How would Hillary have handled it?

Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

And also, look what these liberal states like Cali are doing with the prison systems in the name of protecting convicted criminals.

this guy finally almost killed someone after stealing cars 4 times after his release, but you know that deep down our liberal leaders see a lot of these prisoners as poor victims maybe unjustly incarcerated. So what do they do? put the rest of us at risk. Again.... another mistake, and they are still not correcting the problem. a better move would have been to thin out the prison populations by maybe creating emergency outdoor lockdown camps like they are doing for the homeless. They could still be guarded by national guard or other military, but releasing killers back into the GP and releasing them again and again and again as they commit crimes is fucking stupid.
I would say Hillary would be much more apt to go for something like this.

In contrast, here's what the knuckle dragging republicans in Florida are doing.
Way better than simply letting them go.
I prefer that in times like this when a very dangerous virus from China is let loose upon the world, we just use the inmates as testing for the cure. They fucked up other peoples lives, so they can be fucked up with the Wuhan Virus in the name of "Science". Everyone is for science right?
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would have fallen down....when asked to testify.....claimed to have a concussion....and blamed it all on a disgusting video.
Hillary never would have had to handle it because it never would have happened on her watch. Op is a liar.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would had done nothing at first (since every Dem out there told us not to worry about it), then put us in a China style lockdown once she realized how she could use the situation to destroy the economy and strip our rights permanently (just like most Dem governors did).

Why do people “wonder” what she would had done. She’s a fucking leftwing Marxist lunatic, just like every other Dem. And all of them are totally predictable since they all do the same thing.

Actually, Trump was the one saying that it would go from 15 to 0, or that it would go away in summer "like a miracle". He said those things first, and Pelosi and Schumer were just echoing what he said, because nobody knew much about this virus.

However....................when the scientists and doctors started to figure out how contagious it was, as well as the fact that it is airborne, everyone except the Republicans and Trump supporters started to change how they did things. Trump and his supporters on the other hand have been telling us what a great job he's done, as well as have said many things that simply aren't true.

Sorry, but where are the tests?
You use a laundromat? Lol

Yeah, because I have a washing machine at my house, with a clothes line out back. If the weather isn't cooperating for drying the clothes on the line, I go to the laundromat and dry them. What is so strange about that? That is how my Grandparents did laundry for the longest time, and that is what I learned to do.

You guys gotta come up with better things to insult me with. Sorry, but dissing someone for using a laundromat is weak.
January 15 - First coronavirus case returns from China to US. At the same time, Democrats march articles of impeachment to the Senate
January 31 - Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency & Restricts Travel From China. Joe Biden calls Trump xenophobic.
February 9 - White House Coronavirus task force briefs governors
February 10
- Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio encourage thousands to gather and celebrate the Chinese new year in New York
February 24 - Trump Administration sends a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.
February 24
- Nancy Pelosi tours San Fran’s Chinatown and says, "We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us "

Thank you Fang
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would had done nothing at first (since every Dem out there told us not to worry about it), then put us in a China style lockdown once she realized how she could use the situation to destroy the economy and strip our rights permanently (just like most Dem governors did).

Why do people “wonder” what she would had done. She’s a fucking leftwing Marxist lunatic, just like every other Dem. And all of them are totally predictable since they all do the same thing.

Actually, Trump was the one saying that it would go from 15 to 0, or that it would go away in summer "like a miracle". He said those things first, and Pelosi and Schumer were just echoing what he said, because nobody knew much about this virus.

However....................when the scientists and doctors started to figure out how contagious it was, as well as the fact that it is airborne, everyone except the Republicans and Trump supporters started to change how they did things. Trump and his supporters on the other hand have been telling us what a great job he's done, as well as have said many things that simply aren't true.

Sorry, but where are the tests?
Better check now, many people this weekend are going to the beaches, for the cure of the Wuhan Virus. Lots of fresh air and sun. Isnt that what the CDC has been saying?

Must suck to be you, having to cower in fear in your parents basement.

Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would had done nothing at first (since every Dem out there told us not to worry about it), then put us in a China style lockdown once she realized how she could use the situation to destroy the economy and strip our rights permanently (just like most Dem governors did).

Why do people “wonder” what she would had done. She’s a fucking leftwing Marxist lunatic, just like every other Dem. And all of them are totally predictable since they all do the same thing.

Actually, Trump was the one saying that it would go from 15 to 0, or that it would go away in summer "like a miracle". He said those things first, and Pelosi and Schumer were just echoing what he said, because nobody knew much about this virus.

However....................when the scientists and doctors started to figure out how contagious it was, as well as the fact that it is airborne, everyone except the Republicans and Trump supporters started to change how they did things. Trump and his supporters on the other hand have been telling us what a great job he's done, as well as have said many things that simply aren't true.

Sorry, but where are the tests?
Better check now, many people this weekend are going to the beaches, for the cure of the Wuhan Virus. Lots of fresh air and sun. Isnt that what the CDC has been saying?

Must suck to be you, having to cower in fear in your parents basement.

View attachment 339162

If I lived on the coast, I might consider going to the beach. However, I'm currently over 600 miles away from the nearest beach.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would had done nothing at first (since every Dem out there told us not to worry about it), then put us in a China style lockdown once she realized how she could use the situation to destroy the economy and strip our rights permanently (just like most Dem governors did).

Why do people “wonder” what she would had done. She’s a fucking leftwing Marxist lunatic, just like every other Dem. And all of them are totally predictable since they all do the same thing.

Actually, Trump was the one saying that it would go from 15 to 0, or that it would go away in summer "like a miracle". He said those things first, and Pelosi and Schumer were just echoing what he said, because nobody knew much about this virus.

However....................when the scientists and doctors started to figure out how contagious it was, as well as the fact that it is airborne, everyone except the Republicans and Trump supporters started to change how they did things. Trump and his supporters on the other hand have been telling us what a great job he's done, as well as have said many things that simply aren't true.

Sorry, but where are the tests?
Better check now, many people this weekend are going to the beaches, for the cure of the Wuhan Virus. Lots of fresh air and sun. Isnt that what the CDC has been saying?

Must suck to be you, having to cower in fear in your parents basement.

View attachment 339162

If I lived on the coast, I might consider going to the beach. However, I'm currently over 600 miles away from the nearest beach.
Would you be SCARED.............LOL
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would had done nothing at first (since every Dem out there told us not to worry about it), then put us in a China style lockdown once she realized how she could use the situation to destroy the economy and strip our rights permanently (just like most Dem governors did).

Why do people “wonder” what she would had done. She’s a fucking leftwing Marxist lunatic, just like every other Dem. And all of them are totally predictable since they all do the same thing.

Actually, Trump was the one saying that it would go from 15 to 0, or that it would go away in summer "like a miracle". He said those things first, and Pelosi and Schumer were just echoing what he said, because nobody knew much about this virus.

However....................when the scientists and doctors started to figure out how contagious it was, as well as the fact that it is airborne, everyone except the Republicans and Trump supporters started to change how they did things. Trump and his supporters on the other hand have been telling us what a great job he's done, as well as have said many things that simply aren't true.

Sorry, but where are the tests?
Better check now, many people this weekend are going to the beaches, for the cure of the Wuhan Virus. Lots of fresh air and sun. Isnt that what the CDC has been saying?

Must suck to be you, having to cower in fear in your parents basement.

View attachment 339162

If I lived on the coast, I might consider going to the beach. However, I'm currently over 600 miles away from the nearest beach.
Must suck to be you....
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
.....your whole OP is crap because Mr trump did not alter the US pandemic team
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
..Hillary would've allowed MORE immigrants/illegals/etc in --making it worse---undeniable fail on all your points
There’s no politician that wouldn’t have made mistakes. Just a couple of days ago the CDC explained to us that they now know that transmission from surfaces is rare. We’re still learning about the virus. You can’t have a proper response unless you have good information to work with. Having said that it was very irresponsible and unethical imo for Trump to give his approval of protests in the middle of this pandemic
Furthermore, she would just keep delaying any of the vaccines that would help the American people.

Are you insane?

Why would you say such a stupid thing if you weren't insane?

Given the company you keep, this will surprise you, but not all Americans are psychopaths who would kill other Americans for political gain. Just because that's how you yourself would act doesn't mean that anyone else shares your moral failings.

Democrats want more dependency and government control. That should be rather obvious, particularly by a Mensa ace. The way to help create this dependency is for a long, drawn out stay at home order. Don't kid yourself. Democratic politicians LOVE the idea of people staying from home and getting "free" money from the government. Those who vote for them are sheep who don't understand that they are being led over a cliff.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
So how did you go from one person at a laundromat to "you guys'?

Maybe you guys need to stop using such broad brushes
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Do ewe mean like when tRump praised Gina and Xi for how transparent they had been and what a great job they were doing? Do ewe mean like that?
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Do ewe mean like when tRump praised Gina and Xi for how transparent they had been and what a great job they were doing? Do ewe mean like that?
You are a fucking idiot, before this pandemic happened China was on notice that if they didnt play fairly, then trade would be a problem with that Commie County. Then when China released the Wuhan Virus to kill many people, President Trump shut down anything China while Governor Cujo sent infected people to retirement homes to kill off grandma and grandpa.
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Like this guy?


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