How Would You Improve America?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

The long term plan would be to abolish all government.

However, the first item on the agenda would be to abolish all public schools and public universities. Government assistance for education would be cut to zero. I would amend the Constitution to state that government isn't allowed to donate one dime to any educational institution or to any person for the purpose of getting an education.

After that I would go about dismantling the panoply of government agencies, starting with the biggest. The exception would be the EPA. I would clean out that nest of communists at the first opportunity.

I would then sell off all public land and public parks, including Yosemite and Yellowstone.

The last things to go would be the army, the navy and the air force.
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If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

The long term plan would be to abolish all government.

However, the first item on the agenda would be to abolish all public schools and public universities. Government assistance for education would be cut to zero. I would amend the Constitution to state that government isn't allowed to donate one dime to any educational institution or to any person for the purpose of getting an education.

After that I would go about dismantling the panoply of government agencies, starting with the biggest. The exception would be the EPA. I would clean out that nest of communists at the first opportunity.

I would then sell off all public land and public parks, including Yosemite and Yellowstone.

The last things to go would be the army, the navy and the air force.

I was with you until you included Yosemite and Yellowstone. They should never die and only a higher power can sustain them.
I would ban any law that was 2000 pages or more.
And the person who signed said law has to have it
printed out and put into a backpack and would have
to wear backpack for 24 hrs...
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If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I would look back to 1998, and eliminate every law and regulation that was written after that date. I would freeze the budget and government spending at the 1998 level plus inflation, and I would keep that freeze in place until the national debt was paid down to a reasonable level.

I would abolish every government program that did not apply to the functions delineated in the Constitution, and I would block grant the funds associated with those programs to the states. The block grants would diminish by 10% every year, until they reached zero. That would allow the states to change their tax structures to pick up the slack.

I would eliminate research and development, except for defense purposes, and I would offer multi-million dollar rewards for inventions and innovations that improved life in America. You want a six passenger automobile, that is safe, and does seventy miles per hour with a fuel economy of forty miles to the gallon of gas, offer $10 million for a proven model. You will get it within a year.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I would make it illegal to suppress opinions and free thought. I would make it illegal to fire someone for their beliefs. I would make it illegal to force a business owner to act against his beliefs. America was supposed to be a land of free thought, I would make it one.

I would impose a balanced budget amendment. I would ban lobbying in the White House. I would make it illegal for politicians to shirk their duties to the constituency, and illegal for me or any other power to shirk theirs.

Moreover, I would reduce the government to it's constitutionally mandated limits.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

The long term plan would be to abolish all government.

However, the first item on the agenda would be to abolish all public schools and public universities. Government assistance for education would be cut to zero. I would amend the Constitution to state that government isn't allowed to donate one dime to any educational institution or to any person for the purpose of getting an education.

After that I would go about dismantling the panoply of government agencies, starting with the biggest. The exception would be the EPA. I would clean out that nest of communists at the first opportunity.

I would then sell off all public land and public parks, including Yosemite and Yellowstone.

The last things to go would be the army, the navy and the air force.

I was with you until you included Yosemite and Yellowstone. They should never die and only a higher power can sustain them.

The government can sell them to the Sierra Club. I'll bet the first thing that happens is that they jack up the entrance fees to two or three times what they are now.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

Restore our Bill of Rights, enact a consumption tax and do away with the other, encourage entrepreneurship and support it with various programs, make Obamacare voluntary and contributory and a gap between Medicaid and Medicare, make welfare and unemployment finite and support and encourage people to get jobs and or start their own business, make people who utilize such programs do a set amount of "community service" hours per month while they are receiving those benefits, provide access to affordable day care for single parents who are working and trying to find work, have the biggest and baddest military on the planet but do a total 180 on our foreign policy, and encourage our states to be their own basic laboratories for governance as long as it doesn't alienate citizens from Our basic Constitutional rights, and provide a path to citizenship for the illegal aliens already living here.
Restore government assistance programs back to what they were meant to be something to help people get back on their feet and support themselves again instead of them being a lifestyle choice.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I would make it illegal to suppress opinions and free thought. I would make it illegal to fire someone for their beliefs. I would make it illegal to force a business owner to act against his beliefs. America was supposed to be a land of free thought, I would make it one.

I would impose a balanced budget amendment. I would ban lobbying in the White House. I would make it illegal for politicians to shirk their duties to the constituency, and illegal for me or any other power to shirk theirs.

Moreover, I would reduce the government to it's constitutionally mandated limits.

What if the business owner was against hiring communists or having communists work for him and he finds out an employee is a communist?
I believe the three most important initial political actions would be:


Establish financing of federal, state, and municipal elections with public money and forbid any public official or candidate for public office from receiving any form of gift, payment, gratuity, or anything of material value from any existing or potential constituent. And impose severe criminal penalties for any violation or attempted violation.


Establish a fixed limit on the accumulation of personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars and impose severe criminal penalties for any violation or attempted violation.

Prohibit the holding of public office by anyone whose personal assets exceed two million dollars. Require all holders of public office to submit annual personal net worth statement and impose criminal penalties for deliberate deception.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

The long term plan would be to abolish all government.

However, the first item on the agenda would be to abolish all public schools and public universities. Government assistance for education would be cut to zero. I would amend the Constitution to state that government isn't allowed to donate one dime to any educational institution or to any person for the purpose of getting an education.

After that I would go about dismantling the panoply of government agencies, starting with the biggest. The exception would be the EPA. I would clean out that nest of communists at the first opportunity.

I would then sell off all public land and public parks, including Yosemite and Yellowstone.

The last things to go would be the army, the navy and the air force.

Great avatar! Is it a recent selfie?
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

-Move to a parliamentary system.
-Add constitutional amendments defining that citizens are human beings, money is not speech, Americans have the right to privacy and that are military is to be used to defend the nation and actually save lives abroad.
-Add a real social safety net where no one lives in the streets, is without medical care or food.
-Add a constitutional amendment restricting executive pay at 5 million a year and no company may pay anyone 5x more than what anyone else makes.
-Make it easier to form Unions.
-Get rid of Gerrymandering.
-Have the country recognize climate change exists and move to mitigate the effects.
-Fund the space program. And Arts and Sciences.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

-Move to a parliamentary system.
-Add constitutional amendments defining that citizens are human beings, money is not speech, Americans have the right to privacy and that are military is to be used to defend the nation and actually save lives abroad.
-Add a real social safety net where no one lives in the streets, is without medical care or food.
-Add a constitutional amendment restricting executive pay at 5 million a year and no company may pay anyone 5x more than what anyone else makes.
-Make it easier to form Unions.
-Get rid of Gerrymandering.
-Have the country recognize climate change exists and move to mitigate the effects.
-Fund the space program. And Arts and Sciences.

Not bad. a bit farther than I would go but not bad. nI especially like the move to the parliamentary system.

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