Howard Schultz 2020

Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics

He’s Ralph Nader in reverse...Make America like a corporate chain!

people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, his overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the Trump

If the Billionaire Douche Bag is running. He needs to release all his tax returns today.
Or don't listen to the guy.
Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics

He’s Ralph Nader in reverse...Make America like a corporate chain!

people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, his overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the Trump

If the Billionaire Douche Bag is running. He needs to release all his tax returns today.
Or don't listen to the guy.

What makes you think that Schultz is a "douche bag?" Schultz has had an income of $1/yr for at least a decade. His tax return won't be anything interesting.
Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics

He’s Ralph Nader in reverse...Make America like a corporate chain!

people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, his overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the Trump
Thanks to Trump, now everybody with a bank account over a billion feels qualified to run this sorry ass country...I miss the days of Bush v Gore.
Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics

He’s Ralph Nader in reverse...Make America like a corporate chain!

people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, his overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the Trump

If the Billionaire Douche Bag is running. He needs to release all his tax returns today.
Or don't listen to the guy.

What makes you think that Schultz is a "douche bag?" Schultz has had an income of $1/yr for at least a decade. His tax return won't be anything interesting.
We're all just sick of billionaires and outsiders, that's all. I want a messy juicy politician with mud on his returns to run again
Schultz would get the most support out of Bloomberg for the independent nomination. That's why you see Bloomberg getting insecure now.
those who believe in nothing are very, very jealous of those who believe in something!
in a political climate far too dominated by personality cults, it's nice to see someone with absolutely no personality
Washington Democratic Party chair on Howard Schultz presidential run: ‘Just. Don’t.’

"Tina Podlodowski, the Washington State Democratic chair, blasted the idea of Schultz running as an independent in the press last week. She underscored her point on Friday in a fundraising email sent to donors, with the subject line “Howard Schultz could secure Trump’s re-election.”"

“This worst-case scenario keeps me up at night. I want to spend our resources fighting for Democrats up and down the ballot, not fending off Howard Schultz’s independent bid,” she wrote."

Several top Washington State Democrats complained that Schultz was never an active ally on progressive causes. Podlodowski has said publicly she’d like to meet with him to discuss the presidential campaign, but so far has not heard from him or his aides, according to a state-party spokesperson.

Kristol wrote that he sees a silver lining to a run that doesn’t seem to be the billionaire’s intention: “For 2019 at least, the fact that serious people like Howard Schultz are considering an independent race might help bring home to more voters, including independents and some Republicans, how important it is to replace Trump. So in that respect it’s a good thing.”"

Of course she's throwing a fit. If Shultz runs as an independent he could pull votes from whoever the Dems decide to back. She doesn't give a shit if he pulls votes from Trump, but she sure as hell cares if he pulls votes from the Dem candidate.

I hope he runs.
"If 21 months before an election you don’t believe your candidate’s platform is strong enough to win an election with independent candidates, you might want to rethink who you support" - Marvelous Marc Cuban
We have a broken political system with both parties basically in business to preserve their own ideology without a recognition and responsibility to represent the interests of the American people
at 65, he’d have to do that as an older white man who’s never run for office before and has zero national name recognition. There is, however, Schultz’s fortune, estimated at $3.3 billion.

"zero national name recognition?" You've never heard of Starbucks?
i drink it everyday, but i dunno whose the president

You're one of the very few Americans (if you are American) that hasn't heard of him.

His biggest problem is that he's Jewish, which is a huge issue with "MAGMA" hat wearers.
M.A.G.A.; Make America Get Angry!
He's running because he sees an opportunity and is right: the Democrat nominee for president will be a completely out of touch, ignorant, far Left radical anti American, socialist that will get "their" (correct gender pronoun) ass kicked by Trump. And the Left is extremely bothered that one of their own is finally telling the truth, they're all fucking nutjobs.
I’m going to use some terms here, that are odd. Stay with me a little.

Normally the Nutso vote is diluted in the primaries. On the left, that is the Socialized Medicine, Free College, and Tax the rich until they squeal candidates. There are usually so many, that their voters are snowed under by the “serious” candidates. On the right, it’s the Fair Tax, or Flat Tax candidate, the abolish the Department of Eduction Candidate, the Abolish a vast majority of the Federal Government Candidate, the War on Drugs can be won nuts. Again, these Lunatic Fringe candidates are all usually out before we get to Super Tuesday.

In the last election, there were really only two. On the Right, it was Trump, and on the left it was Bernie. Without the dilution, the Lunatic Fringe took on a more serious mainstream march. The Democrats had already intended to give the Nomination to Hillary, and had come up with some warm bodies that would fog a mirror if it was held up under their nose. This was to allow Hillary an easy path to the Nomination, where she would enter the General with gobs of money, and coast to an easy win in November.

On the Right, it was the usual parade of Me Too candidates. One says “I support the Police” and the rest rush out and scream “Me Too.” And it was Trump.

Bernie was the surprise, and we saw the power of the left Lunatic Fringe on the party. The Party doubled down on the Hillary Coronation. Erecting roadblocks and flat out cheating to give Hillary the win. But in the process, they alienated not only the Lunatic Fringe would would rather slam their genitals in a sliding glass door than say one word nice about anyone on the Right. Worst of all, they alienated the traditional Democratic voters, like me.

This election is going to be different. You are going to have Republicans running to stop Trump, and Democrats running to stop Trump, and the winner of the Democratic Nomination is going to be the most rabidly anti Trump person. The one who froths at the mouth the most when saying Trump’s name, is going to win.

The Lunatic Fringe is going to get the Nomination. Which does open a door for the right Candidate to run as an independent. What makes Schultz dangerous as I said on page one, is that he comes off as a Fiscal Conservative, worried about the Debt, and saying flat out we can’t afford Medicare for all, and a Social Liberal, with a long history of Liberal causes of the day to his history.

Schultz has a chance. Not a great one right now, but a chance. Because after four years of the screaming insanity of both the left, and right, a lot of people are just sick of it. They sigh and roll their eyes when a rabid anti trump nut starts ranting. They sigh and roll their eyes at the latest Trump tweet nonsense. They don’t want the rabid left, or right.

As for me, what Schultz says about several issues will decide me. I could vote for him. Lord knows I don’t want some gun grabbing frothing at the mouth lunatic in the White House, and as always, I’ll end up voting for the least evil of the options. That could well be Trump again. But we are far too early to tell who the least Evil is.
Low IQ Crazy Mika & Psycho Joe asked Schultz if he knows how much a box of Cheerios costs
Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics

He’s Ralph Nader in reverse...Make America like a corporate chain!

people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, his overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the Trump
We will be energized to reelect Trump so he can replace RBG. She can't live forever. Her replacement will put a conservative lock on SCOTUS for two generations. This will be good for both sides because decisions will be fair. Look at Kavanaugh's first decision. He voted with Planned Parenthood.
running a grassroots campaign is the same as running your own business, my fellow Americans.

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