How will Obama get Fast and Furious off the headlines? Headline?

How will Obama get Fast and Furious off the headlines?

  • Fake an assassination attempt and blame the Tea Party (90% white, 6% scientists)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Admit he really was born in Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrorist attack because Bin Laden came back -- as a Vampire!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • other

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters
Well Fast and the furious has gotten the attention off the economy for some maybe this is what obama wants. And if fast and the furious does not bring obama to resign I will have to believe that was the intent of fast and the furious.

There is zero chance that any record of obama being in the loop on F&F survives at Justice or the White House, unless someone got data off site 6 months ago.
At this point a high level scapegoat is needed and holder is ripe, if he can be enticed to remain silent.

Ernie when obama invoke executive privilege he was saying he knew about fast and the furious. executive privilege is used to protect papers and information the president may have that would harm national security. executive privilege doesn't protect departments of the government.
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Well Fast and the furious has gotten the attention off the economy for some maybe this is what obama wants. And if fast and the furious does not bring obama to resign I will have to believe that was the intent of fast and the furious.

There is zero chance that any record of obama being in the loop on F&F survives at Justice or the White House, unless someone got data off site 6 months ago.
At this point a high level scapegoat is needed and holder is ripe, if he can be enticed to remain silent.

Ernie when obama invoke executive privilege he was saying he knew about fast and the furious. executive privilege is used to protect papers and information the president may have that would harm national security. executive privilege doesn't protect departments of the government.

He is claiming executive privilege extends to all executive branch employees. If we are to assume it extends to holder, then it extends to the cleaning staff as well. It will be interesting to see how obama responds to the demand letter and explains how EP extends to specific documents.
Obama will executive order something to help the gays...or
Obama will executive order something to help the Hispanic....or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanics or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union fireman...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union teachers...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union police...or

Oh frak it Obama and his handlers will cook the books even more on the UE numbers.
Maybe they will find something else not to be held accountable that happened since he was elected.
You know that old ploy...
There is zero chance that any record of obama being in the loop on F&F survives at Justice or the White House, unless someone got data off site 6 months ago.
At this point a high level scapegoat is needed and holder is ripe, if he can be enticed to remain silent.

Ernie when obama invoke executive privilege he was saying he knew about fast and the furious. executive privilege is used to protect papers and information the president may have that would harm national security. executive privilege doesn't protect departments of the government.

He is claiming executive privilege extends to all executive branch employees. If we are to assume it extends to holder, then it extends to the cleaning staff as well. It will be interesting to see how obama responds to the demand letter and explains how EP extends to specific documents.
Yes that's what he is trying to claim, but we all know obama is not a Constitutional wiz kid.:badgrin:
I think a letter will be leaked out of the Romney camp that stated Romney would like to place the Japanese back into internment camps.
Obama will executive order something to help the gays...or
Obama will executive order something to help the Hispanic....or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanics or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union fireman...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union teachers...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union police...or

Oh frak it Obama and his handlers will cook the books even more on the UE numbers.
Maybe they will find something else not to be held accountable that happened since he was elected.
You know that old ploy...

obama will issue an executive order legalizing drugs.
Obama will executive order something to help the gays...or
Obama will executive order something to help the Hispanic....or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanics or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union fireman...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union teachers...or
Obama will executive order something to help the gay Hispanic Public union police...or

Oh frak it Obama and his handlers will cook the books even more on the UE numbers.
Maybe they will find something else not to be held accountable that happened since he was elected.
You know that old ploy...

obama will issue an executive order legalizing drugs.
After this administration I think I will need to return to the bong
Ernie when obama invoke executive privilege he was saying he knew about fast and the furious. executive privilege is used to protect papers and information the president may have that would harm national security. executive privilege doesn't protect departments of the government.

He is claiming executive privilege extends to all executive branch employees. If we are to assume it extends to holder, then it extends to the cleaning staff as well. It will be interesting to see how obama responds to the demand letter and explains how EP extends to specific documents.
Yes that's what he is trying to claim, but we all know obama is not a Constitutional wiz kid.:badgrin:
First, the Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon (1974) held that executive privilege cannot be invoked at all if the purpose is to shield wrongdoing. The courts held that Nixon’s purported invocation of executive privilege was illegitimate, in part, for that reason. There is reason to suspect that this might be the case in the Fast and Furious cover-up and stonewalling effort. Congress needs to get to the bottom of that question to prevent an illegal invocation of executive privilege and further abuses of power. That will require an index of the withheld documents and an explanation of why each of them is covered by executive privilege—and more.

Second, even the “deliberative process” species of executive privilege, which is reasonably broad, does not shield the ultimate decisions from congressional inquiry. Congress is entitled to at least some documents and other information that indicate who the ultimate decision maker was for this disastrous program and why these decisions were made. That information is among the most important documents that are being withheld.

Third, the Supreme Court in the Nixon case also held that even a proper invocation must yield to other branches’ need for information in some cases. So even a proper invocation of executive privilege regarding particular documents is not final.
He is claiming executive privilege extends to all executive branch employees. If we are to assume it extends to holder, then it extends to the cleaning staff as well. It will be interesting to see how obama responds to the demand letter and explains how EP extends to specific documents.
Yes that's what he is trying to claim, but we all know obama is not a Constitutional wiz kid.:badgrin:
First, the Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon (1974) held that executive privilege cannot be invoked at all if the purpose is to shield wrongdoing. The courts held that Nixon’s purported invocation of executive privilege was illegitimate, in part, for that reason. There is reason to suspect that this might be the case in the Fast and Furious cover-up and stonewalling effort. Congress needs to get to the bottom of that question to prevent an illegal invocation of executive privilege and further abuses of power. That will require an index of the withheld documents and an explanation of why each of them is covered by executive privilege—and more.

Second, even the “deliberative process” species of executive privilege, which is reasonably broad, does not shield the ultimate decisions from congressional inquiry. Congress is entitled to at least some documents and other information that indicate who the ultimate decision maker was for this disastrous program and why these decisions were made. That information is among the most important documents that are being withheld.

Third, the Supreme Court in the Nixon case also held that even a proper invocation must yield to other branches’ need for information in some cases. So even a proper invocation of executive privilege regarding particular documents is not final.

I know glad you posted it.
It's odd how - when Bush was POTUS - he was responsible for every ill across the planet. Now that Obama is king, he's not responsible for anything... including his own decisions. The left are very odd - possibly mentally unstable.

But he did kill bin Laden

No, that was SEAL Team 6.


The President bravely authorized those men to risk their lives,

at GREAT political risk to himself.
Hey, you do realize that NONE of the guns in F&F came from gunshows, don't you?

How about the guns not in F&F? We're supposed to forget about them? How many Mexicans and Americans have they killed?

Why lookie there, we have ANOTHER Democrat trying to use F&F to push more gun control. Whaddayaknow... :clap2:

I know I wuz shocked.

Not that KON would "use" F&F to seek gun control. But that KON would be so obvious about it.
It's odd how - when Bush was POTUS - he was responsible for every ill across the planet.

The Right defended everything Bush did. When is the last time you heard any conservatives admit that Iraq was a disastorous mistake?

The far right are cowards that doesn't have the ability to ever admit they are wrong. They just make up lies and blame someone else.

Spoken exactly like TdM, if TdM could ever post in something approaching full sentences with actual good spelling and decent grammar.

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