How you know it is all just Kabuki theatre

What? Doesn't cutting the IRS budget help with deficit reduction?

No, it would have the opposite impact, making it harder for the IRS to go after tax revenues that are owed.

CBO has said in the past that increasing the IRS budget would actually lead to more revenue.

No, it would have the opposite impact, making it harder for the IRS to go after tax revenues that are owed.

CBO has said in the past that increasing the IRS budget would actually lead to more revenue.

The fact is that the rich aren't cheating on their taxes. They have high powered CPA's who know how to pay less taxes using the tax code. So, what happens is the IRS goes after the smaller guys (you know, the ones earning less than 400K per year), which is exactly what they're doing. They're going after tipped wages and gig workers.
The fact is that the rich aren't cheating on their taxes. They have high powered CPA's who know how to pay less taxes using the tax code. So, what happens is the IRS goes after the smaller guys (you know, the ones earning less than 400K per year), which is exactly what they're doing. They're going after tipped wages and gig workers.

I didn't say the rich were cheating on their taxes. I'm saying - and the CBO would likely agree - funding the IRS better would lead to more revenue.

The rich can also afford to pay more in capital gains and other taxes than they do, but Republicans block tax hikes at every turn. It's strictly about cutting spending.
The government employees are HOPING for a shutdown. They know they’ll get an extra week or so off, with full pay.

If there's a shutdown, yes.

If there's a default, there's no telling what the consequences could be.
Which is why the tax code needs changed.
Yes, the tax code should be changed so that everyone over the poverty level has skin in the game. I believe the number in "poverty" is about 15% and we have around 50% who pay zero federal income taxes, which is ridiculous. Everyone over the poverty line should be paying federal income taxes, even if only a small amount. And, I'm open to closing some tax loopholes as long as it isn't from singing the same old lying tune that the rich need to pay their fair share, when they are already paying the vast majority of federal income taxes collected. The rich are already paying more than their fair share.

But, I'm not against changing the tax codes for everyone. One thing that is sorely needed is that the married with children should have a far bigger tax advantage than they do now. Society is crumbling from unmarried, unworking people with children the government supports. We need incentive to bring back families and we need to force able bodied people into working so they can pay their fair share instead of sponging off the government while paying zero taxes.

But, one thing that needs to be realized is that whenever Democrats want to raise more taxes, it is so they can spend $2 for every one dollar they collect in taxes. Biden and the dems just recently conned Joe Manchin into signing off on the IRA with 500 billion to be used to pay down the debt and then one week later Biden said he wanted to forgive student loan debt to the tune of 500 billion dollars.
If Elon Musk continues to gain the country's trust over the next few years, I could see him being a viable 3rd Party option. He strikes me as an obsessive problem solver and there is no bigger problem to solve than America at this point.
Elon would have a very hard time getting elected President
Yes, the tax code should be changed so that everyone over the poverty level has skin in the game. I believe the number in "poverty" is about 15% and we have around 50% who pay zero federal income taxes, which is ridiculous. Everyone over the poverty line should be paying federal income taxes, even if only a small amount. And, I'm open to closing some tax loopholes as long as it isn't from singing the same old lying tune that the rich need to pay their fair share, when they are already paying the vast majority of federal income taxes collected. The rich are already paying more than their fair share.

But, I'm not against changing the tax codes for everyone. One thing that is sorely needed is that the married with children should have a far bigger tax advantage than they do now. Society is crumbling from unmarried, unworking people with children the government supports. We need incentive to bring back families and we need to force able bodied people into working so they can pay their fair share instead of sponging off the government while paying zero taxes.

But, one thing that needs to be realized is that whenever Democrats want to raise more taxes, it is so they can spend $2 for every one dollar they collect in taxes. Biden and the dems just recently conned Joe Manchin into signing off on the IRA with 500 billion to be used to pay down the debt and then one week later Biden said he wanted to forgive student loan debt to the tune of 500 billion dollars.

There should be no tax credits or deductions. You make X , you pay Y. Does not matter how many kids you have, if you have a house, if you are going to college, if you have solar panels or anything else.

If someone needs a "tax advantage" to have kids, they probably should not be having them to start with

We need to quit using the tax code for social engineering.
If Elon Musk continues to gain the country's trust over the next few years, I could see him being a viable 3rd Party option. He strikes me as an obsessive problem solver and there is no bigger problem to solve than America at this point.

I guess you have never read the Constitution.
It is house Republicans who passed a debt ceiling increase. It just needs the Senate and Biden to sign off on it.

Fucking around with a long weekend when they should be working.
The government employees are HOPING for a shutdown. They know they’ll get an extra week or so off, with full pay.

Yep, I worked with a federal agency a few years ago but we never went through a shutdown. After I left, they went through 2 shutdowns and they were all happy as could be. Vacation time!!
There should be no tax credits or deductions. You make X , you pay Y. Does not matter how many kids you have, if you have a house, if you are going to college, if you have solar panels or anything else.

If someone needs a "tax advantage" to have kids, they probably should not be having them to start with

We need to quit using the tax code for social engineering.
So, you're saying you want a flat tax, just as many Republicans favor.

Fucking around with a long weekend when they should be working.
It is democrats fucking around with having a long weekend. Republicans have already passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling. Why are Democrats going on vacation?
Yep, I worked with a federal agency a few years ago but we never went through a shutdown. After I left, they went through 2 shutdowns and they were all happy as could be. Vacation time!!
So true. I know half-a-dozen federal employees who were on paid vacation during the most recent shut-down, and they were all praying it would drag out longer. One was almost annoyed when it was resolved, complaining that now she’d have to go into work.

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