How will Shutdown Impact your Decisions

How will the shutdown impact your future voting

  • I usually vote democrat and will continue to do so

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I usually vote republican and will continue to do so

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • I I usually vote republican but will switch to democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I usually vote democrat but will switch to republican

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters

the establishment gop are scared of their shadows. I am sick of them....

Actually they are scared of being challenged in the primaries. Which means that their precious seat in Congress means more to them than standing up and doing what is right for the nation. Do we need people like that as our "leaders'?
I'm not going to vote anymore because the people in DC don't give 2 shits about us, if they did there wouldn't be millions of people missing a paycheck next week.

No one is going to be missing a paycheck. only 15% of the govt is shut down, the ones that obama calls non-essential. once this is over they will get their back pay, without working for it.

NO ONE is being hurt by this shutdown game. NO ONE

Taxpayers are being hurt. The Republican failure to go into committee 6 months ago and reach a budget agreement is currently costing taxpayers billions of dollars. It is the epitome of wasteful government spending and it could have been avoided if the Republicans had done the job they were actually elected to do in the house instead of throwing hissyfits about the ACA. They could have negotiated for all of the changes that they wanted to the ACA and it would all have been resolved by now. Wasting billions of taxpayer dollars because they failed to do what they swore an oath to do is beyond the pale. Then they were drinking on the job. In corporate America you would be fired for that kind of behavior. Throw all of the bums out of office and start fresh. Yes, that goes for both sides.

Somebody has sold you a load of horseshit. The majority of Americans oppose ACA. I've posted the Real Clear Politics polling averages here numerous times, so I'm not going to go look it up again. Everyday that the government is shut down is another day of proof that we have a bloated government. Tell me, how many "non-essentail" people does your company keep on the payroll? The truth of the matter is, the house has produced bill after bill after bill to actually fund the government. They did their job. Barry and Harry's refusal to entertain any discussion or negoiation of the house bills is what in fact shut the government down. Then to top it off, Obama is sending guards and barricades to open air monuments that until the shutdown, you could walk up to 24/7/365. He is doing it for effect. Some of us are smart enough to know he is holding his breath until he turns blue to get his way. HE is the only one hurting taxpayers. He an Harry can end all of this by simply agreeing to delay the individual mandate for a year just like he did the business mandate. Then he gets his money to operate the government.
I will vote for those who campaign on reducing the federal government and federal spending... if they do not follow thru, they will no longer get my vote in the next election.. if nobody in the next election promises that, I will abstain from that part of the ballot for voting

remember obama promised to do that. in fact he said if he didn't reduce the deficite by half in his first term he did not deserver to be reelected.

We need to be holding these politicians to their promises.

I remember someone calling Clinton on one of his campaign pledges that he didn't even pretend to try to keep and the press secretary came right out and said the President has kept all the promises he intended to keep.

It's be nice if we could sue politicians for fraud when they get elected and don't even try to do what they said.
your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.

There's a reason we call him JakeFakey. :eusa_whistle:

The morons of the far right, like kwc57 and Redfish, know the end game is coming with preservation of the ACA and the destruction of the reactionary TPM.

The mainstream GOP, of which I am proud to be, will escort the bums out the back door into the alley.

Nice tirade comrade. Dear Leader will make sure you get extra bread while denying those who don't bend to his will.
your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.

There's a reason we call him JakeFakey. :eusa_whistle:

The morons of the far right, like kwc57 and Redfish, know the end game is coming with preservation of the ACA and the destruction of the reactionary TPM.

The mainstream GOP, of which I am proud to be, will escort the bums out the back door into the alley.

you are a lying idiot, snake jockey. you are not a republican and never were, you are a dem/lib tool, you post the day's talking points like a fricken robot.

BTW, I found one of your relatives under a bush today, he was long skinny and black, I cut his head off with a shovel. I hate snakes.

the establishment gop are scared of their shadows. I am sick of them....

Actually they are scared of being challenged in the primaries. Which means that their precious seat in Congress means more to them than standing up and doing what is right for the nation. Do we need people like that as our "leaders'?

that works both ways.

I have to say; I have on a political level a grudging respect for Pelosi, she walked her battalions of blue dogs into that obamacare cannon fire like napoleon sent the old guard up the hill against Wellington and, of course they got mowed down, but they did it. If only the right did same, theres some, but not enough of them......:doubt: Example- the Nuclear option, letting Harry beat them down like dogs, they caved.

McConnell et al in the senate? They can just go, they have been whipped by the media and their love of the big chair, they think that if, somehow they play along with the usual establishment BS they'll get some love, its pathological and I cannot explain it, they don't get love or respect, they just get the shit kicked out of them less until next time, and feather their beds.

McCain is the worst of the bunch, though obama got elected , I am so glad I can at least sleep at night that I didn't vote for that boob.
How will your voting be impacted in the future?

I usually vote democrat and will continue to do so

I usually vote republican and will continue to do so

I usually vote republican but will switch to democrat

I usually vote democrat but will switch to republican

Is there a "none of the above" option? I don't vote on a straight party line.
How will your voting be impacted in the future?

I ususally vote democrat and will continue to do so

I usually vote republican and will continue to do so

I usually vote republican but will switch to democrat

I usually vote democrat but will switch to republican

None of the above. I will continue to vote for the individuals whose ideas and conduct I like regardless of party.
Israel is going to be hurt because of the TPM.

State says that Israel will not be getting any aid because of the far right until the shut down is over.

its the presidents call what gets shut down and what continues to be funded. kind of shows you where this administrations head is at. Aid to egypt continues. hmmm. he'll cut SS but continue welfare. hmmm. the middle class knows where it stands with this administration

The president can play hardball even harder than the TPM.

Suggesting Israel will go without will split the reactionary social traditionalists of the far right: do they love the TPM or Israel more.

and it will cost the democrats big time in future elections.
I'm so put off by both parties right now I'm not sure I will be voting anytime soon.

Voted for MC Cain even though I wasn't happy he got the nomination...
Voted for Romney...even though I thought he ran a shitty campaign.

Next time I will stay home if I don't "really" feel strongly about the nominee.

I'm done with these guys (Republicans) if they don't get their shit together.
I'm so put off by both parties right now I'm not sure I will be voting anytime soon.

Voted for MC Cain even though I wasn't happy he got the nomination...
Voted for Romney...even though I thought he ran a shitty campaign.

Next time I will stay home if I don't "really" feel strongly about the nominee.

I'm done with these guys (Republicans) if they don't get their shit together.

The last decent Republican was Reagan in my opinion. Bush Sr was the lesser of two evils but Perot was making a really serious 3rd party stand until he went off the reservation. Bush Jr never impressed me but neither did Gore for that matter. Kerry and Romney came from the same mold. McCain should have been the nominee in 2000 and it would have been a different world had he been in charge. He would probably have heeded the warnings and done something to stop 9/11. By 2008 he was past his Sell By date unfortunately.

Slim pickins out there these days and besides Christie I don't see anyone on the right that gives me much in the way of confidence.
I will continue to not vote. I will never vote Democratic, and since the GOP is way, way, way off the reservation, I have no choice but to not vote.

If you quote some Republicans in a vacuum without identifying them as Republicans, most people would swear the quote came from a liberal. Some of the things coming out of Ted Cruz's mouth are deep in red territory. He's a classic populist.

As an old school Republican conservative, I can longer vote in good conscience. My party is now completely schizophrenic.

People like you gave obama a second term, I hope you are happy. :cuckoo:

Correction to the conclusion of Redfish. No, the hate and rage of the reactionary far right gave Obama the election in 2012. If we had run Santorum or others of his ilk, we would have lost almost every state.

No, nominating a wishy-washy moderate with no core beliefs and all the excitement of a Ben Stein speech gave Obama the election of 2012.
your terminology sucks and makes you look like a fool, but the truth is that conservatives and libertarians who complained that Romney was not conservative enough and stayed home on election day gave obama a second term.

they are not filled with rage and hate and are not "reactionaries".. I know you love using that word, but it makes you look like a moron when you misuse it like you do.

There's a reason we call him JakeFakey. :eusa_whistle:

The morons of the far right, like kwc57 and Redfish, know the end game is coming with preservation of the ACA and the destruction of the reactionary TPM.

The mainstream GOP, of which I am proud to be, will escort the bums out the back door into the alley.

You're not "mainstream" anything, dude. You are, at best, a trash-choked drainage ditch.

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