How Will Syria End?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Barrack Obama is massively failing in his Presidential duty on the subject of Syria. The White House can say whatever they want about Syria but the truth is that their strategy is they are not going to make a serious effort to give military aid to the Sunni Syrians which means the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad will eventually retake the entire country and the White House is okay with that outcome. They won't publicly admit it but the truth is evident the Obama administration's position is the Syria issue is a success because the Obama Whitehouse achieved the great feat of getting the Assad regime to relinquish its chemical and biological weapons capacity, this removes a serious threat to the the existence of the state of Israel, an important U.S. ally, which should produce the off-shoot benefit of satisfying the politically powerful America Jewish community which should pave the way for President Obama to push the Syria issue to the side and focus on what he really wants to which is pushing through his liberal domestic agenda. This throwing the Sunni Syrians to the wolves, selling them out is outrageously wrong, it is despicable beyond words. First, its using the Sunni Syrian people which America should be making a great effort to help fight for their political human rights because that is what we stand for as a bargaining chip that will be traded to the Assad regime and Russian government for their cooperation in completely disarming Syria of chemical weapon capacity and that is unvirtuous and a character depraved move something America doesn't do we are the good guys we are the virtuous country in the world. It should be really unsettling with ordinary Americans how our government is selling out the Sunni Syrian people here. These people have been through enough they have been living for four plus decades under the heel of the brutal Assad family in Syria, these people deserve freedom from this oppression! Plus, America has a moral responsibility to try to check the great evil that is rearing its head on this Syria matter that is a by-product of the world economy which America so richly benefits from as we sell hundreds of billions of dollars of goods and services into the world economy every year; for what is really going on in Syria is that this Syrian civil war is a proxy fight for Russia and Iran to gain power in the Middle East which would never be possible but for all the weatlh Russia and Iran get from selling oil and natural gas in the world economy sales which then fund arms and other aid sent to Syria to prop up the Bashar Assad regime, America along with all the other good countries that significantly benefit from the world economy have a moral duty to blunt this evil from the world economy and the only way for them to do this is to militarily arm the Sunni Syrians so they can fight for and secure their political freedom!

The American public needs to remember this isn't a thirty year old Cold War which America needs to embark on in Syria where the Soviet Union arms communists throughout the world and America and her allies fund the anti-communists in what seems like a never ending struggle. The solution for Syria in fact is quite simple and is supported by international consensus it is Syria needs to have a decentralized form of government where the Alawites, Sunnis, Christians and any other major Sects can largely live as they want and there is truly fair national elections and there is term limits for the Presidency and Prime Ministerships so that Syria doesn't have any family regimes ruling Syria that can become corrupt like the current Assad regime. The challenge involved is in getting the Assad regime to accept these peace terms because this will mean the end of the Assads being the ruling family in Syria, common wisdom dictates the only way to achieve this is metaphorically forcing Bashar Assad to sign the deal at the edge of a sword. So the U.S. government and its allies only need to arm the Sunni Syrians long enough and well enough to help them create this sword, Bashar is smart he knows that he is from a small minority sect in Syria, the Alawites, and the Sunni Sect in Syria dwarfs his sect in size it numbers like seventy-four percent of the Syrian population so getting in a long protracted war with the Sunni population is not an option he wants anything to do with because he would eventually lose because of the demographics involved so if America and its allies can stand up a Sunni Syrian army so that it poses this protracted threat to Bashar Assad the world should see him accept this peace deal!

One of the biggest fallacies and misleading claims of our time is what comes from the Obama administration when they say they can't find trustworthy Syrian rebels to arm that don't pose a danger of becoming jihadi terrorists attacking the U.S. or its allies. Has anyone everheard of a bigger bunch of garbage in their life. Yes, there is al Qaeda Syrian rebels that we don't want to arm but there is also Secular Syrian rebels and yes Islamic Syrian rebels that we should be arming and to the gills. What is all this in the America media maybe it increases viewership or readership bur that doesn't justify it where the media implicitly paints all Islamic Syrian rebels as posing terroristic threats to America. This is shameful, using just a little of good judgment would indicate that that these non-extremist Islamic Syrian rebel groups have no interest in bringing terrorism to America's or any of its allies' shores their sole interests is within the borders of Syria. One could truthfully say if one wanted to be candid that the America media when it implies this broad brush fear label maybe it is exhibiting religious discrimination toward Muslims. The other thing about this rise of non-extremists Islamic Syrian rebel groups in Syria and what does this development mean for the world does it mean Syria is permanently lost as a secular Muslim country does it mean Syria will be like a Taliban Afghanistan an incubator for extremist Islamic terrorist groups that threaten the West; the American public has to remember that if we the American people were subject to a terrible three year civil war with 120, 000 people killed and millions of our people forced to be refugees like the Syrian people we as a people would become more religious and religious leaders would hold a much greater sway in our society, because it is just human nature that in times of hardship people turn to their religion and it just so happens that Syria is an Islamic nation so more and stronger Islamic groups rise up amongst the Syrian people this is a natural development it is not a cause to throw in the towel and write the country of Syria off!

What America really needs right now is for the American media, the American government and its people to stop searching for reasons to not help the Syrian rebels but to find reasons to help them to find a path of success for the Sunni Syrians. One American criticism is they have no strong central military leader in the rebel movement that can lead the Syrian rebels to victory, General Idriss is no battlefield general his fighting record is lousy. Okay, so the Syrian rebels have no General Norman Schwarzkopf no General David Petraeus no charismatic outstanding battle field general that doesn't mean all is lost you play the hand your dealt, the Libyians didn't have a Schwarzkopf they had a collection of militias but that was enough to topple the Ghadafi regime and that is what the Syrian rebel movement has they have a collection of Islamic and secular militias and America and the many Syrian rebel allied countries throughout the world have to make that enough! Two, America has to stop overblowing battlefield losses, General Idriss lost his headquarters and a supply depot containing American provided supplies in the area of Bab al Hawa in Syria along the Turkish border and you would have thought it was a "Vietnam Tet Offensive" episode; in America's War of Independence the American Army lost New York city, lost Philadelphia I am sure there was some degree of supplies of weapons and ammunition left in those cities at that time that is the nature of war you don't win every battle and the real absurdity about this Bab al Hawa episode is that General Idriss's forces lost the supply depot to another good Syrian rebel group albeit an Islamic one but nonetheless a successful battlefield rebel group a group that is part of the Islamic front, there is nothing to be alarmed about here the Syrian rebel cause was not significantly hurt by what transpired.

What the Obama Administration needs to do and do immediately making a great effort in is start militarily arming the Sunni Syrian rebels, stop with the excuses and arm these rebels not with morsels of aid but tractor trailor loads of military aid and lots of them! It needs to establish robust training programs in Turkey and Jordan training these rebels and use U.S. Special forces to run these programs these forces have been doing this for ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan their expertise could make a profound difference in the Syrian conflict. This writer isn't a military expert but it sure seems like basic common sense is lacking in the allies help of the rebels what is the key supply depot, the Bab al Hawa depot, doing at the border of the country what good is it doing there, supply depots should be embedded in the areas where individual rebel units are operating so it can help them fight. If there is an issue on how to get the military supplies there have the CIA develop a drone program to deliver the supplies, it could be small propeller plane drones flown close to the ground to avoid the Syrian Army air defenses the shipments would be small amounts but rebel units are probably small so the delivered supplies would be sufficient. Also, the Syrian rebels have a game changing tactic at their disposal that they do not seem to be taking full advantage of which is the use of remote controlled IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and EFPs (explosive formed penetrators) on roads exploding them against Assad's and his allies security forces as they use the roads. Remember the Syrian Army doesn't have the fleets of MRAP vehicles, electronic jamming devices, a truly vast surveillance network that the U.S. armed forces have to counter such a threat. Assad's Security forces and their allies if faced with a large scale offensive of this kind would be paralyzed they would not be able to use the roads in large parts of Syria, it would have a devastating effect on Bashar Assad's regime ability to control the country of Syria. America and its allies should be giving the rebels these remote controlled road side bombs en masse; there is some sweet irony in this because Iran's Special forces, the Quds force, used these weapons against American troops in Iraq and now America can turn the tables against them and see them used against al Quds forces in Syria!

President Barack Obama needs to start honoring his word! He has said clearly on numerous occasions that the U.S. policy on Syria is to help militarily arm the Syrian rebels so as to drive Assad to the peace table. One instance of his expression of this policy is in public statements he made on September 3 2013 before he met with leaders of Congress about the Assad regimes use of chemical weapons. The Sunni Syrian people, Arab countries that are allied with them and U.S. allies in Europe are waiting for the U.S. to live up to its words about this policy on Syria they have relied on these words and are facing serious negative consequences if America goes back on its words here, President Obama you cannot do what you are planning to do! If there is a God that exists in this life and who is good and many of us Americans believe there is he will not let you turn your back on ten plus million Sunni Syrians and allow Bashar Assad to reconstitute his police state throughout Syria and put these people under his heel without grave retribution on you and your administration! You are making a titanic size mistake here!

President Barack Obama and his allies are making a big mistake if they think the Jewish American community is going to give the White House a pass on just letting the Assad regime return in Syria the way they were just without its chemical weapons their too smart for that. They know that Iranian Qud forces are in control of some bases in Syria and dismantling anti-ship missile systems and shipping them to Hezbollah. They know the Iranian Mullahs are shrewd they plan on leaving Qud and Hezbollah forces in Syria after the Assad regime gains full control of Syria so to insure that Syria remains a military resupply source for Hezbollah. They also know that the Iranian Mullahs hate the existence of the country of Israel in the Middle East per the Mullahs all those holy Islamic shrines now in Israel should be under the control of an Islamic country and it is a moral imperative for them to remedy this and the only option they have to move this agenda forward is to use Hezbollah to wage violent war with Israel. If the Mullahs can insure Syria will resupply arms to Hezbollah, Hezbollah can put their 100,000 missile and rocket supply to use against Israel. They know that such a Hezbollah can really hurt Israel with that kind of arsenal Hezbollah could fire 300, 400, 500 missiles a day at Israel for months on end and no missile defense system that any human beings could build could prevent at least some of those missiles from getting through and hurting Israel's citizens and property.

European Union countries that care about what happens in Syria should write Washington off on Syria, don't expect President Barack Obama to do what is needed and right on Syria. Politically Barack Obama only cares about liberal democrats and their agenda he doesn't even care about independent voters in America who enabled him through their vote to win the last two elections so if the guy doesn't really care about his own countrymen that put him in power he certainly isn't going to really care about some foreigners that live a third a world away. European Union countries that are Sunni Syrians friends should ally with Middle Eastern countries that are their friends and get a good military aid supply pipeline going for the secular and non-extremist Islamic Syrian rebels groups in Syria. You European and Middle Eastern involved countries need to remember you don't need to take on the huge burden of helping build a huge Syrian rebel army you really just need to help the Syrian rebel movement to be strong enough not to lose and to continually hurt Assad and his allies forces because Assad is in dire straits without the Hezbollah forces and like America and NATO countries with their tiring of the Afghanistan war the Hezbollah Lebanese communities will eventually tire of the Syrian war with their sons being killed and disabled with no end in sight and demand Hezbollah troops be brought back home to Lebanon!
Much of what you posted here I agree with. However, my personal feeeling is that USA should do nothing at this time for either side of the Syrian conflict. Just let the Syrians contine to massare each other. What greater contribution to civilized humanity than that? After the dust settles & one faction prevails to rule the Syrians, then it will be time for the USA to support whatever actions Israel deems necessary for Israel's well being & for the rest of the Middle East countries as well. Too many terrorist forces on both sides of the Syrian civil war & little to no hope for the free Syrian army to win with or without financial aid &/or weapons sent by any country.

President Barrack Obama is massively failing in his Presidential duty on the subject of Syria. The White House can say whatever they want about Syria but the truth is that their strategy is they are not going to make a serious effort to give military aid to the Sunni Syrians which means the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad will eventually retake the entire country and the White House is okay with that outcome. They won't publicly admit it but the truth is evident the Obama administration's position is the Syria issue is a success because the Obama Whitehouse achieved the great feat of getting the Assad regime to relinquish its chemical and biological weapons capacity, this removes a serious threat to the the existence of the state of Israel, an important U.S. ally, which should produce the off-shoot benefit of satisfying the politically powerful America Jewish community which should pave the way for President Obama to push the Syria issue to the side and focus on what he really wants to which is pushing through his liberal domestic agenda. This throwing the Sunni Syrians to the wolves, selling them out is outrageously wrong, it is despicable beyond words. First, its using the Sunni Syrian people which America should be making a great effort to help fight for their political human rights because that is what we stand for as a bargaining chip that will be traded to the Assad regime and Russian government for their cooperation in completely disarming Syria of chemical weapon capacity and that is unvirtuous and a character depraved move something America doesn't do we are the good guys we are the virtuous country in the world. It should be really unsettling with ordinary Americans how our government is selling out the Sunni Syrian people here. These people have been through enough they have been living for four plus decades under the heel of the brutal Assad family in Syria, these people deserve freedom from this oppression! Plus, America has a moral responsibility to try to check the great evil that is rearing its head on this Syria matter that is a by-product of the world economy which America so richly benefits from as we sell hundreds of billions of dollars of goods and services into the world economy every year; for what is really going on in Syria is that this Syrian civil war is a proxy fight for Russia and Iran to gain power in the Middle East which would never be possible but for all the weatlh Russia and Iran get from selling oil and natural gas in the world economy sales which then fund arms and other aid sent to Syria to prop up the Bashar Assad regime, America along with all the other good countries that significantly benefit from the world economy have a moral duty to blunt this evil from the world economy and the only way for them to do this is to militarily arm the Sunni Syrians so they can fight for and secure their political freedom!

The American public needs to remember this isn't a thirty year old Cold War which America needs to embark on in Syria where the Soviet Union arms communists throughout the world and America and her allies fund the anti-communists in what seems like a never ending struggle. The solution for Syria in fact is quite simple and is supported by international consensus it is Syria needs to have a decentralized form of government where the Alawites, Sunnis, Christians and any other major Sects can largely live as they want and there is truly fair national elections and there is term limits for the Presidency and Prime Ministerships so that Syria doesn't have any family regimes ruling Syria that can become corrupt like the current Assad regime. The challenge involved is in getting the Assad regime to accept these peace terms because this will mean the end of the Assads being the ruling family in Syria, common wisdom dictates the only way to achieve this is metaphorically forcing Bashar Assad to sign the deal at the edge of a sword. So the U.S. government and its allies only need to arm the Sunni Syrians long enough and well enough to help them create this sword, Bashar is smart he knows that he is from a small minority sect in Syria, the Alawites, and the Sunni Sect in Syria dwarfs his sect in size it numbers like seventy-four percent of the Syrian population so getting in a long protracted war with the Sunni population is not an option he wants anything to do with because he would eventually lose because of the demographics involved so if America and its allies can stand up a Sunni Syrian army so that it poses this protracted threat to Bashar Assad the world should see him accept this peace deal!

One of the biggest fallacies and misleading claims of our time is what comes from the Obama administration when they say they can't find trustworthy Syrian rebels to arm that don't pose a danger of becoming jihadi terrorists attacking the U.S. or its allies. Has anyone everheard of a bigger bunch of garbage in their life. Yes, there is al Qaeda Syrian rebels that we don't want to arm but there is also Secular Syrian rebels and yes Islamic Syrian rebels that we should be arming and to the gills. What is all this in the America media maybe it increases viewership or readership bur that doesn't justify it where the media implicitly paints all Islamic Syrian rebels as posing terroristic threats to America. This is shameful, using just a little of good judgment would indicate that that these non-extremist Islamic Syrian rebel groups have no interest in bringing terrorism to America's or any of its allies' shores their sole interests is within the borders of Syria. One could truthfully say if one wanted to be candid that the America media when it implies this broad brush fear label maybe it is exhibiting religious discrimination toward Muslims. The other thing about this rise of non-extremists Islamic Syrian rebel groups in Syria and what does this development mean for the world does it mean Syria is permanently lost as a secular Muslim country does it mean Syria will be like a Taliban Afghanistan an incubator for extremist Islamic terrorist groups that threaten the West; the American public has to remember that if we the American people were subject to a terrible three year civil war with 120, 000 people killed and millions of our people forced to be refugees like the Syrian people we as a people would become more religious and religious leaders would hold a much greater sway in our society, because it is just human nature that in times of hardship people turn to their religion and it just so happens that Syria is an Islamic nation so more and stronger Islamic groups rise up amongst the Syrian people this is a natural development it is not a cause to throw in the towel and write the country of Syria off!

What America really needs right now is for the American media, the American government and its people to stop searching for reasons to not help the Syrian rebels but to find reasons to help them to find a path of success for the Sunni Syrians. One American criticism is they have no strong central military leader in the rebel movement that can lead the Syrian rebels to victory, General Idriss is no battlefield general his fighting record is lousy. Okay, so the Syrian rebels have no General Norman Schwarzkopf no General David Petraeus no charismatic outstanding battle field general that doesn't mean all is lost you play the hand your dealt, the Libyians didn't have a Schwarzkopf they had a collection of militias but that was enough to topple the Ghadafi regime and that is what the Syrian rebel movement has they have a collection of Islamic and secular militias and America and the many Syrian rebel allied countries throughout the world have to make that enough! Two, America has to stop overblowing battlefield losses, General Idriss lost his headquarters and a supply depot containing American provided supplies in the area of Bab al Hawa in Syria along the Turkish border and you would have thought it was a "Vietnam Tet Offensive" episode; in America's War of Independence the American Army lost New York city, lost Philadelphia I am sure there was some degree of supplies of weapons and ammunition left in those cities at that time that is the nature of war you don't win every battle and the real absurdity about this Bab al Hawa episode is that General Idriss's forces lost the supply depot to another good Syrian rebel group albeit an Islamic one but nonetheless a successful battlefield rebel group a group that is part of the Islamic front, there is nothing to be alarmed about here the Syrian rebel cause was not significantly hurt by what transpired.

What the Obama Administration needs to do and do immediately making a great effort in is start militarily arming the Sunni Syrian rebels, stop with the excuses and arm these rebels not with morsels of aid but tractor trailor loads of military aid and lots of them! It needs to establish robust training programs in Turkey and Jordan training these rebels and use U.S. Special forces to run these programs these forces have been doing this for ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan their expertise could make a profound difference in the Syrian conflict. This writer isn't a military expert but it sure seems like basic common sense is lacking in the allies help of the rebels what is the key supply depot, the Bab al Hawa depot, doing at the border of the country what good is it doing there, supply depots should be embedded in the areas where individual rebel units are operating so it can help them fight. If there is an issue on how to get the military supplies there have the CIA develop a drone program to deliver the supplies, it could be small propeller plane drones flown close to the ground to avoid the Syrian Army air defenses the shipments would be small amounts but rebel units are probably small so the delivered supplies would be sufficient. Also, the Syrian rebels have a game changing tactic at their disposal that they do not seem to be taking full advantage of which is the use of remote controlled IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and EFPs (explosive formed penetrators) on roads exploding them against Assad's and his allies security forces as they use the roads. Remember the Syrian Army doesn't have the fleets of MRAP vehicles, electronic jamming devices, a truly vast surveillance network that the U.S. armed forces have to counter such a threat. Assad's Security forces and their allies if faced with a large scale offensive of this kind would be paralyzed they would not be able to use the roads in large parts of Syria, it would have a devastating effect on Bashar Assad's regime ability to control the country of Syria. America and its allies should be giving the rebels these remote controlled road side bombs en masse; there is some sweet irony in this because Iran's Special forces, the Quds force, used these weapons against American troops in Iraq and now America can turn the tables against them and see them used against al Quds forces in Syria!

President Barack Obama needs to start honoring his word! He has said clearly on numerous occasions that the U.S. policy on Syria is to help militarily arm the Syrian rebels so as to drive Assad to the peace table. One instance of his expression of this policy is in public statements he made on September 3 2013 before he met with leaders of Congress about the Assad regimes use of chemical weapons. The Sunni Syrian people, Arab countries that are allied with them and U.S. allies in Europe are waiting for the U.S. to live up to its words about this policy on Syria they have relied on these words and are facing serious negative consequences if America goes back on its words here, President Obama you cannot do what you are planning to do! If there is a God that exists in this life and who is good and many of us Americans believe there is he will not let you turn your back on ten plus million Sunni Syrians and allow Bashar Assad to reconstitute his police state throughout Syria and put these people under his heel without grave retribution on you and your administration! You are making a titanic size mistake here!

President Barack Obama and his allies are making a big mistake if they think the Jewish American community is going to give the White House a pass on just letting the Assad regime return in Syria the way they were just without its chemical weapons their too smart for that. They know that Iranian Qud forces are in control of some bases in Syria and dismantling anti-ship missile systems and shipping them to Hezbollah. They know the Iranian Mullahs are shrewd they plan on leaving Qud and Hezbollah forces in Syria after the Assad regime gains full control of Syria so to insure that Syria remains a military resupply source for Hezbollah. They also know that the Iranian Mullahs hate the existence of the country of Israel in the Middle East per the Mullahs all those holy Islamic shrines now in Israel should be under the control of an Islamic country and it is a moral imperative for them to remedy this and the only option they have to move this agenda forward is to use Hezbollah to wage violent war with Israel. If the Mullahs can insure Syria will resupply arms to Hezbollah, Hezbollah can put their 100,000 missile and rocket supply to use against Israel. They know that such a Hezbollah can really hurt Israel with that kind of arsenal Hezbollah could fire 300, 400, 500 missiles a day at Israel for months on end and no missile defense system that any human beings could build could prevent at least some of those missiles from getting through and hurting Israel's citizens and property.

European Union countries that care about what happens in Syria should write Washington off on Syria, don't expect President Barack Obama to do what is needed and right on Syria. Politically Barack Obama only cares about liberal democrats and their agenda he doesn't even care about independent voters in America who enabled him through their vote to win the last two elections so if the guy doesn't really care about his own countrymen that put him in power he certainly isn't going to really care about some foreigners that live a third a world away. European Union countries that are Sunni Syrians friends should ally with Middle Eastern countries that are their friends and get a good military aid supply pipeline going for the secular and non-extremist Islamic Syrian rebels groups in Syria. You European and Middle Eastern involved countries need to remember you don't need to take on the huge burden of helping build a huge Syrian rebel army you really just need to help the Syrian rebel movement to be strong enough not to lose and to continually hurt Assad and his allies forces because Assad is in dire straits without the Hezbollah forces and like America and NATO countries with their tiring of the Afghanistan war the Hezbollah Lebanese communities will eventually tire of the Syrian war with their sons being killed and disabled with no end in sight and demand Hezbollah troops be brought back home to Lebanon!

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