How would Hillary have handled it?

Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.
Fortunately we don't need to know how Hillary would have handled "it".
Stop eating the Tide Pods.
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Do ewe mean like when tRump praised Gina and Xi for how transparent they had been and what a great job they were doing? Do ewe mean like that?
You are a fucking idiot, before this pandemic happened China was on notice that if they didnt play fairly, then trade would be a problem with that Commie County. Then when China released the Wuhan Virus to kill many people, President Trump shut down anything China while Governor Cujo sent infected people to retirement homes to kill off grandma and grandpa.

He praised Xi and China numerous times for their handling of the pandemic. I know facts to tRumptards are like kryptonite to Superman, lethal. But it happened.
If Hillary was president the responsibility for how to handle things would be the responsibility of Homeland Security as directed by the pandemic playbook. Our present acting director of Homeland Security more or less bailed out of that role from what I saw of a congressional hearing where he was lit into by a Republican senator. It is how Obama said, those at top didn't take responsibility. It is easy to see how the deep state took over.
Democrats want more dependency and government control. That should be rather obvious, particularly by a Mensa ace. The way to help create this dependency is for a long, drawn out stay at home order. Don't kid yourself. Democratic politicians LOVE the idea of people staying from home and getting "free" money from the government. Those who vote for them are sheep who don't understand that they are being led over a cliff.
Absolutely! This isn't your Grandpa's Democrats. They have gone further left on everything. And it's funny, they always use racism in everything. Even during the pandemic. Just like the old Democrats did. The only difference between the two, in my opinion, these Democrats of today are obsessed with Authoritarianism.
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

As you wrote no one knows how Hillary Clinton would have handled it nor should she ever be brought into the Conversation unless it is about the death of another Diplomat then someone could chime in about how she would have handled it but as for Covid-19 there is no way of knowing.

As for Donald John Trump it is his way of having to be the hero of every moment that make me just shake my head.

A great leader knows when to shut his or her mouth and listen and wait until they know for sure what they say is the correct comment to say and when a mistake is utter or made they do not double down and blame fake news for their comments or stupidity...

I for one have wondered why Trent Lott and Ron Paul ( not Rand ) were never called on to lead this discussion along with others in the medical community.

As for the State Governor's and their failures or success some can be blamed on the Federal Government failure but some is the Governor failure also and the same for success.

In the end leadership is lacking and I have serious doubts about Biden and if he can handle what is going to be handed to him.

In the end we are screwed no matter who leads this disaster...
abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Do ewe mean like when tRump praised Gina and Xi for how transparent they had been and what a great job they were doing? Do ewe mean like that?
You are a fucking idiot, before this pandemic happened China was on notice that if they didnt play fairly, then trade would be a problem with that Commie County. Then when China released the Wuhan Virus to kill many people, President Trump shut down anything China while Governor Cujo sent infected people to retirement homes to kill off grandma and grandpa.

He praised Xi and China numerous times for their handling of the pandemic. I know facts to tRumptards are like kryptonite to Superman, lethal. But it happened.
I also notice that you dont put up links for your assumptions..
Yesterday, I went to the laundromat to get my laundry done. As I was doing so, I got into a conversation with the owner, and asked how they were handling this virus thing. They said they were doing okay, but they didn't like some of the ways it was being handled.

I then said it's kinda hard to handle something like this when you don't have a central chain of command to answer to. I also said that the PPE shortage that had all the governors of the states in bidding wars for the gear could have been avoided if Trump had left his pandemic response team in place instead of getting rid of them a year before this happened.

Her next words sounded like most of the conservatives on this board...................."So, do you think Hillary would have handled it better? I sure don't".

Well, unfortunately, that is a question that can't really be answered, because nobody really knows how she would have handled it, or who she would have tapped for the response teams, because she's not president. Trump is.

You guys gotta stop with what would Hillary have done. She isn't president, and will never be. If something at one of my commands went wrong because the CO was an idiot (and I've seen a couple of commands like that), I didn't worry about what another skipper would have done, I simply comment on the actions taken by the current CO and whether or not I agree with them. I don't waste time on thinking about what a different CO would have done, I just worry about what the current CO is doing.

Trump is president. He owns all of this because it's his leadership that is supposed to be running things. Quit already with the "what about Hillary" crap, because it's not something that can or will happen, so spending time on discussing it is a waste.

As you wrote no one knows how Hillary Clinton would have handled it nor should she ever be brought into the Conversation unless it is about the death of another Diplomat then someone could chime in about how she would have handled it but as for Covid-19 there is no way of knowing.

As for Donald John Trump it is his way of having to be the hero of every moment that make me just shake my head.

A great leader knows when to shut his or her mouth and listen and wait until they know for sure what they say is the correct comment to say and when a mistake is utter or made they do not double down and blame fake news for their comments or stupidity...

I for one have wondered why Trent Lott and Ron Paul ( not Rand ) were never called on to lead this discussion along with others in the medical community.

As for the State Governor's and their failures or success some can be blamed on the Federal Government failure but some is the Governor failure also and the same for success.

In the end leadership is lacking and I have serious doubts about Biden and if he can handle what is going to be handed to him.

In the end we are screwed no matter who leads this disaster...
Well if you feel that way and in a no win situation....

abs many lefties on this board in other threads are saying she or obama would have handled it better....even though like you one knows how they would have handled it.....maybe you should go into one of those threads and tell them that......i agree with you though......this thing is trumps he handles this going forth could decide if he gets elected or not...

Dimm cocksuckers would have been believing China's every word.
Just like they do now!

Do ewe mean like when tRump praised Gina and Xi for how transparent they had been and what a great job they were doing? Do ewe mean like that?
You are a fucking idiot, before this pandemic happened China was on notice that if they didnt play fairly, then trade would be a problem with that Commie County. Then when China released the Wuhan Virus to kill many people, President Trump shut down anything China while Governor Cujo sent infected people to retirement homes to kill off grandma and grandpa.

He praised Xi and China numerous times for their handling of the pandemic. I know facts to tRumptards are like kryptonite to Superman, lethal. But it happened.
I also notice that you dont put up links for your assumptions..

Don't know how on phone. Google is your friend.
Yup, Politico article from 4/15/2020.
Talks of at least 15 times tRump praised Xi n China.

Have you noticed that when Trump praises someone, his followers think that person is a good one? But, if Trump doesn't like someone, he tweets about them, and the base will turn on them, even if they supported the person just a week before.
Since she’s not president, it doesn’t really matter. But if I had to speculate, I would guess she would’ve handled it about the same way President Obama handled Ebola, H1N1, and ZIKA

until this pandemic started, I didn’t even remember any of those three. And it even took me a while to remember when Republicans were calling Obama, Barack Ebola, remember that?
Yup, Politico article from 4/15/2020.
Talks of at least 15 times tRump praised Xi n China.

Have you noticed that when Trump praises someone, his followers think that person is a good one? But, if Trump doesn't like someone, he tweets about them, and the base will turn on them, even if they supported the person just a week before.
I do notice that when a retard liberal posts something, it is like all retarded liberals comes to his aid.
Yup, Politico article from 4/15/2020.
Talks of at least 15 times tRump praised Xi n China.

Have you noticed that when Trump praises someone, his followers think that person is a good one? But, if Trump doesn't like someone, he tweets about them, and the base will turn on them, even if they supported the person just a week before.

over on Fox, they’re calling Dr. Fauci “the chief buffoon of the professional class“

A guy who served under every president since Reagan and like almost 10 epidemics nobody even remembers.
If you want the right to stop with the what would Hillary have done maybe the left should stop with all the Monday morning quarterbacking with Trump. I don’t believe any President Republican or Democrat could have done much if any better in dealing with this and I sure don’t believe all the people giving us their 20/20 hindsight expertise could have.
Every president gets that. And the reality is that Clinton would have done a better job.
/——-/ Hildabeast would have made us donate to her foundation to get masks and gloves.

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