How will Shutdown Impact your Decisions

How will the shutdown impact your future voting

  • I usually vote democrat and will continue to do so

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I usually vote republican and will continue to do so

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • I I usually vote republican but will switch to democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I usually vote democrat but will switch to republican

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Israel is going to be hurt because of the TPM.

State says that Israel will not be getting any aid because of the far right until the shut down is over.
Israel is going to be hurt because of the TPM.

State says that Israel will not be getting any aid because of the far right until the shut down is over.

its the presidents call what gets shut down and what continues to be funded. kind of shows you where this administrations head is at. Aid to egypt continues. hmmm. he'll cut SS but continue welfare. hmmm. the middle class knows where it stands with this administration
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I'm not going to vote anymore because the people in DC don't give 2 shits about us, if they did there wouldn't be millions of people missing a paycheck next week.

No one is going to be missing a paycheck. only 15% of the govt is shut down, the ones that obama calls non-essential. once this is over they will get their back pay, without working for it.

NO ONE is being hurt by this shutdown game. NO ONE

Yeah ok.
I will continue to not vote. I will never vote Democratic, and since the GOP is way, way, way off the reservation, I have no choice but to not vote.

If you quote some Republicans in a vacuum without identifying them as Republicans, most people would swear the quote came from a liberal. Some of the things coming out of Ted Cruz's mouth are deep in red territory. He's a classic populist.

As an old school Republican conservative, I can longer vote in good conscience. My party is now completely schizophrenic.

People like you gave obama a second term, I hope you are happy. :cuckoo:

Correction to the conclusion of Redfish. No, the hate and rage of the reactionary far right gave Obama the election in 2012. If we had run Santorum or others of his ilk, we would have lost almost every state.

your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.
Israel is going to be hurt because of the TPM.

State says that Israel will not be getting any aid because of the far right until the shut down is over.

its the presidents call what gets shut down and what continues to be funded. kind of shows you where this administrations head is at. Aid to egypt continues. hmmm. he'll cut SS but continue welfare. hmmm. the middle class knows where it stands with this administration

you can be sure that obama will be sure that money continues to flow to the muslim brotherhood.
I will continue to not vote. I will never vote Democratic, and since the GOP is way, way, way off the reservation, I have no choice but to not vote.

That is not true. There are independent and third party candidate you can cast your vote for.
Welllll, I'm certainly not going to drive through Hell to see Mt. Rushmore, but then I'm not a woman with hungry kids and a hubby who left and waiting to try and get on SNAP.
I'm not going to vote anymore because the people in DC don't give 2 shits about us, if they did there wouldn't be millions of people missing a paycheck next week.

No one is going to be missing a paycheck. only 15% of the govt is shut down, the ones that obama calls non-essential. once this is over they will get their back pay, without working for it.

NO ONE is being hurt by this shutdown game. NO ONE

Yeah ok.

thats your civics lesson for today, not go out for recess. :lol:
I don't vote party lines, so, it matters not in that context.

I am not all wound up over the shutdown, but, if the house goes to conference on the immigration bill and gets handed their ass, which is what I feel very strongly will happen, I am done as a registered rep.
I'm not going to vote anymore because the people in DC don't give 2 shits about us, if they did there wouldn't be millions of people missing a paycheck next week.

No one is going to be missing a paycheck. only 15% of the govt is shut down, the ones that obama calls non-essential. once this is over they will get their back pay, without working for it.

NO ONE is being hurt by this shutdown game. NO ONE

Taxpayers are being hurt. The Republican failure to go into committee 6 months ago and reach a budget agreement is currently costing taxpayers billions of dollars. It is the epitome of wasteful government spending and it could have been avoided if the Republicans had done the job they were actually elected to do in the house instead of throwing hissyfits about the ACA. They could have negotiated for all of the changes that they wanted to the ACA and it would all have been resolved by now. Wasting billions of taxpayer dollars because they failed to do what they swore an oath to do is beyond the pale. Then they were drinking on the job. In corporate America you would be fired for that kind of behavior. Throw all of the bums out of office and start fresh. Yes, that goes for both sides.
People like you gave obama a second term, I hope you are happy. :cuckoo:

Correction to the conclusion of Redfish. No, the hate and rage of the reactionary far right gave Obama the election in 2012. If we had run Santorum or others of his ilk, we would have lost almost every state.

your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.

There's a reason we call him JakeFakey. :eusa_whistle:
Israel is going to be hurt because of the TPM.

State says that Israel will not be getting any aid because of the far right until the shut down is over.

its the presidents call what gets shut down and what continues to be funded. kind of shows you where this administrations head is at. Aid to egypt continues. hmmm. he'll cut SS but continue welfare. hmmm. the middle class knows where it stands with this administration

The president can play hardball even harder than the TPM.

Suggesting Israel will go without will split the reactionary social traditionalists of the far right: do they love the TPM or Israel more.
The Commissary is closed. Military families are effected a great deal. I was there today for a my normal workout and at the BX, it was a ghost town. I was hanging around to see if anyone wanted or needed a ride to the store in town. I used to arrange the music when my boy would have play-dates and I know the economic stress these families are under to begin with.

I vote on issues, but I have a very hard time now voting for those folks who are in office now and will seek reelection.
Correction to the conclusion of Redfish. No, the hate and rage of the reactionary far right gave Obama the election in 2012. If we had run Santorum or others of his ilk, we would have lost almost every state.

your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.

There's a reason we call him JakeFakey. :eusa_whistle:

The morons of the far right, like kwc57 and Redfish, know the end game is coming with preservation of the ACA and the destruction of the reactionary TPM.

The mainstream GOP, of which I am proud to be, will escort the bums out the back door into the alley.

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