How Would You Improve America?

So.... you don't want to see proof that ....

I "don't want to" waste time on some stoner trying to justify his little 'need.' Go away. Go write some bad poetry or something; just STFU.
What's the matter, samurai? Unkotare-san feels dishonored at the thought of losing the glorious war to a bunch of gaijin stoners? Can't live with the shame, is that it? Seppuku is your only option now. Or you could just learn world history like the rest of humanity and learn from past mistakes.

The legalization of "Marihuana" in 1942 is the reason that the US was able to fight and win World War II. That's a fact. Look it up. Why was "Marihuana" legalized if it wasn't to help America win the war?

If legalizing marijuana can help America win World War II then the legalization of marijuana should be able to help America win every war.
I would relinquish that unlimited authority in the thread's premise and return it to the people and their local jurisdictions.
I'd start by declining your offer to impose change. That's one of the problems. Everyone wants to force change. You cannot force people to change. You have to invite them. You have to show them that change can happen.

You certainly can force people to change their behavior when a given behavior is detrimental to society. If that were not true our highways would not be usable and the streets would not be safe to move about on without a weapon at the ready.

Social order is achieved by inviting the general public to obey rules and laws that benefit the whole and by imposing the force of law on those who do not accept the invitation. The main problem with America today is the financial neo-aristocracy is immune to the laws which control the behavior of common citizens.
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