How would Hillary have handled it?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Or you could go back over the years & see what she has done both positive & negative. Or you could read what she said she wanted to do after becoming president. not a full picture but a good clue/ infomative view.
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!
Like she handled Benghazi....

Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
So you were spreading the lie he got rid of the pandemic response team...
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Well since this is all bull shit anyway...because the sick bitch Hitlery isnt president....

She would come out of the Oval Office, with Bill and 2 broads hanging on his arms, and she would step up to the podium and say.


The Lame Stream Media would be down on one knee adoring her smelly Kuuuunt and the rapist husband....

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If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Yeah good story...the best part of your story is that after decades of not shutting up about hillary trump now has liberals begging to stop talking about her...she's the reason he's president, enjoy!
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

Right, nobody knows but we can see how Democrat run cities and States are handling it. It would probably just be something similar. The underlying problem with the PPE issue is that all that manufacturing is done in China in the first place.
I never liked what started happening back in the 90's when we started exporting all our manufacturing. And the political leaders were all saying, Well, its the new world now, we dont need manufacturing here in the U.S. anymore... we are going high tech.
Fact is, this has been a long going blunder by all of our leaders for years to put us in a place of weakness and dependency. And when you consider that certain Senators have made tens of millions in these business transactions with China, it doesnt pass the smell test.
Having manufacturing here in the U.S. is a good thing and more incentive needed to be made to have kept it here but it wasn't part of the global plan where that type of work is almost looked down on. People like AOC see workers as slaves etc..... We need diverstity of job types here in the U.S. to create a healthy economy and a mentally healthy people.
The one thing I like about Trump is that at least he has made the attempt to balance things out with China and bring jobs back here. But that is a process that takes a lot more than 4 years...... it has been a long time in the undoing. Put Hillary or any one of those back in office and Chinas ass will be kissed once again. Politicians will once again get their cut in kick backs and it will be business as usual. We can already see that as Democrats rush to the defense of China. Had they actually unleashed a tactical weapon on us that created this loss of life and damage to the economy we would be at war right now. It was their deception, and INTENTION by allowing their people to travel that spread the virus. All they get from the Democrats is love.... But back to the first question, most likely things here would not have been much different, as long as you believe she would have curbed flights from China as trump did and she would not have created a national policy for nursing homes like Cuomo did. But who the hell knows. People make mistakes in unchartered territory. Its not like something we have exactly faced before. Even when Ebola broke out that was something quite new to Americans.... Conservatives were accused of over reacting and fear mongering. But who really knew at the time? for all we knew it could have been something that spread quickly and just imagine if it had happened to reach the subway systems of New York city.
In the end, hindsight is always 20 -20. It would be nice if we just lived in a world where we would go on, trying to resolve this without damning each other as we are all Americans. But that would not make for profitable news cycles in a politicized world.
With Hillary in charge, we would have had a much better chance at containing this here virus -- just compare our response to South Korea -- that pretty much says it all. Trump flubbed up at every possible opportunity!
I doubt she would have gotten rid of the two scientists embedded in China's CDC, who would have been on the ground there early on....who could have given us a heads up.

I doubt she would have eliminated the specific pandemic team or merged it, with the National Security Counsel, who also would have been tuned in and not asleep at the wheel on what was really going on in China with this virus.

Those two things alone, would have improved our chances, in handling this better.

I also doubt she would have hymned and hawed with the nation security supply act and twiddled thumbs for weeks before going after supplies for tests, and PPE.

As far as whether that definitively would have made things better is unknown, but it is likely...
With Hillary in charge, we would have had a much better chance at containing this here virus -- just compare our response to South Korea -- that pretty much says it all. Trump flubbed up at every possible opportunity!
Have you ever taken a mensa test? I bet your failed on the first line..

Mensa IQ Test..................What is your name? ______X________
I doubt she would have gotten rid of the two scientists embedded in China's CDC, who would have been on the ground there early on....who could have given us a heads up.

I doubt she would have eliminated the specific pandemic team or merged it, with the National Security Counsel, who also would have been tuned in and not asleep at the wheel on what was really going on in China with this virus.

Those two things alone, would have improved our chances, in handling this better.

I also doubt she would have hymned and hawed with the nation security supply act and twiddled thumbs for weeks before going after supplies.

As far as whether that definitively would have made things better is unknown, but it is likely...
Isnt there a Led Zepplin song about what you just said? Yeah, it is called DREAM ON.


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