How would the Public Response with respect to the public schools response to parents rights?

You mean the Tao? How about Mao and the 50 million he killed? Buddha? How about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and WW2? Or, about China and Japan at war in the past? Which other religions? Again, It's the current Christians that teach Christ and his attributes while the Liberal Communists tear down the greatest nation ever and the one that has pulled more people out of extreme poverty than any other nation. There's a big difference between the liberal Democrats and their 70 million killings of unborn infants, mutilation of children, giving criminals the edge over victims and a lot, lot more than the conservative Republicans.
"There are none so blind as those who will not see."
We re talking about parental control and the 1st Amendment freedom of religion. Regardless of your bias, the 1st Amendment guarantees adults and children freedom of religion at home and in schools within certain limits. You almost gotta laugh that bigots become hysterical at the thought of Christ in schools but they don't seem to be fazed about young girls being traumatized by confused boys in their locker rooms and showers.
Gofless libs have bern purging references to Christ in public schools for decades

Now its our turn to go after them
This is a.fake fight between made up protagonists/antagonists created by religious/political hacks. The majority doesn't really give any fucks about any of it. :dunno:

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