How we know Hitler was right wing.

How Schacht's (Hitler's finance minster) policies temporarily boosted the German economy:

1) tax cuts and massive direct public investment in waterways, railroads and highways.

2) Mostly Keynesian policies, relying on large public works programs supported by deficit spending – such as the construction of the Autobahn network – to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.

3) Cars and other forms of motorized transport became increasingly attractive to the population, and the German motor industry boomed.

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Actually the purpose was to counter the latter-day revisionism, the only purpose of which has been to irritate the left. Sorry if that's too complex.

And yes, just ask and you shall receive :D

Pogo, you're a partisan troll.

Your only purpose in ANY thread is to slander Republicans or sing praises to your shameful party. You've never offered a rational or reasoned post on this board.
1. Dictators are bad
2. Leftists are bad
3. Therefore, dictators are leftists.

The "Nazis are leftists!" crowd can go home now. I've got their arguments covered.

Dictatorship is the ultimate expression of the power of the state over the people.

Leftists seek the power of the state over the individual.

Ergo, leftists seek dictatorship.

Dictators are bad.

Leftists are bad.
Your simplisticism is showing.

Leftists don't want government control.

Except over, well, everything....

American leftism seeks a larger and more powerful government.

Nor do Rightists. Authoritarians want that.

The American left, particularly the Obamunists, are authoritarian. If given a chance, you'll dictate what size soda we may buy, or how much salt we are allowed on out food.

Y'all have been tossing around this horseshoe-shaped line to try to meet at the ends but you can't put these things on a line, no matter how you bend the line. A line is two-dimensional. A better graph, though still inadequate, would be the rectangle with its four compass points, where east-west represents right/left and north-south represents Authoritarian/Libertarian. That way you have all four elements in any combination. On that, Hitler would appear way up in the corner where he could inhabit both the right and the authoritarian.

What is "right," in your alleged mind?

"How many dictators are there in anarchy"-- :lmao:
How many air conditioners are there in Antarctica? Deep, dood.

Anarchy inevitably leads to dictatorship.
The other thing that comes to mind: The KKK, being an übernationalist, racist, communist-hating bunch

Really? No shit? And here I thought the KKK went around hanging "*******". I had no idea they were hanging communists (who all just happened to be black, I guess?!?). :lmao:

Game. Set. Match. Stupid....


Your ignorance knows no bounds. :lol:

It is well known the Klan hates communists.
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Uncensored -

Neither "side" can claim victory when it comes to dictatorships.

There are as many left-wing dictators as right-wing ones, and visa versa. It would be impossible to create a truly objective list, but on this thread there are a dozen clear examples of both that I haven't seen many posters question.

Perhaps one reason this thread has attracted so much discussion is precisely because it can not be used to make either "side" look good or bad?
On Nov. 3, 1979, Klansmen and Nazis pulled rifles and pistols from the trunks of their cars and opened fire on a group of anti-Ku Klux Klan marchers in the Morningside Homes neighborhood of Greensboro, N.C. Five of the demonstrators were killed by the bullets and several others were injured. The victims had close ties with the local Communist Worker’s Party.

The Greensboro Massacre
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That's just another chart left-wingers invented to obfuscate the fact that Nazis are left-wingers. It's modeled on the libertarian political plane that has economic control on one axis and social control on the perpendicular axis. Leftist show up on the upper right corner of that chart. The Left-right axis is the same as the economic axis on the libertarian chart.


However, this chart is flattering to Democrats because the fact is that most if them would be at the very bottom.

This graph needs repeating.
That's just another chart left-wingers invented to obfuscate the fact that Nazis are left-wingers. It's modeled on the libertarian political plane that has economic control on one axis and social control on the perpendicular axis. Leftist show up on the upper right corner of that chart. The Left-right axis is the same as the economic axis on the libertarian chart.


However, this chart is flattering to Democrats because the fact is that most if them would be at the very bottom.

This graph needs repeating.

I've debunked the shit out of that puerile little chart they invented. The Libertarians use it to delude themselve into believing more than 3 percent of Americans are behind them. Reality smacks them in the face, though, every election. So it is not surprising you are using it to support another completely whacked delusion.
To some extent yes, but that the state did not own the businesses - investors did. The state did deals with private businesses, buying their products and driving up dividends and share prices. In return businesses produced what the state needed.

It's an extreme form of capitalism, but it is undeniably capitalism.

What an ignorant claim.

No, it's not capitalism in any way. No market forces at work. The party controlled the means of production.

State control of the means of production is the definition of socialism, not capitalism.
Ok, so we agree Pinochet was a right-wing dictator - on what basis were the others NOT right wing?

Also, can you explain what you see as the specific policy differences you see between Hitler and Pinochet?

You're kidding, right?

What are the specific policy differences between Pol Pot and Obama?

No, I'm not kidding. By all means answer the question.

Obviously Hitler was more extreme and thus utilized a greater degree of force, but I think you'll find the policy differences are actually not vast - tax cuts, increased dividend earnings, focus on reducing unemployment, breaking up trade
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Actually the purpose was to counter the latter-day revisionism, the only purpose of which has been to irritate the left. Sorry if that's too complex.

And yes, just ask and you shall receive :D

Pogo, you're a partisan troll.

Your only purpose in ANY thread is to slander Republicans or sing praises to your shameful party. You've never offered a rational or reasoned post on this board.

I've told you before, Pothead, I don't have a party. You see one available, you let me know.
For now I'll continue as a card-carrying member of the Anti-Bullshit party.

And no, don't ask, you're obviously not eligible.
Apparently, we've all just imagined seeing the sea of Tea Party signs about god, guns, abortion, muslim-hating and all the other standard far-right dogma.

Nothing extreme-right about them at all. Despite the signs and the rants, they really just hate taxes, which explains why they sputter their rage at President Obama for cutting their taxes.

  1. They don't spout anything about hating Muslims.
  2. There's nothing "far right" about any of those other positions.
  3. Only a small percentage of TEA partiers are concerned about "god, guns or abortion." The main issue is taxation, over regulation, and excessive government spending.
  4. Obama has raised their taxes by at least $2 trillion so far.

If it weren't for outright lies, turds like you wouldn't have anything to say.
No, I'm not kidding. By all means answer the question.

Obviously Hitler was more extreme and thus utilized a greater degree of force, but I think you'll find the policy differences are actually not vast - tax cuts, increased dividend earnings, focus on reducing unemployment, breaking up trade

Okay. Pinochet had no death camps. While he held political prisoners, he did not arrest people on the basis of race, religion, or creed. Freedom to travel, both domestically and abroad was held by all. He had a market economy.

Actually, there is virtually no similarities between the two. Putting them together in a sentence is nothing other than demagoguery.
I've told you before, Pothead, I don't have a party.

Yeah, and if you didn't have Obama's dick in your mouth, I might even believe it...

You see one available, you let me know.
For now I'll continue as a card-carrying member of the Anti-Bullshit party.

And no, don't ask, you're obviously not eligible.

Right... One of the most partisan hacks on the board is "independent..."
I've told you before, Pothead, I don't have a party.

Yeah, and if you didn't have Obama's dick in your mouth, I might even believe it...

You see one available, you let me know.
For now I'll continue as a card-carrying member of the Anti-Bullshit party.

And no, don't ask, you're obviously not eligible.

Right... One of the most partisan hacks on the board is "independent..."

Every left-wing hack thinks he's "independent." The term is just a euphemism meaning "communist."

Liberal Dictionary:
Independent - communist

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