How would Hillary have handled it?

She must be near you to talk like that.......Save yourself.....good thinking..........

So you're actually scared of Hillary Clinton assassinating you?


Wow. Just wow.

I knew you'd been conditioned to be an easily-terrified beta, but I never realized just how far gone you were.
Nope..........Sarcasm is above your head huh..................

How far am I gone............hmmm..........i don't believe a word the libs here say anymore.....GONE BRO....Oh well.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Hillary would have used it to make us a socialist state while at same time making a profit off this. Trump doesn't "own" any of this. People that try to politicize this are idiots. All the deaths globally are China's fault because the Wuhan virus started there.
I doubt she would have gotten rid of the two scientists embedded in China's CDC, who would have been on the ground there early on....who could have given us a heads up.

I doubt she would have eliminated the specific pandemic team or merged it, with the National Security Counsel, who also would have been tuned in and not asleep at the wheel on what was really going on in China with this virus.

Those two things alone, would have improved our chances, in handling this better.

I also doubt she would have hymned and hawed with the nation security supply act and twiddled thumbs for weeks before going after supplies for tests, and PPE.

As far as whether that definitively would have made things better is unknown, but it is likely...
Hillary, with her poor health, would have died from the virus.
If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Every president gets that. And the reality is that Clinton would have done a better job.
And the supporters of said President complain about it as do the Presidents. The reality is your opinion that Hillary would have done better is just that an opinion you don't know this anymore than those who say should have done worse do.
Generally it starts with a rash of unexplained suicides.

And there's another moral deviant projecting his own nature on to the normal people.

If you're trying to wrestle the title of Forum.Fuckboy away skews13 you're making some serious progress. Tell us stacy abrams is a runway model instead of farm animal and I'll hand you the title.
If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Every president gets that. And the reality is that Clinton would have done a better job.
And the supporters of said President complain about it as do the Presidents. The reality is your opinion that Hillary would have done better is just that an opinion you don't know this anymore than those who say should have done worse do.
I'm fine with trump supporters doing what they do. Actually I do know better. Because Hillary has seen the presidency up close and personal and has served as head of state. She knows more about how such things work and has been part of handling national emergencies. Trump never was before he became president and he is operating on a set of premises about state responsibility that do not apply in this situation. You and others like you seem to think that trump and Clinton would have entered the office with the some set of skills when the fact still remains that Clinton was far more qualified and capable than trump. I am quite confident that we would not be here with over 90,000 dead and the number is still increasing had Clinton been president.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Trump has handled it great! Hillary would've said screw it and went back to sleep. Like bengazi.
If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Every president gets that. And the reality is that Clinton would have done a better job.
And the supporters of said President complain about it as do the Presidents. The reality is your opinion that Hillary would have done better is just that an opinion you don't know this anymore than those who say should have done worse do.
I'm fine with trump supporters doing what they do. Actually I do know better. Because Hillary has seen the presidency up close and personal and has served as head of state. She knows more about how such things work and has been part of handling national emergencies. Trump never was before he became president and he is operating on a set of premises about state responsibility that do not apply in this situation. You and others like you seem to think that trump and Clinton would have entered the office with the some set of skills when the fact still remains that Clinton was far more qualified and capable than trump. I am quite confident that we would not be here with over 90,000 dead and the number is still increasing had Clinton been president.
Bill bombed an aspirin factory, and Hillary let 4 Americans die in bengazi and lied about it. Even the red cross knew to get their people out. She is a complete failure.
Crooked Hillary would have got Congress to allocate billions to China to help them out with the Pandemic. In return China would have contributed millions to the Clinton money laundering syndicate and Slick Willy would have several speaking engagements in China making more millions.
The more essential question is what would Biden have done.
He would have continued to wrap China's balls around his chin, and we would have double to triple the death toll and contagion!

How many times have we told this.

When Trump got rid of TPP he gave China massive boost...

Trump didn't even know the deal and thought China were a part of it...

Trump by his incompetence is very pro China


Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

And also, look what these liberal states like Cali are doing with the prison systems in the name of protecting convicted criminals.

this guy finally almost killed someone after stealing cars 4 times after his release, but you know that deep down our liberal leaders see a lot of these prisoners as poor victims maybe unjustly incarcerated. So what do they do? put the rest of us at risk. Again.... another mistake, and they are still not correcting the problem. a better move would have been to thin out the prison populations by maybe creating emergency outdoor lockdown camps like they are doing for the homeless. They could still be guarded by national guard or other military, but releasing killers back into the GP and releasing them again and again and again as they commit crimes is fucking stupid.
I would say Hillary would be much more apt to go for something like this.

In contrast, here's what the knuckle dragging republicans in Florida are doing.
Way better than simply letting them go.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

Considering how much dirt the Chinese have on the clinton family, hilary would have done whatever the Chinese told her to do.........the clinton crime family was bought and paid for by the Chinese back in the 1990s when they accepted millions of dollars in illegal campaign donations, and then allowed Loral Space to give China classified missle technology........
If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Every president gets that. And the reality is that Clinton would have done a better job.
And the supporters of said President complain about it as do the Presidents. The reality is your opinion that Hillary would have done better is just that an opinion you don't know this anymore than those who say should have done worse do.
I'm fine with trump supporters doing what they do. Actually I do know better. Because Hillary has seen the presidency up close and personal and has served as head of state. She knows more about how such things work and has been part of handling national emergencies. Trump never was before he became president and he is operating on a set of premises about state responsibility that do not apply in this situation. You and others like you seem to think that trump and Clinton would have entered the office with the some set of skills when the fact still remains that Clinton was far more qualified and capable than trump. I am quite confident that we would not be here with over 90,000 dead and the number is still increasing had Clinton been president.
No your just doing what so many like you try to do pass off your opinion and speculation as fact. That's fine you can try and convience yourself opinion and speculation are fact you might even convience yourself they actually are but the honest and intelligent among us Democrat, Republican, indpendent and everything in between know they aren't never have been and never will be.
What would Hillary do?

Generally it starts with a rash of unexplained suicides.

Then the balance sheet for the Clinton Cartel Foundation goes up by several million.

Nobody inquires about the details in between. Too scary.
Yeah, you are right, Bill would be out their talking about 1 dollar for the foundation...

abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...
You see there is a huge difference here. Trump can look sideways and someone reports he is lying. With the Dems the press ignores most anything they do. Did you hear much about the fact tests were not widely available for h1n1 or that the deaths were mainly children or that they screwed up on the vaccine for it initially? No? Not surprised because the msm gave little blurbs on page 30, if at all. Nor did they question him in news briefings. Trump has gotten it every single day over and over. And so often the press makes a false statement rather than actually asking a legitimate question.
that has nothing to do with what i talking about.........
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
You brought her up to chastise us for not bringing her up? WTF? You’ve lost it pal. TDS....
Curtis Sittenfeld’s novel 'Rodham' imagines an alternate version of history where Hillary can live her life (and succeed) without the baggage of Bill. It's a fairy tale. ⁣
Hillary or Biden would have continued the Obama tradition and would have apologized for America to China. Then, they would blame Bush and the minority Republicans in Congress.

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