How will Obama get Fast and Furious off the headlines? Headline?

How will Obama get Fast and Furious off the headlines?

  • Fake an assassination attempt and blame the Tea Party (90% white, 6% scientists)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Admit he really was born in Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrorist attack because Bin Laden came back -- as a Vampire!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • other

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters
Now go back and LOOK at the situation that the Bush admin called exsecutive privledge on.

They all lead RIGHT back to the top of the admin.

This one you are PRETENDING it does.

it doesnt.

you know where it leads.

it leads right to the fact that you crazy assed gun people want gun shows to sell weapons to mexico

No. What it shows is the left just doesn't want the truth to come out. They know when it does its going to put their leader on his butt and they won't be able to save him.

How is an internal brain fart session memo going to lead to getting the truth out? All material and relevant documents have been released.
It's odd how - when Bush was POTUS - he was responsible for every ill across the planet.

The Right defended everything Bush did. When is the last time you heard any conservatives admit that Iraq was a disastorous mistake?

The far right are cowards that doesn't have the ability to ever admit they are wrong. They just make up lies and blame someone else.

Oh you mean finger pointing? Its all Ubama has been doing since day one. Please try and name one time your nitwit leader has ever taking the blame for the many mistakes he has made. To this day there isn't one.
Now go back and LOOK at the situation that the Bush admin called exsecutive privledge on.

They all lead RIGHT back to the top of the admin.

This one you are PRETENDING it does.

it doesnt.

you know where it leads.

it leads right to the fact that you crazy assed gun people want gun shows to sell weapons to mexico

No. What it shows is the left just doesn't want the truth to come out. They know when it does its going to put their leader on his butt and they won't be able to save him.

How is an internal brain fart session memo going to lead to getting the truth out? All material and relevant documents have been released.

Add 19000 documents that's one big brain fart, and one big stink.

OH by the way. this is why Issa requested more documents. None of the documents holder released had any emails to holder or from holder about fast and the furious. and one box of documents is all he submitted. the gun dealer that was involved gave more documents than holder did.
[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Now go back and LOOK at the situation that the Bush admin called exsecutive privledge on.

They all lead RIGHT back to the top of the admin.

This one you are PRETENDING it does.

it doesnt.

you know where it leads.

it leads right to the fact that you crazy assed gun people want gun shows to sell weapons to mexico

Bush used Executive Privilege to protect confidential conversations that HE had with his advisers and members of his administration. This is an allowable use of this power. Obama said he didn't know anything about F&F, but by using EP he is tacitly admitting that he did.
The thunderous stampede of the Right onto to this new conspiracy theory proves one thing if nothing else,

despite all their bluff and bluster to the contrary,

the Right NEVER wanted to make this election about the economy.

It's about reclaiming the White House for white people.

Steve Smith, White Supremacist, Wins Republican Post With Single Vote

HaHa. Kind of wondered how long it would take to throw in the race card. Now lets see how long it will take to hear 'Its Bushs Fault".
The authors at powerlineblog have been having a debate, the DC insider component has argued that F&F was the product of innocent stupidity on the part of Obama & Co, while the Minnesota based lawyer argues that the only rational, logical, reasonable explanation for what happened was an Obama attempt to subvert America's Second Amendment rights.
(1) Mexican authorities were kept in the dark about the operation (tantamount to an act of war against another country)
(2) There was absolutely no attempt made to trace the weapons after they were allowed to walk.
(3) Holder's denial of any knowledge of the operation in Fenruary 2011 when he was well aware implies that he knew then that there was no justifiable rationale for the way it had been carried out.
(4) Obama told James Brady's wife early on that they were working on gun control, but the method they were using was "Under the radar."

Was Fast and Furious Intended To Promote Gun Control? Another View | Power Line

Was Fast and Furious intended to promote gun control? | Power Line
Simple. Realease the ducuments.

Stop covering up for Holder. In fact he should probably throw that useless asshole under his big assed bus.

I know I would.
Dear partisan hack.

if this tacitic was so bad why would you ONLY investigate ONE admin?

:DMaybe because WR didn't have any killings of any boarder patrol. Also WR was known by the Mexican gov't with their approval. F&F was just the opposite.
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I have the factual answer they got a bunch of occutard zombies and commies to go protest Karl Rove(I don't know why). And they did it I just saw some reporter asking them who Rove is and these Obamabots didn't even know why they were there. Lmdao! Smart intellectuals huh?
How Will Obama get Fast and Furious off the headlines? He needs a distraction.

It will be Republicans who get it off the headlines as fast they can when it backfires. I suspect Democrats won't let it go so easily.

Republicans won't acknowledge Bush Administration involvement.

Republicans won't acknowledge they try to keep things from this president. Simply the fact they denied the Obama administration subpoena power to investigate BP is something the news hasn't reported on but at some point, you can bet that will hit the airways. I suspect it's been "saved up".

They already have a history of lying to America over Iraq. The cost, the reasons.
DON'T EVER BAN THIS GUY... he's just way too much fun for comic relief... :lol:

But what do we do if Disney World wants to hire him?
Romney Turns Up the Heat on Obama Over Fast and Furious

7/12/12 By Katie Pavlich

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Team Obama in general, have been trying to portray Mitt Romney as non-transparent or open about his personal banking for a week now, but Romney is hitting back. Unlike Romney's bank account, Operation Fast and Furious, run out of the Obama Justice Department, resulted in hundreds of people being killed, including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. As we reported here on Townhall, President Obama asserted executive privilege in the 11th hour to protect his Attorney General Eric Holder from turning over Congressionally subpoenaed Fast and Furious documents and now, Romney is calling Obama out on it.

Monday during an interview on Sean Hannity's radio show, Romney mentioned the scandal.


Then Wednesday on Fox News' Your World With Neil Cavuto, Romney slammed Obama again over the scandal, saying essentially the same thing.

Four weeks ago, Holder admitted he had been in contact with the White House and Obama's top campaign advisor David Axelrod, about messaging tactics and how to respond to inquiries from Congressional and the press about the scandal, proving Fast and Furious has huge potential to be a major election issue. Not to mention that more people approve of the criminal and civil contempt charges against Holder than they do of President Obama and an overwhelming majority believe the administration should answer all questions related to the operation.


Romney Turns Up the Heat on Obama Over Fast and Furious - Katie Pavlich
Partisan hack bull shit .Romney is a dumbass sound clown that will parrot anything . NO ONE Is talking about it ,
Partisan hack bull shit .Romney is a dumbass sound clown that will parrot anything . NO ONE Is talking about it ,

But, but you just did,,,


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the right better hope this thing dies down.

Heres your problem.

It was NOT obama who started this tactic.

It was not Obama or Holder who ordered this tactic used.

It was designed to STOP the gun flow by finding the ultimate buyers.

It was desgined by local Arizona officials.

It points out how Horrible it is to have gun shows feeding the drug cartels with endless weapons.

Your asshole Issa tried like hell to keep the investigation from going there by shutting people up when they tried to take the investigation in that direction.

The American people cant have their minds SHUT DOWN by issa.

this is going to fuck the right in several different directions

you better hope it goes away before the American people start demanding gun shows be prevented from selling guns that go right into the drug lords hands

IF any of that were true, Obama wouldn't have invoked executive privilege. He hates Arizona and would have helped with the investigation. As it is, he is protecting himself and Holder and it must be bad for him to use his power to keep evidence secret.

IF this was Arizona's problem, Holder himself would be leading the pack to get them.

Holder lied several times and it came back to bite him. Obama has his back and will do whatever is necessary to keep the worst AG in history on the job.
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Simple. Realease the ducuments.

Stop covering up for Holder. In fact he should probably throw that useless asshole under his big assed bus.

I know I would.

I don't think Obama can here Holder was doing the dirty work for the gun control tyrant

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