How will you remember Alan Colmes? Hopefully better than the people at Slate

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Yes, as many cable news TV viewers mourn the loss of Alan Colmes, it seems the liberal talking heads at Slate have no mercy. They published a less than complimentary article on the late Mr. Colmes referring to him as a buffoon and patsy.

Usually I enjoy watching Democrats attack their own, but only when they have the ability to fight back. Colmes often brought the liberal point of view to the table in a decent and adult way. I guess that's why hard left people like Slate despised him. So just a few quotes from the Slate article:

"Colmes was the most absurd, useless, and mocked television personality in America for many years, precisely because he was nice. In the context of Fox News, being a nice guy—and a "liberal" nice guy at that—meant being a buffoon, and a patsy. Colmes not only played the part to perfection—he defined it."

"I wrote that Colmes was a nice guy, and we should all be able to separate the personal from the political, and the personal from the professional, etc., etc., etc. But while Colmes may not have been a genius, he wasn't a complete moron either; in short, he was smart enough to know he was being used, and to take the money that his services demanded. If this is something less than morally reprehensible, it is still pretty gross. We can mourn that Alan Colmes won't be around to watch the political era he, as an important cog in the Fox News machine, helped usher in; unfortunately, the rest of us have no choice."

To think some on the left get their political information from sources like this. Deplorable.

Liberal News Site Publishes Obituary Attacking Alan Colmes

Nearly took the words out of my mouth.

A liberal squish who was craven enough to play the straight man to a meat-headed loon.

To the radical leftist, everything is political.

When I head that Colmes died I was saddened. I don't like to hear about anybody dying, whether I agree with them or not; and I certainly never agreed with Colmes on much. This is the difference between a conservative and the typical leftist scum. I felt empathetic. I was shocked that he died so relatively young. I wondered if he had been sick for a long time or if it was a sudden death. I imagined how his family must feel, having experienced the same loss myself.

Now, how does a leftist douche respond to the death of someone they do not agree with. Well, look at what they say about Reagan. They say nasty, reprehensible things. If they disagree with someone, then they act like they are glad when that person dies. Look at what happened when Margaret Thatcher passed. People crucified her posthumously, saying absolutely terrible things about her. They said they were glad she was dead.

People who are leftists are pure dog shit. No, I take that back. Finding dog shit in your yard means that your dog is regular. It is also natural. Therefore, dog shit has a couple of positive aspects. Leftists, on the other hand, have no redeeming aspects. They are scum. Pure scum. Pure toilet scum. Pure public restroom toilet scum in a Mexican restaurant. They totally lack moral character and are completely lacking in empathy for those unlike themselves. Simply put, they suck at being human beings.

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When I head that Colmes died I was saddened. I don't like to hear about anybody dying, whether I agree with them or not; and I certainly never agreed with Colmes on much. This is the difference between a conservative and the typical leftist scum. I felt empathetic. I was shocked that he died so relatively young. I wondered if he had been sick for a long time or if it was a sudden death. I imagined how his family must feel, having experienced the same loss myself.

Now, how does a leftist douche respond to the death of someone they do not agree with. Well, look at what they say about Reagan. They say nasty, reprehensible things. If they disagree with someone, then they act like they are glad when that person dies. Look at what happened when Margaret Thatcher passed. People crucified her posthumously, saying absolutely terrible things about her. They said they were glad she was dead.

People who are leftists are pure dog shit. No, I take that back. Finding dog shit in your yard means that your dog is regular. It is also natural. Therefore, dog shit has a couple of positive aspects. Leftists, on the other hand, have no redeeming aspects. They are scum. Pure scum. Pure toilet scum. Pure public restroom toilet scum in a Mexican restaurant. They totally lack moral character and are completely lacking in empathy for those unlike themselves. Simply put, they suck at being human beings.

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Seems the pattern for leftists is to use the dead to their advantage. Like I posted, the dead can't defend themselves.

I disagreed with anything Colmes had to say, but you can't help but to have liked the guy. He was hardly combative, presented his case in a very distinguished way, and from what his coworkers say, a very generous man that would give the deserving the shirt off his back.

But because he wasn't a radical, he was hated by his own people apparently.
I have nothing nice to say about AC.

I don't feel compelled to say anything against him now that he's where we all end up.

I'm not surprised at all by the vitriol posted by the left. Purging human beings is second nature to those repulsive sociopaths.

He seemed like a nice person. I didn't agree with his politics. I wish his family well.

LWNJ's have no respect for anyone unless they're destroying private property, assaulting innocents, or burning the American Flag.
He seemed like a nice person. I didn't agree with his politics. I wish his family well.

LWNJ's have no respect for anyone unless they're destroying private property, assaulting innocents, or burning the American Flag.

They'll turn on anyone.

They turned on Trotsky because the cult of personality they were zealots of at the time programmed them to.

Bed wetting libturds are parasitic sheep. Not cognizant people.

Colmes held his own on Fox. As a matter of fact he came across as a sarcastic and bitter left winger which should have pleased left wing blogs but apparently nothing pleases left wing blogs these days.. I was more saddened by the passing of Fox financial analyst Brenda Buttner from cancer at 55 but I guess pretty female financial analysts take second billing to bitter left wing male political analysts.
Yes, as many cable news TV viewers mourn the loss of Alan Colmes, it seems the liberal talking heads at Slate have no mercy. They published a less than complimentary article on the late Mr. Colmes referring to him as a buffoon and patsy.

Usually I enjoy watching Democrats attack their own, but only when they have the ability to fight back. Colmes often brought the liberal point of view to the table in a decent and adult way. I guess that's why hard left people like Slate despised him. So just a few quotes from the Slate article:

"Colmes was the most absurd, useless, and mocked television personality in America for many years, precisely because he was nice. In the context of Fox News, being a nice guy—and a "liberal" nice guy at that—meant being a buffoon, and a patsy. Colmes not only played the part to perfection—he defined it."

"I wrote that Colmes was a nice guy, and we should all be able to separate the personal from the political, and the personal from the professional, etc., etc., etc. But while Colmes may not have been a genius, he wasn't a complete moron either; in short, he was smart enough to know he was being used, and to take the money that his services demanded. If this is something less than morally reprehensible, it is still pretty gross. We can mourn that Alan Colmes won't be around to watch the political era he, as an important cog in the Fox News machine, helped usher in; unfortunately, the rest of us have no choice."

To think some on the left get their political information from sources like this. Deplorable.

Liberal News Site Publishes Obituary Attacking Alan Colmes
They eat their dead. Didn't you know?
Colmes held his own on Fox. As a matter of fact he came across as a sarcastic and bitter left winger which should have pleased left wing blogs but apparently nothing pleases left wing blogs these days.. I was more saddened by the passing of Fox financial analyst Brenda Buttner from cancer at 55 but I guess pretty female financial analysts take second billing to bitter left wing male political analysts.

In all fairness, he was more known than Buttner. To be totally honest, I don't even know who she was.
Yes, as many cable news TV viewers mourn the loss of Alan Colmes, it seems the liberal talking heads at Slate have no mercy. They published a less than complimentary article on the late Mr. Colmes referring to him as a buffoon and patsy.

Usually I enjoy watching Democrats attack their own, but only when they have the ability to fight back. Colmes often brought the liberal point of view to the table in a decent and adult way. I guess that's why hard left people like Slate despised him. So just a few quotes from the Slate article:

"Colmes was the most absurd, useless, and mocked television personality in America for many years, precisely because he was nice. In the context of Fox News, being a nice guy—and a "liberal" nice guy at that—meant being a buffoon, and a patsy. Colmes not only played the part to perfection—he defined it."

"I wrote that Colmes was a nice guy, and we should all be able to separate the personal from the political, and the personal from the professional, etc., etc., etc. But while Colmes may not have been a genius, he wasn't a complete moron either; in short, he was smart enough to know he was being used, and to take the money that his services demanded. If this is something less than morally reprehensible, it is still pretty gross. We can mourn that Alan Colmes won't be around to watch the political era he, as an important cog in the Fox News machine, helped usher in; unfortunately, the rest of us have no choice."

To think some on the left get their political information from sources like this. Deplorable.

Liberal News Site Publishes Obituary Attacking Alan Colmes
They eat their dead. Didn't you know?

Oh yes, I know. I've been quite aware of it for some time now. But perhaps my thread here will awaken some on the left about the vultures on their side. It sort of takes me back to the Paul Wellstone funeral. Seems the left are heartless about death unless it involves executing a murderer.

He seemed like a nice person. I didn't agree with his politics. I wish his family well.

LWNJ's have no respect for anyone unless they're destroying private property, assaulting innocents, or burning the American Flag.

Alan Colmes was a left-winger - but he was respected on both sides of the political spectrum.
He seemed like a nice person. I didn't agree with his politics. I wish his family well.

LWNJ's have no respect for anyone unless they're destroying private property, assaulting innocents, or burning the American Flag.

Alan Colmes was a left-winger - but he was respected on both sides of the political spectrum.

If Slate is any representation of the left, apparently he wasn't respected by them.
Colmes was a hired punching bag. He knew he would be insulted and not able to complete a sentence before being interrupted on a daily basis. I had no problem with him or what he tried to advocate, but it was well known that he was just there so Fox could claim they had a token liberal.
Yes, as many cable news TV viewers mourn the loss of Alan Colmes, it seems the liberal talking heads at Slate have no mercy. They published a less than complimentary article on the late Mr. Colmes referring to him as a buffoon and patsy.

Usually I enjoy watching Democrats attack their own, but only when they have the ability to fight back. Colmes often brought the liberal point of view to the table in a decent and adult way. I guess that's why hard left people like Slate despised him. So just a few quotes from the Slate article:

"Colmes was the most absurd, useless, and mocked television personality in America for many years, precisely because he was nice. In the context of Fox News, being a nice guy—and a "liberal" nice guy at that—meant being a buffoon, and a patsy. Colmes not only played the part to perfection—he defined it."

"I wrote that Colmes was a nice guy, and we should all be able to separate the personal from the political, and the personal from the professional, etc., etc., etc. But while Colmes may not have been a genius, he wasn't a complete moron either; in short, he was smart enough to know he was being used, and to take the money that his services demanded. If this is something less than morally reprehensible, it is still pretty gross. We can mourn that Alan Colmes won't be around to watch the political era he, as an important cog in the Fox News machine, helped usher in; unfortunately, the rest of us have no choice."

To think some on the left get their political information from sources like this. Deplorable.

Liberal News Site Publishes Obituary Attacking Alan Colmes
Slate and Salon are nothing but regressive trash sites.

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