HRC opens a 12 point lead over Dangerous Donnie

It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the polls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.
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It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.

Usually just before and after a convention the candidate's poll numbers are higher. That is why the republican party holds there convention closer to the actual election day.
It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the plls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.

Do you really want to be ahead this early and face a surging opponent at the last minute.
It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.

Usually just before and after a convention the candidate's poll numbers are higher.

Yes, there is such a thing as a post-convention bounce, sometimes it's rather mild, what is your point?

That is why the republican party holds there convention closer to the actual election day.

Oh? They do? Me thinks you should go look that up.
It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the plls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.

Do you really want to be ahead this early and face a surging opponent at the last minute.

The question is, is it better for your candidate to be ahead or behind right now. The answer is it's always good for your candidate to be ahead.
Sure it
It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the plls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.

Do you really want to be ahead this early and face a surging opponent at the last minute.

The question is, is it better for your candidate to be ahead or behind right now. The answer is it's always good for your candidate to be ahead.
Sure it is,but it is far from over.
I'll wait for the one that counts,election day.
Every poll had Great Britain stayingin the EU ,how did those polls work out?
Sure it
Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the plls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.

Do you really want to be ahead this early and face a surging opponent at the last minute.

The question is, is it better for your candidate to be ahead or behind right now. The answer is it's always good for your candidate to be ahead.
Sure it is,but it is far from over.
I'll wait for the one that counts,election day.
Every poll had Great Britain stayingin the EU ,how did those polls work out?

It is far from over, nobody is declaring that these polls represent November, they are merely a snapshot.

The EU vote was very different than our Presidential elections and they will look at those polls (not everyone had Remain winning btw). They'll study the poll results and learn from it. We have decades of Presidential polling and experience. Brexit...not so much.
It's a neck and neck race,nether candidate has much of a leg up on the other
One poll has Clinton by 14 factor in error,to close to call,another a basic tie

Time will tell,both have some real challenges.

Eh, the NBC poll isn't a tie, they are just within the margin of error, nod goes to Clinton because she is 5 points up. She's up in every poll, not a tie.
Statically a tie,she could in reality be a few points behind.
When the numbers are in the margins of error,its a tie.i ts one thing about math its black and white,well for most people.
No, it is not. When all the plls are factored, she is 7 to 9% ahead.

Dangerous Donald is in doo doo.

Do you really want to be ahead this early and face a surging opponent at the last minute.
I am not voting for HRC or Trump.

Your question means nothing.

Trump is not going to close in at all, slowly or quickly.
Polls don't concern me now. Trump must come up with a solid V.P. and it'll be a difficult choice trying to appease the conservatives while expanding the base. The V.P. choice must take over the role of battling the media so the Donald can stick to policy and keep sticking it to Hillary.

When it comes to the debates, I think his straightforwardness will play well against Hillary's political correctness.

But getting back to the polls, I'm telling you all the Donald needs to do is go to the dog pound and get an old dog to take on his campaign stops and he'll have this election in the bag. Probably should hit the pound on the Saturday before Labor Day. I'm thinking a mutt with plenty of either Bassett Hound or German Shepard in him. Also play up his relationship with his kids who are a great assets that stayed out of trouble (unlike the Kennedys) and certainly folks will associate with his family values if he plays it with subtleness.
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In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead


Go Hillary!!!!!
70% of Americans apparently do not want to return the culture of the sixties.
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!
I agree, but that is NOT the case here in this poll...
“But dang it,” she exclaimed. “I get fed up that we hear over and over and over and over again from the president of the United States that every time somebody wants to support the Constitution and the rule of law that we are out there because we are racist and bigots.”

No, you are racists and bigots because you want to disadvantage gay Americans and Muslim Americans through force of law, in violation of the Constitution and rule of law.

Seeking to codify discrimination as does Trump is not to ‘support’ the Constitution.

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