How Western lying MSM presstitutes paint Russia and NATO

Here Chef of AFD Gauland told the Majority of Brandenburg Folk is against Russia Sanctions

It's crazy that anybody who wants a Freedom and Friendship between Russia and Western World can be smeared by Presstitutes as Putin-Friend, Antisemite, Enemy of Democracy and Hitler Admirer. Who run Western countries? Folks, Governments or Presstitutes.

“Our government doesn't change a whole lot,” Ron Paul says. The people, who behind the scenes control the government, are always the same."
CIA meddled in ‘hundreds’ of elections: Ron Paul talks Russia-blaming, fake news and more on RT

US authorities are continuing the gravy train for many Washington bureaucracies, increasing insecurity around the world, according to retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski . The more conflict the bigger the market place for arms, she adds.
‘We fund terrorists, if those terrorists serve our purposes’ – retired US Lt. Col.

Are there any sane hopes that something is gonna change for better? Nope...

But USA and other Western Countries are hijacked by a small lying group of international criminals. In USA its called Deep State. Not Western Folks, but this tiny Mafia is guilty on death of millions, destroyed countries and treat of WWIII. Hopefully Western Patriots and Alt-Right Movement will give power to folks back
It shall be no war, USA and Russia shall became friends and together fight enemies of western folks and the great white christian civilization

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Here Chef of AFD Gauland told the Majority of Brandenburg Folk is against Russia Sanctions
More and more voices from businessmen and sane leaders from Europe condemn sanctions on Russia. But in "democratic" Europe people don't decide anything: Washington [Deep State] rules their "decisions".

Milos Zeman: I came to Russia with one hundred and forty business people. Mr President, you know when I travelled to France, only fourteen business people accompanied me. One hundred and forty have come with me to Russia, which is ten times more.
Russian-Czech talks
Chairman of German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations Wolfgang Buchele :

However, polls invariably show that the overwhelming majority of Germans have no doubt that we need friendly relations with the Russian Federation and that we should do all we can to overcome, or rather avoid stagnation in our relations.

This desire will of course be a guideline for the new Federal Government. We – the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations – are confident about that.

At present, Germany is very positive as regards investment in Russia and I strongly hope this will remain the case in the future as well.

The development of German-Russian trade inspires a certain amount of optimism in us. You have already said that German-Russian trade has gone up by 25 percent.

In addition, it gives me great pleasure to see that German investment in Russia is growing.
Meeting with German business leaders
Russians do not want war!
Only Deep State, some corrupted lying western politicians and MSM presstitutes want a war with Russia!

Here Chef of AFD Gauland told the Majority of Brandenburg Folk is against Russia Sanctions
More and more voices from businessmen and sane leaders from Europe condemn sanctions on Russia. But in "democratic" Europe people don't decide anything: Washington [Deep State] rules their "decisions".

Milos Zeman: I came to Russia with one hundred and forty business people. Mr President, you know when I travelled to France, only fourteen business people accompanied me. One hundred and forty have come with me to Russia, which is ten times more.
Russian-Czech talks
Chairman of German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations Wolfgang Buchele :

However, polls invariably show that the overwhelming majority of Germans have no doubt that we need friendly relations with the Russian Federation and that we should do all we can to overcome, or rather avoid stagnation in our relations.

This desire will of course be a guideline for the new Federal Government. We – the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations – are confident about that.

At present, Germany is very positive as regards investment in Russia and I strongly hope this will remain the case in the future as well.

The development of German-Russian trade inspires a certain amount of optimism in us. You have already said that German-Russian trade has gone up by 25 percent.

In addition, it gives me great pleasure to see that German investment in Russia is growing.
Meeting with German business leaders

Deep States, non elected EU bureaucrats and traitorous witches like Merkel.
Russia lost more as 30m citizens in WWII. No war again! All international criminals who push WWIII shall be sued by International Military Tribunal.
There is no one proof Russia wants attack somebody now. Russia only defend itself.

Any Russian Family lost relatives in WWII
Here the Action Immortal Regiment - March to remember WWII relatives

Western MSM covered this March as a March of Nazis, Putin Admirers, Antisemite and Nationalists?

Do you still trust western MSM presstitutes?
Russia lost more as 30m citizens in WWII. No war again! All international criminals who push WWIII shall be sued by International Military Tribunal.
There is no one proof Russia wants attack somebody now. Russia only defend itself.

Always has and always won. That's why it's hated so much by Anglo-Saksons.

Just Poland has been attacking Russia several times and has been defeated every time. Actually, that's how Ukrainians appeared: Poles occupied Russian lands for a while and then Russia got them back and Ukrainian language is basically a mixture of Polish and Russian languages.
I do not know, of course, whether Russia interfered in the American election, but I feel that if Secretary Clinton had won, there would have been NO investigation into the matter.
Russia lost more as 30m citizens in WWII. No war again! All international criminals who push WWIII shall be sued by International Military Tribunal.
There is no one proof Russia wants attack somebody now. Russia only defend itself.

Always has and always won. That's why it's hated so much by Anglo-Saksons.

Just Poland has been attacking Russia several times and has been defeated every time. Actually, that's how Ukrainians appeared: Poles occupied Russian lands for a while and then Russia got them back and Ukrainian language is basically a mixture of Polish and Russian languages.

If somebody attacks Russia its fine, nice and democracy.
If Russia stroke back its fascism, Russian danger, bad Putin.

Ukrainian language is just a Russian dialect.
^^^ Russian hatred for the world.

Stay in Russia, Russians, and you will be fine.

Stay in Washington and do not interfere in foreign matters, take Merkel and Russian Fifth Column to D.C.
Let European folks be free from influence of Deep State which pushes WWIII
I do not know, of course, whether Russia interfered in the American election, but I feel that if Secretary Clinton had won, there would have been NO investigation into the matter.

So called Russian meddling in US election is a completely 100% lie invented by Deep State and Presstitutes.
There is no one smallest proof until now.
Russia dare not strike across its border, or the West will strike its entire land.

You shall read not only stupid lying MSM presstitute propaganda,but sometimes use Russian sources by Google Translator.

For example here:

«ЦАРЬ-БОМБА». А ведь Сахаров был прав. Если США начнут войну - "смыть Америку с лица земли". (ВИДЕО)

The beloved by the West Sacharow facilitated a completely annihilation of America plan by using of tsunami and tsar bomb.
Do you really believe Russians do not reactivated a such possibility now?
If yes, than you are naive.



Why America must fight against Russia?
Because Deep State, DNC, RINOs and Israel desire it?
This rubbish broke all agreements with Gorbachev, Russia and USSR and non-stop provoked Russia since 1991. How will behave USA if for example Russian nukes will be placed direct on Texas/USA border after its separation and proclamation as an Independent state?Like in Estonia now.
Or if Russia made Mexico and Canada to the worst enemies of USA, and both countries would be run directly from Moscow?Like Ukraine and Baltic countries.
It is completely insanity to start WWIII for nothing.
DNC, Deep State and all f.... Freemasons must go to psychiatrists!
As soon as possible.They all are insane!

And read here too:There are a lot of true information about Russia here.

Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Morons from Washington must stop to provoke Russia and push WWIII.
They all belong to a lunatic asylum.

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