HR 8 -- Gun Control


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Democrat gun-grabbers are at it again. They tried a similar bill years ago and failed. They're trying again now that they have the Executive and Legislative branches under their control.

The stupidity of the bill has not changed.

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" Federally mandated universal background checks won’t end gun violence nor stop the criminal misuse of firearms, but they will significantly increase the burden of millions of law-abiding Americans who wish only to exercise their Second Amendment right to self-defense. "

That really says it all.

This is all political posturing to their base. They know damn well this bill has no chance to pass the Senate, cuz they can't do it via reconciliation.
Funny how they say we should be making our right to vote easier but they are making our right to own firearms harder.

They don't see the hypocrisy of it.

Since Sleepy Joe is admitting tens of thousands of MS13 devotees as "refugees", you would think that he'd want Americans to be able to defend themselves against these animals?
The Democrat gun-grabbers are at it again. They tried a similar bill years ago and failed. They're trying again now that they have the Executive and Legislative branches under their control.

The stupidity of the bill has not changed.

Are you incapable of cutting and posting the bill?
The purpose of this Act is to utilize the current background checks process in the United States to ensure individuals prohibited from gun possession are not able to obtain firearms.
" Federally mandated universal background checks won’t end gun violence nor stop the criminal misuse of firearms, but they will significantly increase the burden of millions of law-abiding Americans who wish only to exercise their Second Amendment right to self-defense. "

That really says it all.

This is all political posturing to their base. They know damn well this bill has no chance to pass the Senate, cuz they can't do it via reconciliation.

The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional, consistent with the Second Amendment, and in no manner an undue burden to the right to possess a firearm.
The Democrat gun-grabbers are at it again. They tried a similar bill years ago and failed. They're trying again now that they have the Executive and Legislative branches under their control.

The stupidity of the bill has not changed.

Are you incapable of cutting and posting the bill?
Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with public safety is an imbecile.
Anyone who supports the disarming of citizens is also an imbecile.

1). Super wealthy power mongering Elites want a New World Order....where YOU serve and obey THEM...that requires a disarmed population

2). Given the current level of resistance, they are certain to achieve their goals.
There's enemy EXECUTIVE ACTION in the works, too.
Dictator-in-Chief Joe Biden and his gun-grabbing minions will really suffer for this, even as armed and unionized cops in every Democrat city work their damnedest to pillage and plunder the disarmed populace of a once-free nation.
Funny how they say we should be making our right to vote easier but they are making our right to own firearms harder.

They don't see the hypocrisy of it.

I disagree. They understand the hypocrisy fine. They don't care. Gun control is about power. Pure and simple.
For the elite on the left it's about power. The sheeple have been led to believe it's about safety and security.

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