political Forum, so what is to keep people from moving on when they feel like they are through with this specific topic or another ?

Just curious is all, or is it that you feel some are making fools of themselves, so instead of calling them out by name, you decide to edge them with your elbow by writing this post in hopes that they will get the message maybe ?

I believe what he's talking about is a number of posts here that said nothing more than "that's because you're an idiot". Some of those empty bottles seem to have been recycled. And I believe he means "move on" to the next point.

I doubt if it's meant for you (Beagle) as your posts have IMHO have all had merit and made some kind of point courteously, as they should. But that hasn't been true of all. Moderators do come in sometimes to clean up when it gets messy.

Yes, if anything could Obama be just as wise or could he be driven to become as brilliantly insane as Hitler was possibly, in which could make him just as dangerous as Hitler was possibly ? This nation if not careful about what he is capable of himself while in power (i.e. best keep a sharp eye out on this one maybe), could possibly travel down some deep dark roads as well during his 8 year run. So far his ability to have many gravitate towards him regardless of his past is noteworthy, especially after all that is known about him so far, yet he still charms the vote out of them with his slickness and demeanor as is used, and for many these days it is all that is needed, just a simple smile & handshake and their done. He has a persuasion about him in this way with the masses, and Hitler also had this persuasion about himself as well did he not? So how are they different still yet I wonder ? Could it be that Obama has the same attributes possibly, but looks through his glass favoring a different set of circumstances and people as being dealt with now, and is he the same in his favoritisms as Hitler was, thus becoming popular in the same ways with certain people just as Hitler had become ? Looking back at history can usually allow us to compare the attributes, demeanors, characteristics of a leader, and make ourselves aware of those who will rise again in character in which could easily be found yet again within them, and at any given time in history. History has a way "always" of repeating itself, and as long as there are nations struggling, and people warring with each other be it within and/or without, economies struggling, resources becoming scarce, the poor being looked upon as pariah's, the wealthy becoming to greedy and controlling with most of the wealth, governments becoming to greedy in taxation along with other bogus revenue drawing needs, it could easily give rise to another tyrant/dictator once again in the world (even in America this could happen), therefore causing history to repeat itself yet again and again if not careful.

What is the best comparison so far to Obama, as to be found when looking back in history now at the various leaders around the world, or is it to early to tell yet ? In the twenty five stated Nazi policies I read here, I see a lot of Obama in those Nazi policies laid out, did anyone else take note of that maybe ? Not picking on Obama, but as he is our leader now, is it fair to assess his character by his actions thus far in these ways ? I know he is not Hitler, but comparing policies in which I read in those 25, there is a lot of similarities to grapple with in analyzing these leaders or parties being dealt with as found within the history of this world.


You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
You try to be an intellectual poster here, but your leftist feelings getting hurt just sent you into la la land with this reply. I had the contents of Hitler in the post, and I also am speaking about attributes found in leaders in comparison to others in policy making or leanings they may have, and as to whether or not leaders have specific attributes in comparison to the Hitler's of the world, along with their policy making. Why don't you intellectually answer my post with an intelligent historical in comparison answer, instead of with the dribble you just wrote out of desperation because your leftist feelings got hurt?

It's got nothing to do with "feelings" -- the topic is not about Obama, period. What you were trying to derail to was clear, so I called it what it is. Same as those bogus "25 points" I called out last night for the bogus base of reasoning it is. When your reasoning is flawed, I'm going to say so.

So diga me-- who are "the Hitlers of the world"?? Is a Hitler something you can just pick up at the 7-11? :dunno:
The war ended with the victory of the Nationalists and the exile of thousands of left-leaning Spaniards, many of whom fled to refugee camps in Southern France. With the establishment of a Fascist dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco in the aftermath of the Civil War, all right-wing parties were fused into the structure of the Franco regime
Wow...In a war between socialist factions, the socialists that lost were exiled?

Say it ain't so! :rolleyes:
Different types of socialist factions I'm thinking, so one had to be replaced by the other I guess, yet all depending on the dictator or leadership of the specific faction.. Right ?
Yes, if anything could Obama be just as wise or could he be driven to become as brilliantly insane as Hitler was possibly, in which could make him just as dangerous as Hitler was possibly ? This nation if not careful about what he is capable of himself while in power (i.e. best keep a sharp eye out on this one maybe), could possibly travel down some deep dark roads as well during his 8 year run. So far his ability to have many gravitate towards him regardless of his past is noteworthy, especially after all that is known about him so far, yet he still charms the vote out of them with his slickness and demeanor as is used, and for many these days it is all that is needed, just a simple smile & handshake and their done. He has a persuasion about him in this way with the masses, and Hitler also had this persuasion about himself as well did he not? So how are they different still yet I wonder ? Could it be that Obama has the same attributes possibly, but looks through his glass favoring a different set of circumstances and people as being dealt with now, and is he the same in his favoritisms as Hitler was, thus becoming popular in the same ways with certain people just as Hitler had become ? Looking back at history can usually allow us to compare the attributes, demeanors, characteristics of a leader, and make ourselves aware of those who will rise again in character in which could easily be found yet again within them, and at any given time in history. History has a way "always" of repeating itself, and as long as there are nations struggling, and people warring with each other be it within and/or without, economies struggling, resources becoming scarce, the poor being looked upon as pariah's, the wealthy becoming to greedy and controlling with most of the wealth, governments becoming to greedy in taxation along with other bogus revenue drawing needs, it could easily give rise to another tyrant/dictator once again in the world (even in America this could happen), therefore causing history to repeat itself yet again and again if not careful.

What is the best comparison so far to Obama, as to be found when looking back in history now at the various leaders around the world, or is it to early to tell yet ? In the twenty five stated Nazi policies I read here, I see a lot of Obama in those Nazi policies laid out, did anyone else take note of that maybe ? Not picking on Obama, but as he is our leader now, is it fair to assess his character by his actions thus far in these ways ? I know he is not Hitler, but comparing policies in which I read in those 25, there is a lot of similarities to grapple with in analyzing these leaders or parties being dealt with as found within the history of this world.


You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
Oh and why pull the race card out, was that out of desperation as well ?

"Race card"?? What "race card"?

You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
You try to be an intellectual poster here, but your leftist feelings getting hurt just sent you into la la land with this reply. I had the contents of Hitler in the post, and I also am speaking about attributes found in leaders in comparison to others in policy making or leanings they may have, and as to whether or not leaders have specific attributes in comparison to the Hitler's of the world, along with their policy making. Why don't you intellectually answer my post with an intelligent historical in comparison answer, instead of with the dribble you just wrote out of desperation because your leftist feelings got hurt?

It's got nothing to do with "feelings" -- the topic is not about Obama, period. What you were trying to derail to was clear, so I called it what it is. Same as those bogus "25 points" I called out last night for the bogus base of reasoning it is. When your reasoning is flawed, I'm going to say so.

So diga me-- who are "the Hitlers of the world"?? Is a Hitler something you can just pick up at the 7-11? :dunno:
The Hitler's of the world are those who are found to have attributes or personality traits that could be more than the percentage than we would want to find in a leader or person having such traits or characteristics within them. Not something one could pick up at the seven-11, but is rather something that is born within you or something you become depending on your teachings in life.
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You ain't fooling anybody. You're trying to say "Obama is Hitler/Obama is a fascist" in dressed-up words so it looks more reasonable than a picture with a bone through his nose. This thread isn't about O'bama; it's about Hitler and the mythmaking some of y'all are desperately, desperately trying to sell. And this post exemplifies what the purpose of selling that myth is.

This bullshit is transparent as a new pane of glass. You're swaying absolutely nobody who's not already self-exiled from reality in the Bubble.
Oh and why pull the race card out, was that out of desperation as well ?

"Race card"?? What "race card"?
This one - The one where you said something about a picture of Obama with a bone in his nose, now where did that come from ?
BriPat -

Do you think it is coincidence that the posters who deny Hitler are right wing are also the posters who simply refuse outright to read?

In the time you spent posting absolute gibberish on this thread, you could have read a book on a topic you claim to be interested in, and learnt enought to post sensibly on the topic.

I've read plenty of books on the subject, jackass. Once again, your pretension of intellectual superiority is the source of amusement. Why don't you try reading something other than the swill published by pinko intellectuals? Perhaps then you might not sound like such an arrogant jerk, and you might actually know something.
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The thread is entirely ridiculous, how anyone can paint Hitler, left or right is beyond me. He took many different stands and molded it into a disgusting government. But he used political agendas from conservatives and progressives and perverted it all.

Now we are on to claiming how Obama is like Hitler, which is entirely stupid.

Only partisans that have an agenda would think Hitler was right or left, that Obama or Bush was like Hitler.

The stupidity of some of you is just nuts.
BriPat -

Do you think it is coincidence that the posters who deny Hitler are right wing are also the posters who simply refuse outright to read?

In the time you spent posting absolute gibberish on this thread, you could have read a book on a topic you claim to be interested in, and learnt enought to post sensibly on the topic.

I've read plenty of books on the subject, jackass. Once again, your pretension of intellectual superiority is the source of amusement. Why don't you try reading something than the swill published by pinko intellectuals? Perhaps then you might not sound like such an arrogant jerk, and you might actually know something.

If you had read any of the major books written about the Holocaust or WWII, you would know that:

- Hitler was right wing

- authors like Kershaw, Pleshakov, Overy and Marris as not "pinkos".
The Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939)

The Nationalists (nacionales), (also called insurgents, rebels—or, by opponents, Francoists or Fascists) feared national fragmentation and opposed the separatist movements. They were chiefly defined by their anti-communism, which galvanized diverse or opposed movements like falangists and monarchists. Their leaders had a generally wealthier, more conservative, monarchist, landowning background.

The Nationalist side included the Carlists and Alfonsist monarchists, Spanish nationalists, the fascist Falange, and most conservatives and monarchist liberals. Virtually all Nationalist groups had strong Catholic convictions and supported the native Spanish clergy. The Nationals included the majority of the Catholic clergy and practitioners (outside of the Basque region), important elements of the army, most large landowners, and many businessmen.

The war ended with the victory of the Nationalists and the exile of thousands of left-leaning Spaniards, many of whom fled to refugee camps in Southern France. With the establishment of a Fascist dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco in the aftermath of the Civil War, all right-wing parties were fused into the structure of the Franco regime

Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Spanish Civil War provides one of the clearest indicators that Nazi Germany was a right-wing dictatorship that was intent on supported the emergence of other right-wing dictatorships that would later serve as allies.

Germany, Italy and Portugal all sent troops and military equipment to support the Nationalists led by General Franco and supported by much of the military and other conservative elements in Spanish society. Another strong supporter of the Nationalists was the conservative Catholic clergy who were adamantly anti communist (atheism).

Their opponents, the Republicans, "ranged from centrists who supported a moderately capitalist liberal democracy to revolutionary anarchists." They were primarily secular, the educated middle class. trade unionists and centered in Spain's major urban centers.

The Republlicans were also supported by the "international brigades" of volunteers, the Soviet Union and Mexico.

That doesn't prove jack. For the 1000th time, being anti-communist does not automatically make you a right winger. Truman, LBJ and Kennedy were all anti-communist. Were they right-wingers?

Has anyone noticed that virtually every argument the lefties bring to bear on this subject are logical fallacies?
Horseshit. We can characterize the ideology of the people who run the government and create its laws. Nazis and fascists are left-wingers.

End of story.

Afterward to your story

No, we cannot do that, but You can... because why?

Because YOU are partisan, Lad.


Yes, we can do that. Liberals have been doing it for 100 years. When it's pointed out that their characterization of the Nazis is bogus, all of a sudden we can't do it.
I think it no coincidence that the partisans on this board insist on debating nonsense.

That's the nature of partisans.

They imagine that if they win a debate, they can change reality.

Are you referring to the "nonsense" the left has been spewing for 60 years?
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Now I have debated in the past only to his affiliations. He used the social wing and then he turned around and used the wealthy as well.

Bottom line he was brilliant. He played both sides against each other.

Does this tactic ring a bell?

"Using the wealthy" is meaningless. Obama uses the wealthy. Is he a right-winger? Being wealthy doesn't make you a right-winger as examples like Soros and Buffet make emphatically clear.
Yes, if anything could Obama be just as wise or could he be driven to become as brilliantly insane as Hitler was possibly, in which could make him just as dangerous as Hitler was possibly ? This nation if not careful about what he is capable of himself while in power (i.e. best keep a sharp eye out on this one maybe), could possibly travel down some deep dark roads as well during his 8 year run. So far his ability to have many gravitate towards him regardless of his past is noteworthy, especially after all that is known about him so far, yet he still charms the vote out of them with his slickness and demeanor as is used, and for many these days it is all that is needed, just a simple smile & handshake and their done. He has a persuasion about him in this way with the masses, and Hitler also had this persuasion about himself as well did he not? So how are they different still yet I wonder ? Could it be that Obama has the same attributes possibly, but looks through his glass favoring a different set of circumstances and people as being dealt with now, and is he the same in his favoritisms as Hitler was, thus becoming popular in the same ways with certain people just as Hitler had become ? Looking back at history can usually allow us to compare the attributes, demeanors, characteristics of a leader, and make ourselves aware of those who will rise again in character in which could easily be found yet again within them, and at any given time in history. History has a way "always" of repeating itself, and as long as there are nations struggling, and people warring with each other be it within and/or without, economies struggling, resources becoming scarce, the poor being looked upon as pariah's, the wealthy becoming to greedy and controlling with most of the wealth, governments becoming to greedy in taxation along with other bogus revenue drawing needs, it could easily give rise to another tyrant/dictator once again in the world (even in America this could happen), therefore causing history to repeat itself yet again and again if not careful.

What is the best comparison so far to Obama, as to be found when looking back in history now at the various leaders around the world, or is it to early to tell yet ? In the twenty five stated Nazi policies I read here, I see a lot of Obama in those Nazi policies laid out, did anyone else take note of that maybe ? Not picking on Obama, but as he is our leader now, is it fair to assess his character by his actions thus far in these ways ? I know he is not Hitler, but comparing policies in which I read in those 25, there is a lot of similarities to grapple with in analyzing these leaders or parties being dealt with as found within the history of this world.

You need to take a course in civics. The checks and balances our founders created in the government they created will never allow a Hitler in America. It can't happen. And Obama is not a Hitler.
BriPat -

Do you think it is coincidence that the posters who deny Hitler are right wing are also the posters who simply refuse outright to read?

In the time you spent posting absolute gibberish on this thread, you could have read a book on a topic you claim to be interested in, and learnt enought to post sensibly on the topic.

I've read plenty of books on the subject, jackass. Once again, your pretension of intellectual superiority is the source of amusement. Why don't you try reading something than the swill published by pinko intellectuals? Perhaps then you might not sound like such an arrogant jerk, and you might actually know something.

If you had read any of the major books written about the Holocaust or WWII, you would know that:

- Hitler was right wing

- authors like Kershaw, Pleshakov, Overy and Marris as not "pinkos".

You mean if I swallowed all the pinko propaganda on the subject. And, yes, they are pinkos. There is absolutely no evidence that Hitler was right-wing other than the opinions of a gang of pinko intellectuals. The tangible evidence all runs in the opposite direction.

BTW, I've read hundreds of books about WW II, the Nazis and the Holocaust. I've even read some by pinko intellectuals. The later failed to make their case.

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