How Would You Improve America?

If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

-Move to a parliamentary system.
-Add constitutional amendments defining that citizens are human beings, money is not speech, Americans have the right to privacy and that are military is to be used to defend the nation and actually save lives abroad.
-Add a real social safety net where no one lives in the streets, is without medical care or food.
-Add a constitutional amendment restricting executive pay at 5 million a year and no company may pay anyone 5x more than what anyone else makes.
-Make it easier to form Unions.
-Get rid of Gerrymandering.
-Have the country recognize climate change exists and move to mitigate the effects.
-Fund the space program. And Arts and Sciences.

I would add a complete restructuring of the Supreme Court.
I'd make all Liberals live in the Socialist Hell hole of their choice for 1 year before they'd be allowed to return.

I'd make every UAW member live in Detroit.

Id abolish almost all of the Federal Agencies

I'd make Liberals, they few that aren't living in the Socialist Mecca of their dreams, take in homeless people because they have the room and the compassion
I would repeal all the Federal laws that are not granted to the fed by the Constitution. I would dismantle the Agencies not allowed by the Constitution and return the authority to the States. I would fire all the Judges that think they get to create law because they are Federal Judges. I would replace the Federal work force , removing anyone that has been in it for more then 15 years. From 5 to 15 years I would set up review boards to determine if those employees are partisan and would fire any that are.

I would institute a policy in writing backed by law that stated Federal employees can not be affiliated with Political parties. They are free to vote for whom they want but they can not openly belong to a party. Nor can they donate money to any political group action group or entity.

I would make it a crime to show favoritism as a Federal employee not directly appointed by the President. I would make it a serious crime for appointees to discriminate against opposing or differing political opponents.

I would recommend Every State public education authority institute a class from 1st to 12th grade on the Constitution, the organization of the Federal State and local Governments and civics. I would recommend that each State Education authority get rid of generic social studies and return to traditional HISTORY classes through all grades. I would recommend that each State Educational authority return to proven methods of teaching math and science.

I would eliminate preferential hiring and affirmative action laws and statutes. I would get passed a law that made illegal discrimination a serious offense, a Felony.

I would end all Federal welfare programs and return them to the States to keep or defund.

I would pass a law that made it illegal for Congress to take money from the Social Security fund, yes it would remain, it made promises to to many people to eliminate it. I would also pass a law that allowed people to opt out of Social Security. They would be exempt from taxes for it but would not EVERY be able to receive a penny from the fund for disability or retirement or hardship.

I would pass a law that placed on Government retirees, especially those from Congress and the executive, the same payment caps as exist for those currently employed. I would eliminate the law that prevents retired military from receiving disability and retired pay.

Just for starters
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.
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If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I'd start executing people from president down. If you have a desk at the FDA, CIA, FBI and so on, then you'd be on my list. Ditto for cabinet departments and congress.
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I'd start executing people from president down. If you have a desk at the FDA, CIA, FBI and so on, then you'd be on my list. Ditto for cabinet departments and congress.
You're hired, now spread the message:

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If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I'd start executing people from president down. If you have a desk at the FDA, CIA, FBI and so on, then you'd be on my list. Ditto for cabinet departments and congress.

Yeah, yeah, everyone knows you're a psycho. You can stop trying so hard now.
I'd change election laws:

Everyone over 18 is eligible to vote except those convicted of a felony;

Primary campaigns can't last more than 2 months, general election campaigns can't last more than 3 months;

All monies collected prior to the first state primary will be equally divided among all the candidates, specific to level and office;

All further monies collected will be equally divided among the general election candidates...;

Elections will be held on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday for all primary, special, and general elections, Tuesday will be considered a national holday. No employer may fire a worker for voting, nor hinder an employee's access to the polls;

Gerrymandering will be outlawed.

And then I'd get to setting term limits for the Supreme Court.
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If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

I'd start by declining your offer to impose change. That's one of the problems. Everyone wants to force change. You cannot force people to change. You have to invite them. You have to show them that change can happen.

We already have the power to make this country the kind of place i was meant to be. We can do so by changing ourselves and learning to govern ourselves. Let every man learn his duty and fulfill it.
Let's invite everyone to change:


This was used to keep America free. Now we put thousands of people in cages for it.

Would Americans like to change?
If you had unlimited authority to impose change or to create new policy, tell us what you would do to make our Country the kind of place it was meant to be.

The long term plan would be to abolish all government.

However, the first item on the agenda would be to abolish all public schools and public universities. Government assistance for education would be cut to zero. I would amend the Constitution to state that government isn't allowed to donate one dime to any educational institution or to any person for the purpose of getting an education.

After that I would go about dismantling the panoply of government agencies, starting with the biggest. The exception would be the EPA. I would clean out that nest of communists at the first opportunity.

I would then sell off all public land and public parks, including Yosemite and Yellowstone.

The last things to go would be the army, the navy and the air force.

Great avatar! Is it a recent selfie?

You didn't do too well on the old I.Q. test, did you?
Go sleep it off, Cheech.
Do you enjoy your freedom to say that?

Put away the cookie dough and go sleep it off, Cheech.
Watch the USDA film, Hemp For Victory. Pay attention to the narrator explaining how Japan cut off Asian exports to the US, leaving the US virtually defenseless. The legalization of Marihuana protected this nation and your freedom to hate liberals.

Why do you think that "Marihuana" was legalized? Just so people could get high? No, it was much more important than all of that. People were getting high, don't doubt that, but Marihuana was legalized to end global genocide and preserve freedom and democracy for future generations like yours. Getting high wasn't even mentioned.

Americans who agreed to grow Marihuana for the war were exempt from the draft. Imagine that policy being in place during Vietnam. American history would have been a lot different.

But that's irrelevant now, isn't it? Since we're a free nation today, how we got here doesn't matter at all, right?
So.... you don't want to see proof that the US Federal government has been lying to you for your entire life? You are aware that the big government lies to you, right? It's part of the GOP platform. Big government lies and the liberal media work together to destroy America for Sharia Marxism, or whatever.

Conservatives should be all over this, seeing how the big oppressive commie Obamerican government has used the drug war as the number one excuse for taking away individual rights for the past three generations.

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