how would biden take my guns.

He'll never answer.
After that comment, hell no Iā€™m not going to answer.
That comment was a question I asked you.
You said no one is coming for your guns
My question was what is a gun registration for?
Gun registration helps law enforcement solve crimes. But we know how you feel about law enforcement. We watched it live on January 6.

How does gun registration help law enforcement solve crimes? I think you're wrong, but I welcome your explanation.

It doesn' he has been shown over and over again........they want gun registration so they can later ban and confiscate guns...

This is what I have shown August over and over again....which he ignores....

In the Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Pa. gun registry waste of money, resources - Crime Prevention Research Center

Gun-control advocates have long claimed that a comprehensive registry would be an effective safety tool. Their reasoning is straightforward: If a gun has been left at a crime scene, the registry will link the crime gun back to the criminal.

Nice logic, but reality has never worked that way. Crime guns are rarely left at crime scenes. The few that are have been unregistered ā€” criminals are not stupid enough to leave behind a gun thatā€™s registered to them. When a gun is left at the scene, it is usually because the criminal has been seriously injured or killed. These crimes would have been solved even without registration.

Registration hasnā€™t worked in Pennsylvania or other places. During a 2001 lawsuit, the Pennsylvania State Police could not identify a specific crime that had been solved through the registration system from 1901 to 2001, though they did claim that it had ā€œassistedā€ in a total of four cases but they could provide no details.

During a 2013 deposition, the Washington, D.C., police chief said that she could not ā€œrecall any specific instance where registration records were used to determine who committed a crime.ā€

When I testified before the Hawaii State Senate in 2000, the Honolulu chief of police also stated that he couldnā€™t find any crimes that had been solved due to registration and licensing. The chief also said that his officers devoted about 50,000 hours each year to registering and licensing guns. This time is being taken away from traditional, time-tested law enforcement activities.

Of course, many are concerned that registration lists will eventually be used to confiscate peopleā€™s guns. Given that such lists have been used to force people to turn in guns in California, Connecticut, New York and Chicago, these fears arenā€™t entirely unjustified.

Instead of wasting money and precious police time on a gun registry that wonā€™t solve crime, Pennsylvania should get rid of the program that we already have and spend our resources on programs that matter. Traditional policing works, and we should all be concerned that this bill will keep even more officers from important duties.

Myth #4: Police investigations are aided by the registry.

Doubtful. Information contained in the registry is incomplete and unreliable. Due to the inaccuracy of the information, it cannot be used as evidence in court and the government has yet to prove that it has been a contributing factor in any investigation. Another factor is the dismal compliance rate (estimated at only 50%) for licensing and registration which further renders the registry useless. Some senior police officers have stated as such: ā€œThe law registering firearms has neither deterred these crimes nor helped us solve any of them. None of the guns we know to have been used were registered ... the money could be more effectively used for security against terrorism as well as a host of other public safety initiatives.ā€ Former Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino, January 2003.


In countries that have gun registration, what percentage of gun crimes are solved (at least in part) by use of the registry? - Quora

Tracking physical objects that are easily transferred with a database is non-trivial problem. Guns that are stolen, loaned, or lost disappear from the registry. The data is has to be manually entered and input mistakes will both leak guns and generate false positive results.

Registries donā€™t solve straw-purchases. If someone goes through all of the steps to register a gun and simply gives it to a criminal that gun becomes unregistered.
Assuming the gun is ever recovered you could theoretically try and prosecute the person who transferred the gun to the criminal, but you arenā€™t solving the crime you were trying to. Remember that people will prostitute themselves or even their children for drugs, so how much deterrence is there in a maybe-get-a-few-years for straw purchasing?

Registries are expensive. Canadaā€™s registry was pitched as costing the taxpayer $2 million and the rest of the costs were to be payed for with registration fees. It was subject to massive cost overruns that were not being met by registrations fees. When the program was audited in 2002 the program was expected to cost over $1 billion and that the fee revenue was only expected to be $140 million.

No gun recovered. If no gun was recovered at the scene of the crime then your registry isnā€™t even theoretically helping, let alone providing a practical tool. You need a world where criminals meticulously register their guns and leave them at the crime scene for a registry to start to become useful.

Say I have a registered gun, and a known associate of mine was shot and killed. Ballistics is able to determine that my known associate was killed with the same make and model as the gun I registered. A registry doesnā€™t prove that my gun was used, or that I was the one doing the shooting. I was a suspect as soon as we said ā€œknown associateā€ and the police will then being looking for motive and checking for my alibi.Scott Morefield - Think Theyā€™ll Never ā€˜Come and Takeā€™ Your Guns Without an Armed Revolt? Think Again

Consider: If rational minds on the Left know all this, to what end are they still pushing for such laws, especially when itā€™s obvious that they donā€™t care whether ANY gun control laws are actually enforced. Not yet anyway. (Remember, itā€™s always conservatives, not liberals, pushing for enforcement of existing law.)

And yet, they do want more and more laws on the books, and the more draconian, obscure, and hard to keep track of, the better. But why?

Hereā€™s the answer, and it should scare every gun owner in the country:

They want to make de facto criminals out of the majority of the gun owning population.

That way, they can essentially pick us off, one by one.

Without necessarily meaning to, Mehta hits on this critical point in his piece: ā€œA national gun buyback law would turn a significant portion of the American people into criminals,ā€ he wrote. ā€œResidents of New York and Connecticut snubbed their new laws ā€¦ Compliance with the registration requirement has been modest at best, as hundreds of thousands of gun owners in both states refused to register their weapons. So far, then, the laws have been most successful in creating hundreds of thousands of lawbreakers who feel obligated to break the law.ā€

If liberals are able to pass any sort of ā€œassault weaponsā€ ban, buyback or no buyback, they know they will make criminals out of several million currently law-abiding gun owners. And even if the majority of those gun owners donā€™t follow the law now, that wonā€™t make them any less a criminal. They just havenā€™t been caught yet.

But when the ā€˜right peopleā€™ control the levers of power and the ā€˜right lawsā€™ are all in place, make no mistake - they will be caught.

Hereā€™s the rub. Itā€™s one thing to hold up your rifle and shout ā€œcome and take it,ā€ Ć  la Charleton Heston, before thousands of like-minded people. The Feds arenā€™t going to come to a National Rifle Association convention and start arresting people, at least not yet. And they arenā€™t going to conduct door-to-door house searches, arresting gun owners and confiscating their firearms, either. Not yet.
But believe me, under the right circumstances and with the right laws in place, the arrests will come. Theyā€™ll come when youā€™re going to work, or to the bank, or to the park with your kids, or a thousand other places. Theyā€™ll come after youā€™ve used your now-illegal AR-15 to defend yourself against a home invader, or if they spot it during a ā€œroutineā€ home search.

Never, ever underestimate these people and the depth of their evil. Remember, the Cheka managed to fill the Soviet gulags to the brim, and yet they did it quietly, with little fuss and even less armed revolt.

And they wonā€™t need to arrest everyone to make the majority obey. No, they only need a few, and word will spread quickly.

So what will you do, dear AR-15 owner, when the ā€˜Chekaā€™ comes for your neighbor, and you know the laws are on the books to prosecute? Will a ā€œbuybackā€ and ā€œamnestyā€ be enough to convince YOU to acquiesce? Youā€™ve got a job, a wife, kids to raise. When they ā€œcome and take it,ā€ is your family worth risking?

No, when they take your guns there will be no civil war. There will be no large-scale revolution, because liberals are experts at pushing that Overton Window enough not to shock the system. Like frogs in water thatā€™s about to boil, people wonā€™t jump until itā€™s too late.

How long is a gun on the street before it is "found" by police....

Eighty percent of illegal guns recovered in Michigan have been on the street for at least three years. The average time between a firearm being stolen and turning up in a criminal context ā€” what police call the ā€œtime to crimeā€ ā€” is a long 13 years.

Editorial: How to get illegal guns off the streets
if only the bad criminals would simply register before they commit gun crimes.
As opposed to the good criminals like the ones we saw on Jan 6?
would good criminals be an oxy moron.
are you suggesting that the bernie violence crowd antifa and blm are the order of peaceful assembly.

how comes they didn't simply close the doors ?

nasty nancy has been calling us violent for years, so in her twisted mind she knew...
where lies the discrepecy.? what happened to the peoples house that she has so protectively called her own. does accountability have a home?
Your first sentence invites me to defend a position that I've not drawn. Quit frankly, I have numerous times stated that all criminal conduct needs to be prosecuted.

Who is the they who could have closed the doors? Was Nancy alone or only with Dems? Your case is lame.

Your last sentence starts with a juvenile label for the Speaker of the House. Say something intelligent and maybe I won't be bored with it.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

The FBI (same guys who staged the 1-6 false flag siege on Capitol) will be going door to door grabbing guns soon.
Maybe you should hide your 15 in the attic? :lol:
no room.. that's where i keep the 50 cal machine guns, rocket launchers and green totebags for the laserdrones...

Are you saying that ya donā€™t keep an Abrams tank up in the attic? Pussy :lol:
pussy dr. love ? you'll have to fill me in... what does that even mean ?

Your pussy is full of Trump Dick. Enjoy the ride!! :D
starkey? is that you ?
goodbye jake you're just not up the quality of this nice thread.. i don't think anyone will miss you as thoughtful and substantive as you are.

Bye watermelon - Hope ya find yer Dad :)

just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
Patriots my red, white and blue
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
You folks are the most hypocritical, lying shitbags I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot in my time...... you're straight up garbage.
I take this to mean that you spend a lot of time with shitbags and garbage.

Now you're making some sense.
he's not a leftist so you're not making any sense
Trust me, our acquaintance is a shit bag.

Years ago I passed through Carolina on my way to Germany from SE Asia. Didn't care for it, too many squitters and too much chaw spit on the sidewalks.

Question, why do you feel the need to advertise a handgun?
Why do you feel the need to breathe?
I don't answer to a fucking mouth breathing leftists
You just did answer you dumbass.

Mouth breathing? Go figure, a warrior Orthodontist and a peckerwood reactionary to boot. I gladly address them because it's fun to watch their panties knot up.
I'm getting the feeling you're just a troll, and maybe just a bot...... you haven't made any points or posted anything that suggests you're an actual person yet, so we'll see.
Wait, let me throw my switch to angry conservative.

kiss my MaGAnifigant Patriat fashciest commie libtard bitch boy

Note how the program automatically includes misspellings, and poor punctuation.

Seriously, I've made lots of well thought comments on how Peckerwoods can't even read a full sentence (2nd Amendment). Try some counterpoint if you can work up the courage.
Well, I'm waiting troll..... show me something.

So far, all you've done is act childish.
If you don;t e
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
Patriots my red, white and blue
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
You folks are the most hypocritical, lying shitbags I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot in my time...... you're straight up garbage.
I take this to mean that you spend a lot of time with shitbags and garbage.

Now you're making some sense.
he's not a leftist so you're not making any sense
Trust me, our acquaintance is a shit bag.

Years ago I passed through Carolina on my way to Germany from SE Asia. Didn't care for it, too many squitters and too much chaw spit on the sidewalks.

Question, why do you feel the need to advertise a handgun?
Why do you feel the need to breathe?
I don't answer to a fucking mouth breathing leftists
You just did answer you dumbass.

Mouth breathing? Go figure, a warrior Orthodontist and a peckerwood reactionary to boot. I gladly address them because it's fun to watch their panties knot up.
I'm getting the feeling you're just a troll, and maybe just a bot...... you haven't made any points or posted anything that suggests you're an actual person yet, so we'll see.
Wait, let me throw my switch to angry conservative.

kiss my MaGAnifigant Patriat fashciest commie libtard bitch boy

Note how the program automatically includes misspellings, and poor punctuation.

Seriously, I've made lots of well thought comments on how Peckerwoods can't even read a full sentence (2nd Amendment). Try some counterpoint if you can work up the courage.
Well, I'm waiting troll..... show me something.

So far, all you've done is act childish.
No, I posted perfectly serious material at 195, 196, 198 and 200 and in that series ignored your opening dialogue with me by making a personal challenge to me (#197) rather than addressing the topic.

We all occasionally slip but I'm fairly diligent about giving what I get (or see). By example, given your personal charge, it is now appropriate that I point out that you're a troll, but not very good at it. LMAO at you.
Except not really though.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Thats what all the lemmings say and then the govt comes and takes them and people turn them in and obey. Then the govt starts killing its populace. Its happened over and over and over and over but the newest generation always says they'll get it right this time.
China Joe will come for them when he returns from Joe's Town in his Mario Kart.
View attachment 460518

Ah yes Mario Cart. Home of the Mushroom Guy! :D

just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Hilarious. Are you a criminal, underaged or insane ? If not, you have nothing to worry about. And, if you are but donā€™t commit any more crimes, you can probably keep the ones you have. Like, if I were you, I wouldnā€™t storm the capital anytime soon.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
Patriots my red, white and blue
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
You folks are the most hypocritical, lying shitbags I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot in my time...... you're straight up garbage.
I take this to mean that you spend a lot of time with shitbags and garbage.

Now you're making some sense.
he's not a leftist so you're not making any sense
Trust me, our acquaintance is a shit bag.

Years ago I passed through Carolina on my way to Germany from SE Asia. Didn't care for it, too many squitters and too much chaw spit on the sidewalks.

Question, why do you feel the need to advertise a handgun?
Why do you feel the need to breathe?
I don't answer to a fucking mouth breathing leftists
You just did answer you dumbass.

Mouth breathing? Go figure, a warrior Orthodontist and a peckerwood reactionary to boot. I gladly address them because it's fun to watch their panties knot up.
I'm getting the feeling you're just a troll, and maybe just a bot...... you haven't made any points or posted anything that suggests you're an actual person yet, so we'll see.
Wait, let me throw my switch to angry conservative.

kiss my MaGAnifigant Patriat fashciest commie libtard bitch boy

Note how the program automatically includes misspellings, and poor punctuation.

Seriously, I've made lots of well thought comments on how Peckerwoods can't even read a full sentence (2nd Amendment). Try some counterpoint if you can work up the courage.
Well, I'm waiting troll..... show me something.

So far, all you've done is act childish.
If you don;t e
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
Riiiiight.... (sarcasm)

A bunch of vets and patriots from the United States of 400 million guns and 3 trillion rounds of ammo all left their guns at home when they embarked on "an invasion of the capitol in an attempt to violently overthrow the government", taking selfies all the way...... uh huh. Suuuuure they did..... :rolleyes:

You people are fucking ridiculous.
Patriots my red, white and blue
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Trump's effort to overturn an election was not fake, and the concern over it was not hysteria.

Fake news is everyone's enemy, left, right and center.

Perhaps you should get your head out of your rifle butt. The argument over gun rights is whored by idiots from both extremes: hoplophobes and those who equate their dicks with their guns.

Moron, it was assholes are using the Jan. 6 riot as your modern Reichstag had Trump supporters peacefully walking through the capitol building...after the police calmly opened the doors for them....taking selfies...

Meanwhile....antifa and blm terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building the same way they burned and looted cities for 7 months....
Perhaps antifa and blm were allowed peaceful entry while Trumpers broke through doors and windows, propped their feet on Pelosi's desk and walked off with government property.

You do realize that many of the perps have been arrested, their identities recorded on film and their political sentiments recorded in their identities. Good luck with your theories.

You can scream and yell Moron until you soil your panties; the truth will bury your sorry ass.

The Truth has nothing to do with what happened Jan. 6...the democrats are making sure of that........they told us Trump supporters beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher....didn't happen.....

We may one day find out pelosi ordered the police to stand down....just like the democrat party mayors and governors ordered their police to stand down so antifa and blm could riot, burn, and loot......
Indeed, someone did jump to a conclusion about how the officer died. As for the rest, the accused will get their day in court. I'm content with that.
You're content with these folks being vigorously prosecuted but you're not complaining a bit about all the vandals, assaulters, and arsonists from riots all over the rest of the country that will never see the inside of a courtroom except for a short bail hearing where their bond will be posted by Democrat operatives?

Telling, that.

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Thank you for acknowledging your blatant hypocrisy.

I watched the Karen's until I was tired of it. And all but one were Rumpers who were throwing some kind of fit about something. And when you attempt at trying to convince me that the Invasion of the Capital while they were looking for certain people to kill is right, then you get the Karen name because you earned it.

You can't justify those actions by attempting to use the old "Hey, look over there".
You folks are the most hypocritical, lying shitbags I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot in my time...... you're straight up garbage.
I take this to mean that you spend a lot of time with shitbags and garbage.

Now you're making some sense.
he's not a leftist so you're not making any sense
Trust me, our acquaintance is a shit bag.

Years ago I passed through Carolina on my way to Germany from SE Asia. Didn't care for it, too many squitters and too much chaw spit on the sidewalks.

Question, why do you feel the need to advertise a handgun?
Why do you feel the need to breathe?
I don't answer to a fucking mouth breathing leftists
You just did answer you dumbass.

Mouth breathing? Go figure, a warrior Orthodontist and a peckerwood reactionary to boot. I gladly address them because it's fun to watch their panties knot up.
I'm getting the feeling you're just a troll, and maybe just a bot...... you haven't made any points or posted anything that suggests you're an actual person yet, so we'll see.
Wait, let me throw my switch to angry conservative.

kiss my MaGAnifigant Patriat fashciest commie libtard bitch boy

Note how the program automatically includes misspellings, and poor punctuation.

Seriously, I've made lots of well thought comments on how Peckerwoods can't even read a full sentence (2nd Amendment). Try some counterpoint if you can work up the courage.
Well, I'm waiting troll..... show me something.

So far, all you've done is act childish.
No, I posted perfectly serious material at 195, 196, 198 and 200 and in that series ignored your opening dialogue with me by making a personal challenge to me (#197) rather than addressing the topic.

We all occasionally slip but I'm fairly diligent about giving what I get (or see). By example, given your personal charge, it is now appropriate that I point out that you're a troll, but not very good at it. LMAO at you.
Except not really though.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Hilarious. Are you a criminal, underaged or insane ? If not, you have nothing to worry about. And, if you are but donā€™t commit any more crimes, you can probably keep the ones you have. Like, if I were you, I wouldnā€™t storm the capital anytime soon.
Scary - huh?

Grown men, strangers, wonder onto the internet pretending a plot to attack something they proport to love (albeit a something that is sick and in need of surgery which they are qualified to perform).

Scarier still is the math; given enough instances of this kind of comic drama, the worst is bound to happen. Witness Jan 6, and the deadly but almost childlike insurrection. Good grief.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Hilarious. Are you a criminal, underaged or insane ? If not, you have nothing to worry about. And, if you are but donā€™t commit any more crimes, you can probably keep the ones you have. Like, if I were you, I wouldnā€™t storm the capital anytime soon.
Scary - huh?

Grown men, strangers, wonder onto the internet pretending a plot to attack something they proport to love (albeit a something that is sick and in need of surgery which they are qualified to perform).

Scarier still is the math; given enough instances of this kind of comic drama, the worst is bound to happen. Witness Jan 6, and the deadly but almost childlike insurrection. Good grief.
What's scary, is that someone like you who has an absolutely infantile grasp of reality, is walking around without a minder.
... how would biden take my guns. ...

My father - he may rest in peace in the arms of god - had taken your gun, had put it on a choppin block and had made scrap and firewood out of it. This he made with all guns someone gave him. And I'm able to imagine that thousands - perhaps even millions - of your people would be much more happy now, if they also had done so in good time.
He'll never answer.
After that comment, hell no Iā€™m not going to answer.
That comment was a question I asked you.
You said no one is coming for your guns
My question was what is a gun registration for?
Gun registration helps law enforcement solve crimes. But we know how you feel about law enforcement. We watched it live on January 6.

How does gun registration help law enforcement solve crimes? I think you're wrong, but I welcome your explanation.

It doesn' he has been shown over and over again........they want gun registration so they can later ban and confiscate guns...

This is what I have shown August over and over again....which he ignores....

In the Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Pa. gun registry waste of money, resources - Crime Prevention Research Center

Gun-control advocates have long claimed that a comprehensive registry would be an effective safety tool. Their reasoning is straightforward: If a gun has been left at a crime scene, the registry will link the crime gun back to the criminal.

Nice logic, but reality has never worked that way. Crime guns are rarely left at crime scenes. The few that are have been unregistered ā€” criminals are not stupid enough to leave behind a gun thatā€™s registered to them. When a gun is left at the scene, it is usually because the criminal has been seriously injured or killed. These crimes would have been solved even without registration.

Registration hasnā€™t worked in Pennsylvania or other places. During a 2001 lawsuit, the Pennsylvania State Police could not identify a specific crime that had been solved through the registration system from 1901 to 2001, though they did claim that it had ā€œassistedā€ in a total of four cases but they could provide no details.

During a 2013 deposition, the Washington, D.C., police chief said that she could not ā€œrecall any specific instance where registration records were used to determine who committed a crime.ā€

When I testified before the Hawaii State Senate in 2000, the Honolulu chief of police also stated that he couldnā€™t find any crimes that had been solved due to registration and licensing. The chief also said that his officers devoted about 50,000 hours each year to registering and licensing guns. This time is being taken away from traditional, time-tested law enforcement activities.

Of course, many are concerned that registration lists will eventually be used to confiscate peopleā€™s guns. Given that such lists have been used to force people to turn in guns in California, Connecticut, New York and Chicago, these fears arenā€™t entirely unjustified.

Instead of wasting money and precious police time on a gun registry that wonā€™t solve crime, Pennsylvania should get rid of the program that we already have and spend our resources on programs that matter. Traditional policing works, and we should all be concerned that this bill will keep even more officers from important duties.

Myth #4: Police investigations are aided by the registry.

Doubtful. Information contained in the registry is incomplete and unreliable. Due to the inaccuracy of the information, it cannot be used as evidence in court and the government has yet to prove that it has been a contributing factor in any investigation. Another factor is the dismal compliance rate (estimated at only 50%) for licensing and registration which further renders the registry useless. Some senior police officers have stated as such: ā€œThe law registering firearms has neither deterred these crimes nor helped us solve any of them. None of the guns we know to have been used were registered ... the money could be more effectively used for security against terrorism as well as a host of other public safety initiatives.ā€ Former Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino, January 2003.


In countries that have gun registration, what percentage of gun crimes are solved (at least in part) by use of the registry? - Quora

Tracking physical objects that are easily transferred with a database is non-trivial problem. Guns that are stolen, loaned, or lost disappear from the registry. The data is has to be manually entered and input mistakes will both leak guns and generate false positive results.

Registries donā€™t solve straw-purchases. If someone goes through all of the steps to register a gun and simply gives it to a criminal that gun becomes unregistered.
Assuming the gun is ever recovered you could theoretically try and prosecute the person who transferred the gun to the criminal, but you arenā€™t solving the crime you were trying to. Remember that people will prostitute themselves or even their children for drugs, so how much deterrence is there in a maybe-get-a-few-years for straw purchasing?

Registries are expensive. Canadaā€™s registry was pitched as costing the taxpayer $2 million and the rest of the costs were to be payed for with registration fees. It was subject to massive cost overruns that were not being met by registrations fees. When the program was audited in 2002 the program was expected to cost over $1 billion and that the fee revenue was only expected to be $140 million.

No gun recovered. If no gun was recovered at the scene of the crime then your registry isnā€™t even theoretically helping, let alone providing a practical tool. You need a world where criminals meticulously register their guns and leave them at the crime scene for a registry to start to become useful.

Say I have a registered gun, and a known associate of mine was shot and killed. Ballistics is able to determine that my known associate was killed with the same make and model as the gun I registered. A registry doesnā€™t prove that my gun was used, or that I was the one doing the shooting. I was a suspect as soon as we said ā€œknown associateā€ and the police will then being looking for motive and checking for my alibi.Scott Morefield - Think Theyā€™ll Never ā€˜Come and Takeā€™ Your Guns Without an Armed Revolt? Think Again

Consider: If rational minds on the Left know all this, to what end are they still pushing for such laws, especially when itā€™s obvious that they donā€™t care whether ANY gun control laws are actually enforced. Not yet anyway. (Remember, itā€™s always conservatives, not liberals, pushing for enforcement of existing law.)

And yet, they do want more and more laws on the books, and the more draconian, obscure, and hard to keep track of, the better. But why?

Hereā€™s the answer, and it should scare every gun owner in the country:

They want to make de facto criminals out of the majority of the gun owning population.

That way, they can essentially pick us off, one by one.

Without necessarily meaning to, Mehta hits on this critical point in his piece: ā€œA national gun buyback law would turn a significant portion of the American people into criminals,ā€ he wrote. ā€œResidents of New York and Connecticut snubbed their new laws ā€¦ Compliance with the registration requirement has been modest at best, as hundreds of thousands of gun owners in both states refused to register their weapons. So far, then, the laws have been most successful in creating hundreds of thousands of lawbreakers who feel obligated to break the law.ā€

If liberals are able to pass any sort of ā€œassault weaponsā€ ban, buyback or no buyback, they know they will make criminals out of several million currently law-abiding gun owners. And even if the majority of those gun owners donā€™t follow the law now, that wonā€™t make them any less a criminal. They just havenā€™t been caught yet.

But when the ā€˜right peopleā€™ control the levers of power and the ā€˜right lawsā€™ are all in place, make no mistake - they will be caught.

Hereā€™s the rub. Itā€™s one thing to hold up your rifle and shout ā€œcome and take it,ā€ Ć  la Charleton Heston, before thousands of like-minded people. The Feds arenā€™t going to come to a National Rifle Association convention and start arresting people, at least not yet. And they arenā€™t going to conduct door-to-door house searches, arresting gun owners and confiscating their firearms, either. Not yet.
But believe me, under the right circumstances and with the right laws in place, the arrests will come. Theyā€™ll come when youā€™re going to work, or to the bank, or to the park with your kids, or a thousand other places. Theyā€™ll come after youā€™ve used your now-illegal AR-15 to defend yourself against a home invader, or if they spot it during a ā€œroutineā€ home search.

Never, ever underestimate these people and the depth of their evil. Remember, the Cheka managed to fill the Soviet gulags to the brim, and yet they did it quietly, with little fuss and even less armed revolt.

And they wonā€™t need to arrest everyone to make the majority obey. No, they only need a few, and word will spread quickly.

So what will you do, dear AR-15 owner, when the ā€˜Chekaā€™ comes for your neighbor, and you know the laws are on the books to prosecute? Will a ā€œbuybackā€ and ā€œamnestyā€ be enough to convince YOU to acquiesce? Youā€™ve got a job, a wife, kids to raise. When they ā€œcome and take it,ā€ is your family worth risking?

No, when they take your guns there will be no civil war. There will be no large-scale revolution, because liberals are experts at pushing that Overton Window enough not to shock the system. Like frogs in water thatā€™s about to boil, people wonā€™t jump until itā€™s too late.

How long is a gun on the street before it is "found" by police....

Eighty percent of illegal guns recovered in Michigan have been on the street for at least three years. The average time between a firearm being stolen and turning up in a criminal context ā€” what police call the ā€œtime to crimeā€ ā€” is a long 13 years.

Editorial: How to get illegal guns off the streets
if only the bad criminals would simply register before they commit gun crimes.
As opposed to the good criminals like the ones we saw on Jan 6?
would good criminals be an oxy moron.
are you suggesting that the bernie violence crowd antifa and blm are the order of peaceful assembly.

how comes they didn't simply close the doors ?

nasty nancy has been calling us violent for years, so in her twisted mind she knew...
where lies the discrepecy.? what happened to the peoples house that she has so protectively called her own. does accountability have a home?
Your first sentence invites me to defend a position that I've not drawn. Quit frankly, I have numerous times stated that all criminal conduct needs to be prosecuted.

Who is the they who could have closed the doors? Was Nancy alone or only with Dems? Your case is lame.

Your last sentence starts with a juvenile label for the Speaker of the House. Say something intelligent and maybe I won't be bored with it.
because my goal here is to keep you entertained.
the capitol police guard open and close the doors.
the chief was fired that day, why ? that's pure pelosi. ad homs are ok outside of the discussion rarely do i excoriate other posters, never outside of my own threads.
i read your wall of text, i thanked you for it, it's all i have for you. but you do stay on topic, mostly.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

The FBI (same guys who staged the 1-6 false flag siege on Capitol) will be going door to door grabbing guns soon.
Maybe you should hide your 15 in the attic? :lol:
no room.. that's where i keep the 50 cal machine guns, rocket launchers and green totebags for the laserdrones...

Are you saying that ya donā€™t keep an Abrams tank up in the attic? Pussy :lol:
pussy dr. love ? you'll have to fill me in... what does that even mean ?

Your pussy is full of Trump Dick. Enjoy the ride!! :D
starkey? is that you ?
goodbye jake you're just not up the quality of this nice thread.. i don't think anyone will miss you as thoughtful and substantive as you are.

Bye watermelon - Hope ya find yer Dad :)

thank you sally, say hi to jake.
how would biden take my guns.

The same way the government collects your taxes - unless you escalate the situation...
can't put guns into a protest escrow account, citizens still control the purse, they just don't know it yet, or have forgotten. the cat is out of the bag for registration, it's the fire dept. saving the foundation. sorry.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
i intentionally didn't punctuate the title, i think i did get your point, thank you.
  • Thanks
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just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
again Vermont and Florida have no gun laws. i still carry quietly when im in DC. it's worth the civil disobedience. (walden pond)

Your OP asked if they are coming for our guns. I answered your question. They don't have to. I told you just a few of the things they do in many places across the country now

I don't see how anything you've said makes Democrats not a threat to our gun rights. They're aiming to change the constitution by stacking the courts and having leftist justices just remove our rights.

They don't have to go door to door
they do, the only question is when and how. those are grand logistics, even for lofty liberals.

If you think the only threat to gun ownership is coming door to door, sleep easy until you realize that you were wrong
they wouldn't make it across the first covered bridge..

They aren't coming to your house, as I keep pointing out. They will pick us off one by one if you ever try to use it to defend yourself, your family or your property
have you been to vermont ? it's not all communist, for now the most liberal states the lowest crime rate. i have to think guns are a big part of that success. we're also the greenest state, that's changjng too.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
again Vermont and Florida have no gun laws. i still carry quietly when im in DC. it's worth the civil disobedience. (walden pond)

Your OP asked if they are coming for our guns. I answered your question. They don't have to. I told you just a few of the things they do in many places across the country now

I don't see how anything you've said makes Democrats not a threat to our gun rights. They're aiming to change the constitution by stacking the courts and having leftist justices just remove our rights.

They don't have to go door to door
This is a lie ā€“ as idiotic as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Conservatives control the courts ā€“ the Supreme Court in particular.

No new gun laws are going to be passed ā€“ no ā€˜bans,ā€™ no ā€˜confiscationsā€™; at least half a dozen Senate Democrats would vote against such measures.

And even if a new AWB were enacted ā€“ which it wonā€™t ā€“ the conservative Supreme Court would invalidate it.

Stop with the moronic lies.
i believe no one controls any branch.
i try my best not to pay attention to the gun bs....ussc has again and again affirmed gun owners rights...i do not see that changing in the near future....however my son sure the hell does...i stopped discussing the issue when i questioned why the hell he needs 22 magazines...this came up in a discuss of taxing mags...anyways that got me called...'not a typical gun owner' i have 2..and for some reason we must have more than 10 rounds...i question who cant stop someone or two someones with 10 rounds...and that does not endear me to his heart...and i loved when he told his father....that he had purchased the stupidest thing my son had ever much as i agree i would not say it aloud...
contrary to fake news we Vermonters do not hunt deer with assault rifles. and deer absolutely never hunt people.
What's an assault rifle ? I grew up with firearms and served in the military. The weapons I fired in the Army could be called "assault" rifles (no one in the military calls them that) but your average citizen can not own any of those firearms.
we can. we do.

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