Howard Stern exposes idiotic Obama voters


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
[ame=]Howard Stern Exposes Dumb Obama Supporters 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
Howard did this the first election taking quotes from McCain and saying Obama said it....They agreed with
Obama even though it was McCain who actually said it.
They interviewed a bunch of Obama supporters...

Very very sad who gets to vote in these elections....
They don't follow the news,they don't read any papers.
Totally clueless people voting Democrat...or in this case because Obama is black.
Howard did this the first election taking quotes from McCain and saying Obama said it....They agreed with
Obama even though it was McCain who actually said it.
They interviewed a bunch of Obama supporters...

Very very sad who gets to vote in these elections....
They don't follow the news,they don't read any papers.
Totally clueless people voting Democrat...or in this case because Obama is black.

Yea__ I almost put 'again' in the title.
It's funny...Until it registers that there's probably tens of thousands of people all across the country
who are the same...I might even guess that there's maybe a million people out there just like this.
I think in the future it might be a good idea to issue a new voter registration card
to people after they answer a few basic questions about their government.
This is a little crazy...people voting who are just totally clueless.
Obama/ Ryan pro life running mates lolol oh dear lord I hope they are too stoned to vote.
This has got to be fake! That third guy interviewed sounded like Father Guido Sarducci or an Eddie Murphy character.

If its not fake, then this country is in some baaaaaad shape boy, let me tell you.
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Sean Hannity would do similar stuff in NYC...
A lot of people had no idea who the VP was.
It's funny...Until it registers that there's probably tens of thousands of people all across the country
who are the same...I might even guess that there's maybe a million people out there just like this.

Way more than a million. Most D's vote the for the D, which in this case stands for dumb ass.
Howard did this the first election taking quotes from McCain and saying Obama said it....They agreed with
Obama even though it was McCain who actually said it.
They interviewed a bunch of Obama supporters...

Very very sad who gets to vote in these elections....
They don't follow the news,they don't read any papers.
Totally clueless people voting Democrat...or in this case because Obama is black.

i agree with you 100% It is just mind boggling we have so many people that are just blind and unaware of whats happening. Remember the lady when Obama was elected and saying Obama was going to pay her mortage and gas......howstupid can you get. There are millions of people in society that are totally unaware and yet will vote and cause all of us to suffer in the future. It is those people that have put us in this mess voting for this Muslim in the white house, and to think they still can't get the picture is just mind boggling.
Jay Leno did something similar with his Jaywalking bit and, yes, there are many out there who are really this stupid. This ignorant class of people will help keep bigger dipshits in power.
Howard did this the first election taking quotes from McCain and saying Obama said it....They agreed with
Obama even though it was McCain who actually said it.
They interviewed a bunch of Obama supporters...

Very very sad who gets to vote in these elections....
They don't follow the news,they don't read any papers.
Totally clueless people voting Democrat...or in this case because Obama is black.

i agree with you 100% It is just mind boggling we have so many people that are just blind and unaware of whats happening. Remember the lady when Obama was elected and saying Obama was going to pay her mortage and gas......howstupid can you get. There are millions of people in society that are totally unaware and yet will vote and cause all of us to suffer in the future. It is those people that have put us in this mess voting for this Muslim in the white house, and to think they still can't get the picture is just mind boggling.

Yup___ all's he has to do is be black and reap the fruits of our ignorance. It's sickening.
This the same Howard Stern who makes fun of disabled people and thinks kids with Downs Syndrome should be aborted automatically?

Cool person to lay your hat on..
This the same Howard Stern who makes fun of disabled people and thinks kids with Downs Syndrome should be aborted automatically?

Cool person to lay your hat on..

Way to rely on an ad hominem attaack brah.
Howard Stern is neither conservative nor liberal, democrat nor republican. He does like to expose dumb. able-bodied people.
Howard Stern is neither conservative nor liberal, democrat nor republican. He does like to expose dumb. able-bodied people.

Well if that is the case then why doesn't he go to the worst white neighborhood he can find, pick out the most ignorant people he can find and do the same with Romney voters? And why didn't he do that with McCain voters?

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